Maze's Mumblings

I’m going start this weeks report on a very sad note. John Rogan's brother passed away this week. Our heart felt condolences go out to John and his family at this very difficult time they must be going through.

                          Well, the trade deadline came and went and there were only 2 trades, both involving the Death. Its probably too late but at least he is trying. The score reporting was not too bad this week. I was told of an error in the report last week. Seems the 1000 pt. barrier was broken 2 years ago by Dotson. He did it with a 5-man lineup to boot.

                         The Chuckers should rename themselves the UP-Chuckers. Watching this team play can make a person sick. Stackhouse has his best week to date but the rest of the team produced 3 sub-100 outings. The 3-T can thank the schedule makers this week as they increased their lead in the A-Div to 7 pts. Its not often you can win with 3 sub 100’s but Brand and Mcgrady carried the load again.

                         Break up the Pippers, 947? Hope is not lost for this team, they have to win out, which is unlikely. They are improved and not a team to take lightly. The Intercourts are reeling and seeing any chance of catching the 3-T becoming harder to fathom. Its only a matter of time before Boston and Woog start pointing the finger at each other trying to figure where it all went wrong.

                         The Tre-Hawks had an outside chance of beating the Victory, but that went out the window when Walker came up lame and missed the whole week. The sub had only 2 games and doomed their chances. The Victory got another top 3 and if things keep up, they might not owe an entrée next year.

                         The Contributors might want to think twice about popping off the week the Dynasty come to town. Things still looked good for John going into Monday , but coach Karmazyn gave the pep talk of his life and willed his team to victory. Coach Maze pulled out all the stops and made a trade that can make or break this team. He thought he had enough depth to trade 3 quality players for Kidd. The next day B. Davis goes down for a month. So much for depth, they now have to scramble for a decent starting lineup. He sure hopes Kidd was worth it.

                         The Fury tried as best they could to get another deal done before the deadline, but the deadline passed and he is now stuck with what he got. That by the way is not a good thing as there 749 can attest to. The Death get their 2nd win and pulled off 2 trades this week in hopes of making a late season push. If you don’t recognize his team this week , you are not the only one.

                        In what could have been the game of the week, turned out to be another route. The Demons Wallace missing all week killed this team. I have been known to take chances on injury prone players and an occasional head case, but I would never put this moron on my team. Threatening a ref well after the game in the hall is just plain inexcusable. The Demons are still in good shape and play the Dynasty this week, which should be an interesting game.

                        Record last week 4-2

                        Season to date 36-12

The Contributors have just too much talent for the Intercourts to keep pace with

The Pippers are Hot and Webber just sprained his ankle, and Ming is slowing down, take the Pippers in an upset

The Chuckers against the Victory , I don’t think I have to say much more

The Death are revamped but I think a loss is still in the cards against the Tre-Hawks

The Demons still have no Wallace, a slight edge to the Dynasty

The 3-T get upset by the Fury this week

Click on week to view previous reports
Week #1 Maze's Mumblings

Week #2 Maze's Mumblings

Week #3 Maze's Mumblings

Week #4 Maze's Mumblings

Week #5 Maze's Mumblings

Week #6 Maze's Mumblings

Week #7 Maze's Mumblings