Maze's Mumblings

The A Div has the expansion Triple Threat move into first place. The B Div. has 3 of the top 4 scoring teams league, too bad for them. The C Div. has the Contributors in first, you heard it right, the Contributors. They are actually undefeated and have a very good team for a change. The Pippers and Tre-Hawks remain winless, but both see wins in their future. The Pippers got Odom back this week, and The Tre-Hawks think their team should be improved with the few moves they made, and are also looking for A. Davis to come back from the injured list soon.

Dynasty 788, Fury 674

The Fury were out manned this week as AI had only 2 games this week and one was a 16. 4 of the 6 teams could not break 100 and they ended up only 674. Kenyon Martin was a pleasant surprise with his 192 series. If he can keep that up the Fury could be decent. The Big ticket had a 231 series and led the Dynasty who are back into contention with a 2-2 record. With the Calamity and Victory behind them, the schedule should get easier.

Intercourts 796,Chuckers 812

This was the barnburner of the week and it had the Chuckers finally getting a win. Kobe was the man, with a 209. A few weeks ago the Chuckers almost released Wells, but couldn’t make it work on their roster due to position problems. I bet you he is mighty glad he didn’t do that, as Wells has really picked it up as of late. If he doesn’t get suspended again he should be ok. The Intercourts got 214 from Shaq, but got little help elsewhere. The Dynasty made them a trade offer this week, but as usual the Dynasty could not get the deal done.

Pippers 555, Triple Threat 701

The poor Pippers stay winless. They started Barry with 2 games and he got a 37. Game over already, no need to add more there. 3 Threat got T-Mac back this week and as usual, he lit it up with a  205. They somehow managed a win with 2 starters only having 2 games. Kirilenko is starting to come on and the 136 showed the potential he has. I know Jeff Myers said he knew nothing about hoops, Mike doesn’t watch it much, does that mean that Merv is the brain trust of this team? I say if you do bad , blame it on Jeff, if you do good, have Mike and Merv take the credit. Its only a matter of time before Jeff starts using the message board. Looking forward to it Jeff.

Demons 804, Victory 641

The Victory came crashing down from the ranks of the undefeated. This team was decimated by injuries and a short week and really had no chance against the Demons who got a 217 from Dirk. The Demons consistency in fantasy basketball from year to year continues to amaze many of his opponents.

Calamity 576, Tre-Hawks 513

The Tre-hawks blew it this week. The Calamity finally had an off week, with 3 players only having 2 games and they failed to take advantage of it. Winning with less than 600 is nothing to be proud of , but I’m sure Cates will take it anyhow. The 3-Hawks high player was Marshall with a 117 and he had only two games. The 513 was the low team total of the year, and I hope it remains the low. Its nowhere but up for this team. These are two proud owners who will do their best to make this team competitive.

Contributors 887, Death 716

John couldn’t be happier with his supplemental pick , Stoudamire. This kid is a man-child with a very powerful game, well beyond his years. Duncan continues to show his MVP form with a 227. The Death is a hard luck team who hopes the schedule makers will be a little more kind in the future. If its not players with 2 games, it’s a team that goes off the John’s did. It should even out in the end. The Death should be able to turn around his luck anytime now.

Record last week 6-0

Record to date 19-5(pretty good I might add)

-         Intercourts catch a break with The Dynasty’s main man Garnett on the bench with only 1  game

-         The Pippers look better with Odom back, but are no match for the Demons

-         Triple Threat and the Death looks like it should be close, I’ll give a slight edge to the Death

-         I’m really going out on a limb here, but I’m going to predict the Tre-Hawks find the win column over the Chuckers in a very close game

-         The Calamity are hard hit by players with 2 games and lose to the Contrib. who will move to 5-0

-         A healthy Victory team that has a full compliment of game should easily get by the Fury

Click on week to view previous reports
Week #1 Maze's Mumblings

Week #2 Maze's Mumblings

Week #3 Maze's Mumblings