THE COLLEGE COMPETITOR                  Edition 1.5

Week five continued the trend of teams topping the century mark. Three teams accomplished the feat this week as the league contenders are beginning to emerge. With but four games remaining in the season, next weeks’ division play may end the playoff hopes for a few combatants. It has been an explosive season thus far with two teams averaging an astonishing 100+ points a game. Here is a recap of week five action.

Stingrays @ Cossacks ; 75- 58 Rays

The Rays always find a way to post a victory. Despite sitting their #1 pick and getting a minus 4 from their defense, the Stingers were able to sack the Cossacks. A strong performance from Leak and the Ray receivers provided the needed scoring. Free agent pick-up Hill proved to be a solid coaching move as he pitched in with 12. The luck of the Sacks is going from bad to worse. The Cossack’s GM pulled the trigger on a trade that sent Cal WR Lyman to the Death for AZ ST QB Walter. The swap proved disastrous as Lyman showed his worth by having a career three TD day! That must have been painful to watch. The trade, at least in this game, was a disaster. The Rays improve to 3-2 while the Cossacks fall to 1-4. The Cossacks need to be perfect the rest of the season or they will soon book rooms for the Scrub Bowl.

Elephants @ Lightning ;  132– 66 The Pach

The Elephants exploded for a lead leading 132 points to continue the torment of the Lightning’s inaugural season. The Purdue pitch and catch team continue to astound with 28 and 29 points apiece…incredible. Reyes finally lived up to his #1 draft pick status posting a solid 27. The Pachyderms were incredible from top to bottom. The Lightning lose another game, but the spirit of the franchise remains intact. The Lightning GM continues to make roster moves to improve the team. One has to respect the effort to remain competitive. The Lightning may steal a game or two in the second half. The Pach squad is averaging a striking 105.2 points through five games. They improve to 3-2 to stay within striking distance of the division leader.

Titans @ Contributors ; 101- 76 Titans

The Titans rebound from last week’s loss with a great game from DeAngelo Williams. The Memphis RB scored 4 TD’S while gaining a stunning 262 yards on the ground. Solid contributions from Arrington and Maroney sealed the Victory. The Titans were able to score 101 despite the play of the Freshman Tenn QB’S. The Kids looked totally confused and tossed 5 Ints for a score of –2. They will rebound, as this was a huge learning experience against a solid Auburn Defense. Thorpe scored for the first time this year as he heeded the Titans threats to bench him if he did not produce. The Contributors started the game early with a great game from Savoy on Friday night. The Cal QB and Freshman RB Peterson also had very good outings, but in the end the play of receivers Henry and Ellerson doomed the Contributors efforts. Despite the loss, the Contributors remain in contention for the A division crown as they have consistently reached the top six in scoring.

Death @ Pride ; 88- 49 Pride

This game involved the fated trade between he Cossacks and Death. Despite making a very good move, the Death decided to sit the new Death player Lyman. They instead decided to start The Oregon receiver Williams who had an All Points Bulletin put out on him the week before with a zero. Oh it must have been a ghastly feeling seeing Lyman have a career day. To make things worse for The Death was Marty Johnson’s platoon hell on Friday night for no apparent reason. I feel for the Death franchise as they have endured some brutal college campaigns. They did reach the Championship game a few years back, but overall it has been hell, apropos for a franchise named Death. The Pride continue to show why they are two time Champions with yet another solid game. The free agent pick-up of Shelton proved to be a stroke of genius as he scored a staggering five Td’s. The pride Managers must have the magic touch. The Elephant GM has to be somewhat peeved as Shelton was their second pick of the draft and gave up on him. Can you imagine his 42 in the line-up with the 132 posted? That is scary thought; it must be nearing Halloween…

Redhawks @ Sirloins ; 94- 80 Swingers

The Loins are the real deal. Last week they did not have Benson and shined, this week it was Lundy. Edwards continues to be a Fantasy God with yet another incredible fantasy day. Can the Loins keep it up? Are they peaking too early? They are averaging a ballistic 108.4 points though 5 games. Thus far they have been a hall of fame fantasy team, but they have to get through the playoffs..One off game and the Sirloins will be dead meat. Thus far, they have been a team for the ages. The Hawks showed up to play and challenged the Swingers to the end. They lost, but posted a top six score to remain a contender. They keep the heat on the division leading Titans, and can move to within a game    with a win against their rival next week. They seem to be peaking at the right time as McClendon played a strong game. With TA healthy, and Sproles yet to explode, The Hawks cannot be overlooked.

DragonFarts @ Maulers ; 119 – 52 Maulers

The Maulers get AD back and dominate the DFarts. Davis had an incredible day, and with it the Maulers served notice to the league that they will be a force in the stretch run. The Maulers were respectable without Davis; with him they can run with anybody. They are a favorite to reach the postseason, and can win on any given Saturday with a strong Defense, QB, Receiver, and now a Dominant Running back. The Dragons continue to be frustrated by not living up to their potential. They have the guns, but cannot seem to put it together. They still have a shot at the post season or division crown if they can pull it together and match their week one magic.

As we approach week six division play, each team will have to reach down and gut check. Next week is crucial, as we are into the second half of the season. Several teams can distance themselves, and several teams can bury themselves. It will be an awesome weekend of College football!

I Love this Game!!!!!                                                                                   Jeff Myers




College Competitor Week 1

College Competitor Week 2

College Competitor Week 3

College Competitor Week 4