THE COLLEGE COMPETITOR              Edition 1.12

CONTRIBUTORS WIN!!! 2004 Champions!

Congratulations go out to John McSwain and his Contributors for a great fantasy season and well-deserved Championship! The Cleveland Browns have contacted John to replace Butch Davis next year! Good Job Mr.McSwain, enjoy the Champagne! Here is a recap of Championship week.


Stingrays @ Contributors ;  112 – 57 Contributors

The Contributors kept up their post season consistent play with an impressive victory to win the Championship. Freshman Peterson had a great game as did Pearman. The MVP of the Contributor squad has to be WR Savoy with another solid performance. The Contributors finish the season 8 – 3 and won the Championship with consistent scoring week to week. They repeatedly finished in the top 6, and proved that consistency is what is needed to win a Championship. They topped 100 twice in the postseason to bring home the trophy. Congrats on a fine Championship Campaign! The Stingrays get to the Championship game for the second year in a row only to go down in defeat once again. They showed great resiliency and creativity to win in the first and second round, but all the magic was spent by the time they took the field for the Championship Game. Coach Merv does have his name on the Championship Trophy for winning the 1999 Crown, so he will not go down as the Buffalo Bills of College Fantasy Ball!  

THE SCRUB BOWL, ROUND THREE ; DragonFarts 101 Points

The Farts win to take two out of three Scrub Bowls!!! The DFarts had an up and down year, but really showed their true potential with solid play to end the season. Mr. Rusch can take pride knowing his squad beat five teams two out of three weeks; this is not an easy thing to accomplish.  This is a great feat!  In both Scrub Bowl victories, the Farts topped 100. The DragonFarts look to take this momentum into next year. Congratulations Dave on a great Post Season! Two out of three, Awesome!


The Titans follow up last weeks’ 122 performance with 119 to best the rest of the playoff losers. The Titans post season performances proved how important the first round bye is to winning a Championship. They faltered in the regular season and had to play in round one and lost. If the Titans were able to earn the first round bye, they would be Champions. This proves how deserving the Contributors are to hold the Crown; they earned the Bye with solid top six scoring week in and week out. Every game in the regular season has meaning, and top six bonus points can win Championships. The Elephants kept the heat on the Titans with yet another incredible game from Orton and Stubblefield. These two had some truly amazing performances this season, and will go down as the most lethal pitch and catch tandem in College Fantasy History.

I want to personally thank each Team Owner for making this another fun and successful season. Thanks go to my Dad, Merv for all his hard work as Commish. My Dad and I also appreciate Jeff Snyder for his input and assistance. Jeff is a great asset, and the Website he hosts makes for a quality league. Thanks to all who have read the editions of the inaugural season of the Competitor. I have enjoyed writing them, and I hope it has added to the fun and competitive nature of our league. I will see you all next year!!

I Love this game!

                                                                   J  Jeff Myers





College Competitor Week 1

College Competitor Week 2

College Competitor Week 3

College Competitor Week 4

College Competitor Week 5

College Competitor Week 6

College Competitor Week 7

College Competitor Week 8

College Competitor Week 9

College Competitor Week 10

College Competitor Week 11