Maze's Mumblings

Week #1    And They’re Off

Another season of Fantasy basketball is underway, and another unpredictable season is sure to happen. Lets get the lecturing out of the way now. There were a ton of discrepancies this week; needless to say that was a pain. This weeks worst score reporting goes to Larry Rose, take your time Larry. If it is possible to check with your opponent at least once during the week this should reduce on the mistakes you send in. Don’t forget waiver wire claims will be processed on Mondays at 5:00 pm from now on. Free agents are still on a daily basis, at 9:oo pm except on Mondays and Tuesdays, when it is 5:00.

Intercourts 795, Tre-Hawks 732

This is the first and final notice to Al Dotson complaining about his team. Don’t complain, you could have been there but chose to work instead. Did I just hear another mumble AL? stop it I told you. The Intercourts had enough to beat the Tre'Hawks but just missed out the top 6. Don’t you just hate when that happens. Shaq has not missed a beat since missing the first month and is out to prove the many doubters that thought he shouldn’t be the first pick. The Tre-Hawks were doomed when A> Davis got hurt in game 2 and a dnp for game 3 with the sub only getting an 11. Al is vying to put his stamp on this team and bring it back to respectability.

Dynasty 879, Chuckers 869

In what might be the biggest one-day comeback in fantasy history is sure to haunt the Chuckers the rest of the season. Coach Karmazyn was ready to make arrangements to pay Jeff the $10.00 side bet he thought he lost. Going into Monday night the Dynasty was behind by about 90. Hill’s game went into OT and he ended up getting a 65, Garnett gained about 5. The big one was Cassell who went into 2OT and he got a whopping 102 by getting a triple double. Jeff was still in good shape though; he had Wagner and still a game to go. He played 45 minutes but only got a 13. A 10 pt loss was the result and that groan you heard was Scott Sanders throwing his remote at the TV.

Triple Threat 718, Contributors 807

Welcome back to Fantasy Hoops boys, not a good way to get back in though. The Myers boys thought they had a stacked team, and they still might but as in any fantasy league they are finding out injuries play a big role. McGrady missed a game and J. Williams had an 11- 31- 3- dnp. That will kill teams chances every time. Duncan was his usual self in getting a 195, and Wesley was a mild surprise with a 136. What could be the steal of the supplemental was High school grad Stoudamire of Phx. He had a 139, but even bigger numbers should be on the horizon.

Death 694, Calamity 834

After getting upset in round one of the Pro FFL league the Death were not in a good mood. They must have lost some concentration because they played the hospitable host against the expansion team Calamity. A little too kind though, as they had the league low in points with a 694. Jones and Grant of Miami have been playing well but sunk to a 59 and 72 this week. The timing couldn’t have been worse. They benched them this week and I see they both went off. It’s a funny game isn’t it, you just never know? The Calamity looks like they have been playing this game for years. Do you think anyone is snickering now like they were at the draft about Ming, no I didn’t think so. He had 187 and should only get better. Did anyone see that touch pass the other day? This guy looks to be the real deal. Barry’s team had a very good 834, and that is with a 25 from a sub for Stoyo. When they get Stoyo back, this team will be scary.

Demons 856, Fury 776

Coach Erdman is showing his coaching savvy this week. 4 guys on the DL and still get a 856. Trading down to get Dirk was a good move so far, he has high player for a series. When this team gets healthy ,as it is already getting  players back as we speak, they should be one of the favorites to get back to playoffs. Rogan made his homer  pick in Iverson, and so far a 121 will not get the job done for a 1st rounder. John knows his stuff and should be able to get this team back on their feet.

Victory 969, Pippers 790

Damn, almost a 1000 in week one, nice way to start. I have to admit, this looks like a well-balanced team that should be one of the contenders all year. Their low player was Howard with a 141. Most of the other teams would be thrilled to get a 141. The Pippers led by coach Rose is in a serious Fantasy slump and hopes this is the season that he gets things turned around. Going against a 969 is not what they had in mind. Supplemental pick Dampier was a huge disappointment with a 77 series. Pierce was solid with a 192, but he got little help from anyone else. With Pierce ,Malone, and Gasol to build around, this team still has potential

I’ll put out who I think will win each week, but it will be harder than football, as I don’t know how many games each player has. If I were to guess on last weeks games beforehand I would have been  4-2

Record to date : 4-2


Intercourts Shaq vs Fury Iverson, got to go with the big man. The pick here is the Intercourts

Pippers Pierce and Malone vs Death’s Kidd and Peyton. The Death bounce back and get a win

Triple Threats McGrady and Brand vs Demons Dirk and Allen. Demons are healthy again, go with the Demons

Chuckers Kobe and Carter Vs Calamity’s Webber, Francis and Ming. The Ming dynasty prevails here.

Tre'hawks Walker and Miller vs Contributors Duncan and Marbury, and Wallace,B.. Might be a long season for the Tre'Hawks, take the Contributors

Victory ‘s depth vs Dynasty’s Garnett and Davis. Garnett has two games, no brainer, the Victory win

If there are any features that you would like to see in the weekly Maze’s Mumbling’s, let me know . I might incorporate it into the report.


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Week #1 Maze's Mumblings