Maze's Mumblings

                 After a much-needed break from the Mumblings page I’m back. The playoff run is starting to take shape. It looks like the 6 playoff teams have been established already. I’m not saying teams are mathematically eliminated, but barring a miracle 6 teams have stepped to the forefront. They are the 3-T, Demons, Calamity, Victory, Contributors and last but not least the Dynasty. I’m probably jinxing myself by even mentioning my team in the playoffs. I talked to Jeff last month about incorporating a side pot for the All-Star game MVP for next year. Wouldn’t you know it my player gets the MVP. That means if it is implemented I am sure not to win it for at least the next10 year. Also, if I finish 4th in the top 3 one more time I can’t be held accountable as to what I might do.

           The Intercourts avenged their earlier loss to the Chuckers. The Chuckers have fallen off the planet. They now have only one win for the whole season. Rumor has it Tyler is flipping the blame on Sanders. A search for a new Assistant GM could be on the horizon. Just kidding Jeff, I know you wouldn’t get rid of that Anchor weighing you down no matter how bad things get. Houston got 203 for the Intercourts this week, where has that been all year. Who says shooters don’t score well in fantasy.

          The Pippers are hot, they also seem to be making all the right coaching moves as of late. The problem is the season is running out on them too early. They still have a chance, but a mild miracle will have to occur first. 3-T’s insurmountable lead in the A-Div. is shrinking. They still have a commanding lead, but they can’t afford too many more slip-ups. Bremer’s 55 single handedly cost them the win this week.

           It’s hard for me to say but the Contributors have a solid team and they will be a force come playoff time. The Death are now starting to get prepared for the baseball draft, that’s all you need to know how this team is doing. This game was a matchup of high score for the week against the low score for the week as they got whooped by 244. Jeff desperately needs E. Jones back in the lineup to be competitive.

           The Big Ticket was just that, looks like Coach Karmazyn is going to cash that ticket in at the end of the season. Garnett broke the season high with a 112 pt. game. There I go again, I said cash in, that means it should be broken within the next 2 weeks.

This game was a microcosm of the Fury’s season. They lost another high scoring barnburner. They lost by a single point, 867-866. That is as painful as it gets, as a win would have kept their playoffs hopes alive. Hey at least the Philly baseball team looks pretty good this year. Maybe they can take your mind of this frustrating season.

           The Demons Close the gap on the Victory, and still have their sites on a Div. title. The Victory have a playoff spot all but locked up, but we all know how important the bye is and that is what they have in their sites. With the Demons and Calamity breathing down their neck, any more losses could prove to be costly. The Demons rode the great white hope again as Dirk got a nice 220, that Dirk can plain out ball, I love watching him play.

           The Calamity team must have gotten snowed in, in the D.C. storm because that 794 is not what were used to seeing. Maybe Dematha High school took their place for the week. The Tre-Hawk owners can’t seem to agree on whom to start each week, but it didn’t cost them. Luckily they played one of two teams they could have beaten. A win is a win and they’ll take it. Al is another owner starting to break out the baseball books. Al still wants the trifecta( hoop-football-baseball) championship. The baseball has been elusive, so he must be looking forward to that season. Scott has not given up hope and wants Al to focus and concentrate on hoops. 

Click on week to view previous reports
Week #1 Maze's Mumblings

Week #2 Maze's Mumblings

Week #3 Maze's Mumblings

Week #4 Maze's Mumblings

Week #5 Maze's Mumblings

Week #6 Maze's Mumblings

Week #7 Maze's Mumblings

Week #8 Maze's Mumblings