Maze's Mumblings

The score reporting was a little better this week. It seems more teams are making the effort to check in with their opp. and make sure the stats are correct. I can’t tell you how much easier it makes my job. When I get games with like 8 discrepancies, I’m all night with that stuff. So in short try to get together with your opp. At least once during the week to make sure numbers to date are right. Also, please send your opp. As well as me your starting lineup. Granted a late transaction can change things, but you get the idea. The big question so far seems to be if anyone can knock off the Contributors. They are scoring well, but each week their opp. seems to lie down. One week its injuries, the next it’s a short schedule or is facing an opp. that just has a bad week. One thing I know for sure is I don’t want to be in the B-Div. 4-1,4-1,4-1, and a 1-4 who are now on a roll. It’s a matter of time before the div. games bring their record back to reality, as they have to start playing each other.

             As predicted the Dynasty lost this week, the matter in which it was done really sucks. Garnett on the bench with one game. Hill on the bench because he was day to day. B. Davis getting hurt in his first game with 5, and the sub totaling a 12 for the other two games because he got benched. The Intercourts win by 140 with only a 709.

             The Pippers thought they had a chance to finally win a game because they got Bibby and Odom back, but no such luck. Artest got suspended after his 2nd game and his backup was hurt. To add fuel to the fire, they just missed their first pt by finishing 7th in the top 6. The Demons had balanced scoring led by an off week from Dirk’s 166. The Demons need every win they can to try to keep pace with the Victory.

            Nothing else needs to be said about the Victory, they just continue to roll. Their 978 moves the team avg. to 909.8 Seems like the only challenge they have is if they can be the first team to score 1000. The Fury are just that, furious, as the 799 they put up up still got them rolled by 179. Don’t worry John, you don’t have to play the Victory again.

            A hole was dug for a fantasy grave, the shovels were at the ready, and all we needed was a team to put in it. The Tre-Hawks looked like they would be that team. Al took this as an insult and is doing everything possible to make the gravedigger put away the shovel. He picked up Maggette, Pippen, Magloire, just got A.Davis back from the DL. They scored 804, which was the 3rd highest score in the league this week. B.Scott is now walking around with a bounce in his step as he predicted last week that his team is not done yet. The Chuckers are praying Carter comes back soon, or their season will soon be over.

            The Triple Treat will now be known as 3-T(its easier to write). 3-T has 2 guys over 200 this week, McGrady and Brand. How Brand leads the league in blocks at 6-9 with no vertical is beyond me. White Chocolate even has a 195, which has to be his highest series of his career. The Death are already talking about baseball as the schedule makers and inconsistent play have this team in the cellar of the C-Div.

            The Contributor/Calamity game was over before it started. The Calamity had Francis and Ming with 2 games. Webber only had 2 and didn’t play in either. Marbury is playing well for John lately. He is making people in Phx forget about the Kidd trade. John is undefeated and I can see his smile in Va. From here. John has been a cellar dweller for years, and his appearance in the football playoffs this year, and no his new found success in hoops, he just might have to change his team name.  

            Record last week 5-1

            Record to date 24-6

Div. games this week, time to pick it up a notch

Until 3-T cools off, go with them, next in line are the Intercourts. The Intercourts got their gift last week playing the Dynasty. The 3-T have just too much

Until Rose reads the rosters, I will pick against him each week. He tried to pick up Hudson, Billups ,both taken. Settled on Piatkowski who is on the DL. Sorry Larry, but I just thought it was funny and had to share the story. Take the Chuckers

The Tre-Hawks are now hot but the Demons have a little too much

The Calamity and the Victory should be the game of the season so far. The victory have the highest avg. so I got to go with the Victory.

The Contributors should go to 6-0 over the Fury baring any unforeseen injury.

The Dynasty have Garnett back in the lineup and rumor has Hill should be back too. So the smart money will be on the Dynasty over the Death

Click on week to view previous reports
Week #1 Maze's Mumblings

Week #2 Maze's Mumblings

Week #3 Maze's Mumblings

Week #4 Maze's Mumblings