Maze's Mumblings

There has been some concern over the lack of free agents this year. 10 players are what we have been drafting for years, but I am willing to reconsider our roster requirements. Personally I like having a draft mean more than building through free agency. College Football is the only Fantasy sport that I feel you can do this anyhow, because of the abundance of free agents. What I don’t like in basketball when it comes to having a lot of free-agents is that teams scour the players to see who has 5 games releases a player picks that player up and releases him when they are done that week. I just don’t want to see the rent a player philosophy come into play. I put my idea on the web (message board) but a lot of guys never look at it, so I’ll repeat myself. This is one format I’m considering. Draft 8 or 9, probably 8 players instead of 10. That is 24 more free agents in the league. 3 G , 4 F/C, and 1 Opt. The starting requirements of 2 G, 3 F/C, and 1 Opt. With 1 backup Guard and 1 back-up F/C. You’re more than welcome to send me feedback on that idea.

                  Week number 2 is in the books and it looks like consistency will be the biggest hurdle to over come. The Dynasty and Chuckers go from scoring in the top 3 last week to the bottom two this week. The Triple Threat go from next to last last week to 4th this week. The one constant is the Victory, the had 969 last week and 967 this week. From looking at the teams so far, it looks like the Victory and the Calamity will be the teams to beat. Please don’t let the expansion Calamity come in here and make us looks like amateurs guys. We need to put a big target on the back of Barry Cates and show him who is boss. The most frustrating so far with the league is the lack of consistent minutes being played. McSwain put it best when he said, “it’s like watching a hockey game, with all the line shifts”. Someone needs to tell these coaches that the season is early, and the stars can play more than 30 minutes a game.

                   Intercourts  816, Fury 788

The Intercourts were once again led by Shaq who had a 188, again putting to rest the rumors that he was out of shape. Hamilton also had a big week, which was a mild surprise with 162. Three pt specialist Houston had a big game with a 72,but his 16 off set that. That’s what you get when you draft shooters, they can be very unpredictable. Mike Miller was the downfall of the Fury this week. His 40 dnp 4 killed any chances he had of a win. The bright side was he had just enough to get the last top 6.

                   Triple Threat 838,  Demons 743

Two teams that headed in opposite directions this week. The Threat got McGrady back and he put up his expected 190, and the demons lost Dirk to Injury with a 6,dnp,dnp. Dirk went from a league high 240 to a 6, and his sub Ratliff didn’t help much with 9, 41. That subplot pretty much decided this game. The expansion draft was a blessing to the Treat, Arenas looks like a player, and should probably be in their starting lineup the rest of the year.

                  Dynasty 705, Victory 967

This game was over by the time each player played only 2 games. Everyone of the Victory’s players are capable of averaging 50 pts. Marion was strong again , but who the hell is the Ricky Davis cat? He has a 187 series with a 90 in there. Iggy is healthy and performing like the Cav’s thought he would when they drafted him. Garnett only had 2 games this week, so coach Karmazyn pretty much went through the motions and is saving himself for this weeks game against another high powered team, the Calamity.

                  Tre-hawks 773, Contributors 907

The Tre-hawks improved a lot this week, put still have 0 pts on the year. One bright side was that Walker now has the game high 109. Miller, A continues to haunt this team, his 86 for a second rd pick is very poor and usually won’t get you too many wins. John had a very well balanced week ,lead but his stud, Duncan and his 205. If B. Wallace ever decided to shoot once in a while ,he would be a fantasy all-star. That said he still got a 167.  John wants to prove that his football season was not a fluke and ride his momentum into the basketball season.

                  Chuckers 667, Calamity 978

The Calamity are for real. Webber is healthy, Francis was a steal in the mid 2nd round. Ming and Jefferson were also steals in the mid rounds. Baring injury they should be right up there with the victory. The Chuckers fell off the planet this week, they went from the 3rd highest score to the worst. They must still be feeling the effects of that spectacular come from behind win the Dynasty put on them last week. Tyler and Sanders need to get over it and get his team refocused. Kobe only had a 132 and two players that were sub 100 did in the Chuckers.

                  Death 761, Pippers 722

The Pippers blew this , they couldn’t take advantage of a major gaff on the part of the Death. Jeff benched E. Jones and Grant because they had about 150 combined pts in week one. This week they combined for 374 led by what would have been a new player high from Jones 240. That has got to hurt, having a side pot on your bench. The Pippers got a nice series from Pierce with a 189, but Artest's 78, and Thomas’s 68 was the dagger that sent them into the loss column for the 2nd week in a row.

Rose still gets the dubious honor of the most scoring discrepancies.

Record last week 4-2, Record to date 8-4

Favorite                     Underdog

Intercourts                Demons   + 18
Contributors              Pippers     + 87
Triple Threat            Tre-Hawks + 18
Fury                          Chuckers   + 10
Calamity                    Dynasty     + 60
Victory                      Death        + 72

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Week #1 Maze's Mumblings