Maze's Mumblings

The Victory Make it 2 in a Row

                           The Victory took care of business rather easily this week, winning by a score of 935 – 724. The 3-T have to be commended on an amazing run of their own. They came into the league cold, easily won their Div. and made it through the play-offs with Brand on the injury list. Brian will now have to be added to the list of multiple winners, joining Dotson, Erdman, and Snyder,J. Hell, I’ll settle for one if you don’t mind. The rest of the league will have to step it up next year and put an end to this rein of 4 teams. Personally I can sleep better knowing I too would have lost to Brian this week, so obviously it just wasn’t in the cards again. I hope to see everyone back next year. I enjoyed the season and I hope you did as well. It was an unusual season with the mass platooning and made lineup guessing a weekly ritual. I would like to thank Jeff Snyder for doing his usual fine job of updating the web site. For the most part, you guys did a good job of score reporting, it got a little slack down the stretch, but we can work on that. Again, congratulations to Brian and good luck to everyone that is in the baseball league.  

The results of the Vote sheet will be posted in a few days, I’ll let you know when it’s on the web site.

Click on week to view previous reports
Week #1 Maze's Mumblings

Week #2 Maze's Mumblings

Week #3 Maze's Mumblings

Week #4 Maze's Mumblings

Week #5 Maze's Mumblings

Week #6 Maze's Mumblings

Week #7 Maze's Mumblings

Week #8 Maze's Mumblings

Week #10 Maze's Mumblings

Week #11 Maze's Mumblings

Week #12 Maze's Mumblings

Week #13 Maze's Mumblings

Week #14 Maze's Mumblings

Week #15 Maze's Mumblings

Week #16 Maze's Mumblings