Maze's Mumblings

The scoring picked up a bit in week 3, with 4 teams scoring over 900. Granted we still had some weak efforts this week but that has become the norm rather the exception. Injuries and platooning has been the theme of the season so far, hopefully once the coaches see what their teams have, they will settle into a core stable rotation.

            Demons 941, Intercourts 749

The Demons had a chance to be the first team to break a 1000, but a last minute line-up change prevented that. They benched Miller,B and started Olowokandi instead. They didn’t need the extra pts, but first to a 1000 would have been nice. The Intercourts had 3 players sub 100. You can’t win many games that way. Reggie Miller is no longer a fantasy force the way he used to be, and if Houston isn’t hitting his 3’s he isn’t much help either.

            Pippers 806, Contributors 874

This is two teams heading in opposite directions. The Contrib. move to 3-0 and in first place in the C div. The Pippers drop to 0-3 in the A Div.. The Pippers were led my mister consistency, Pierce with his 194. Gasol, who is usually counted on for 140+ had a 114, and J. Smith had an 81,prompting his quick release from the team when the week was over. Johns Main man Duncan had a 241 and B. Wallace ‘s 191 set the tone for a nice 874 week. My guess is Wallace won’t drop till the 3rd round next year. The man is a rebounding machine.

            Dynasty 858, Calamity 928

Coach Karmazyn vowed to bring the Calamity back to reality this week, but to no avail. Webbers new season high series of 248 led the way for the Calamity. Barry must think we are a bunch of chumps, the way he has been playing with this league so far. If you look at his team, he is 6 deep. He does however have no bench and one injury could be the demise of this team. Barry is crossing his fingers as we speak. Murphy’s 92 with a 10 on Sunday was the killing blow for any chance Karmazyn had for an upset.

            Chuckers 746, Fury 776

The Chuckers are a team in complete disarray. They blew a win with Wells and Richardson on the bench and drop to an abysmal 0-3. B. Jackson is now hurt, Wagner is very inconsistent and a risky start. Shaq has a tendency to dip into Kobe’s numbers Billups Bradley Boozer and Stackhouse all can go off or get you a 18. This makes it very tough to decide on who to start each week. This team is a guessing game and so far Jeff and Scott have been guessing wrong.

            Victory 957, Death 903

903 and lose, ain’t that a kick in the balls. Tough break Jeff got on E. Jones . Last week he had 240 on his bench, this week he had 118 in the starting lineup. Kidd had his best series to date with a 229, but Peyton’s disappointing 128 was not up to his standards, and against a team like the Victory, no players are afforded the luxury of taking a week off and expect to win.. Marion and R. Davis both went over 200 and kept the Victory in the win column for the 3rd week in a row.

            Tre-Hawks 666, Triple Threat 666

I saved this game for last because I’m ashamed to say someone had to win this game. The two lowest scores of the week got to play each other and it had to be decided by home court. Instead of trying to win ,it seemed like who was trying to lose the hardest. It started with Brian Scott trying to start 7 players instead of 6. Right there I should have known this was going to be a long week for these teams. I can’t stress often enough that if your second round pick can’t break 100 you are in for a long season. Miller, A. couldn’t break 100 again and will keep this team in the cellar until he changes his ways. Brevin Knight had a measly 28 for the week, if Brian was paying closer attention he would have seen that William's was back and Braving was back on the bench. I think he knows that now. 3 Threat did their best to give it away themselves. Mcgrady had a 12 and 2 dnp’s. Brand had 32 and 2 dnp’s. Brands sub was miles and he had only 29 in 2 games . How do you get a win with all these problems is still leaving many owners scratching their heads.

Record last week 5-1

Season to date  13-5

This will be a hard week to get a true line on with the shortened weekend not researching who is effected the hardest by it.

-The Chuckers finally break into the win column against the Intercourts

-The Pippers drop to 0-4 against the Triple Threat

-The Dynasty have no problem with the Fury who were hit hard by the short week

-The Victory get tripped up by the Demons because O’Neal,J is hurt and Howard has      only 2 games

-Calamity over the Tre-Hawks, no reason necessary

-Contributors over the Death who were hurt the most by the short week.

Click on week to view previous reports
Week #1 Maze's Mumblings

Week #2 Maze's Mumblings