The College Competitor                       Edition 1.1                                                   

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the College Competitor. Another season is upon us, and it’s shaping up to be the most competitive yet. It is going to be a great year; Looking at the teams each has the opportunity to win on any given Saturday.

Match-ups will play an all-important role this year.  If the first week is any indication, it will be an explosive year. Five teams scored an excess of 100 points in week one. Here is a recap of the first week’s action.

Cossacks @ Redhawks ; 106- 58 Cossacks

Maze is out of the blocks strong with a solid showing. His #1 pick Cobbs fell flat on his face, but rookie sensation Ware picked up the slack with a solid 26.  With the support of RB Nash and the N.C. St D the Cossacks cruised into half time. Cobbs should explode the rest of the year, so Maze has to feel good topping 100 without him. The Redhawks had very good production out of their backs, but the rest of the team could not shake off opening day jitters.

Lightning @ Dragonfarts ; 127-47 DFarts

Welcome to the League Lightning! The Dfarts did not take it easy on the new franchise as they struck Lightning from all over the board with a league high 127. Harris had a Fantasy game for the ages and won the game on his own.  The other teams in the league must have read the same press concerning Harris losing the starting job to Colson. As a result he slipped all the way down to the 20th pick. Every fantasy source had him rated very high, they were right! The DFarts will be a solid force if he continues to produce. Moore lived up to his first round hype. The Lightning have a few holes to fill, but McArthur will light up the board this season. His zero is an aberration. White will be solid as well. Good luck the rest of the season, and welcome!!!

Contributors @ Stingrays ; 106-89 Rays

The Rays had great games from RB Daniels and the Iowa D to best a very competitive Contributor team. The Rays first rounder Vincent was mired in the mud, but got the needed team effort to come away with a W. With the Rays having superstar in the making Bush coming off the bench next week, they have the look of a possible powerhouse. Merv got to the Championship last year, and he wants it all this year. The Contributors played the wrong team this week as they would have beaten 6 teams. They were consistent at every position; this is a frustrating loss for them. They have a solid team and will make some noise.

Pride @ Elephants ; 105-70 Pachyderms

The Elephants stomp on the defending Champs with an impressive outing from their Boilermaker hook-up. Despite getting two gooseggs, they topped the century mark. The solid performances from K.Jones and The Virginia D helped them cement the win. The Pride go without fantasy phenom Fitzgerald this season, but took the top receiver in the draft Clayton…he did not disappoint. Their other receiver Russell was a supreme letdown posting a zero. So goes the plight of the receiver, that is what makes a receiver like Clayton so valuable. With the incredible Championship year behind them, the Pride look to regroup next week.

Death @ Swinging Sirloins ;  104 –77 New Meat

The other new franchise made their presence felt immediately. They sizzled over the Death with a solid, impressive victory. Benson, Lundy, and Edwards each had great games. For a new franchise, they had a very good draft and should contend all year. The Death continue last season’s agony with a loss to begin the new campaign. He posted a solid 77, but like the Contributors had the wrong match-up. I guarantee The Death will win some games this year, they have a solid Roster. If Gore lives up to his potential and the Cadillac puts it in overdrive, this team will be a force in the B division.

Titans @ Maulers ; 79 – 64 Titans

The Titans survived a coaching blunder to best the Great White hunter in the battle of the Bros. Despite having Arrington's 29 on the bench, the Titans had scoring at all positions to get the important first Victory. The Titans should make waves this season, but need to find a consistent QB to contend. They had the perfect season two seasons ago, and last year reached the semifinal. The Titan fans are spoiled and expect the playoffs each year. Reaching the post season this year may be a daunting task. The Mauler General Manager was shooting Caribou in the Alaskan tundra and missed the draft. The GM from the departing Aldoggies stood in and did a good job. If Davis did not get hurt in the first half, The Maulers could have toasted a victory. Two RB’s were off surviving Frances; Mike should get a better feel for his team this week. Davis needs to be healthy for the Maulers to get back to the post season, he is questionable with an eye injury. Lets hope for the best.


This should be a Great year!! Thanks to Merv for doing a great job this week learning all the “Commish” technical aspects of managing scores and transactions. It’s alot of work…good Job!  I will be here to help as well as Co-Commish. My Dad and I appreciate all the input from Jeff Snyder. Good luck to all!!!

I Love this Game! 

                                                                                 Jeff Myers