THE COLLEGE COMPETITOR                  Edition 1.4

Week four saw continued solid play for some, and the all too common fantasy frustration for others. A team has scored over 100 for the fourth week in a row. Some division races are tightening up, but all the leaders are within striking distance. Here is a recap of week four action.

Cossacks @ Dragonfarts ; 85 – 68 DFarts

The Dfarts rebound from last week’s loss with a solid win and a top 6 finish. They keep the heat on the B Division leading Titans by drawing within a point of first place. A solid performance from free agent pick-up Houston led the way with 25. Despite another lackluster performance from their #1 pick Moore, the Dfarts were still able to post an 85 with strong play. The Cossacks continue their frustrating injury plagued season with yet another tough defeat. They got a huge lift from free agent Fason, but could not muster the needed support for the win. The Cossacks GM is making moves to fill the holes in the line-up, but fall short. They drop to 1-3 on the season but can still turn things around.

Lightning @ Redhawks ; 82 – 42 Hawks

The Redhawks continue to turn their season around with back to back winning weeks. After starting the season with 2 losses, they are now even and are one win away from the division leader.  Led by the play of the SC QB and continued production from Moss, the Hawks were able to coast to victory. They got the W despite losing Sproles to a bye week.  There was also a rare McClendon sighting! If he can remain healthy, a big if, the Birds should be very strong the remainder of the season. The Lightning continue to strike out and cannot find their way in their initial college fantasy campaign. Three zeros along with starting the Oklahoma QB on a bye week made it impossible to win. The Lightning coach has to be thinking this is a building year for his young franchise.

Contributors @ Elephants ; 107 – 91 Pachyderms

The Elephants continue to get off the chart fantasy play from the Purdue hook-up of Orton and Stubblefield. These two have been unstoppable so far this year.  They scored 34,31 respectively to anchor a strong Elephant Team. Despite another disappointing outing from Reyes, they were able to post a league leading 107 for the week. The Pach are averaging 98.5 points per game, yet still have two frustrating losses.  Frustrating is the word that best describes the Contributors. Despite reaching a top 6 score for the fourth week in a row, they lose with a solid 91. Great play from the Fla St Def and WR Henry was not enough to combat the Purdue throw and catch duo. The bonus points put them in first place in the A division so all is not a loss.

Pride @ Stingrays ; 85- 59 Rays

The Stingrays get an awesome performance out of the LSU D to get the important win. Strong play from Bush and Warren made up for the lackluster performance of several other position players. The Rays cannot afford to lose ground in the tough C Division and get the  W and the bonus point to remain in the hunt. The Pride continue their up and down season with an off week to fall to 2-2. Five points from two starting RB’S won’t get it done. Barber was the one shortchanged this week in the Minnesota Tag Team as the Gopher full back scored three times. Seems he has another to compete for scores besides Maroney.  The defending champs remain two points behind the division leader and look to rebound.

Maulers @ Death ; 97 – 65 Maulers

The Maulers get great play from the Utah QB, RB Whitehead, and the Miami defense to overwhelm the Death. The Maulers even their record to 2-2 and get a top six-bonus point. Playing .500 ball has to be satisfying considering they lost fantasy stud Davis to injury in week one. They get the Wisconsin RB back next week, and should be strong the rest of the season. The Death fall to 1-3 with a frustrating week. Despite getting great play from Utah RB Johnson, they could not fight off the low production from several players. Gore sat on the sidelines and watched Moss run up and down the field, the Oregon WR Williams was a no-show failing to suit up, and Walters had a lackluster performance. What made the AZ State QB’S day more frustrating was the fact he went off the week before while he remained on the Death Bench.  The Death G.M has seen it all before…but it never gets easier to stomach. The Death still have tremendous firepower on the roster and should not be taken lightly by anyone.

Swinging Sirloins @ Titans ;  99 – 65 Swingers

The Loins remain perfect to lead the C division with another great game. In the battle of the unbeatens, they sizzled all over their roster. The Swingers season thus far is reminiscent of the Titans perfect season two years ago. That year the Titans went undefeated to win the Championship and received a top six-bonus point every game. To date, The Loins look stronger then the Championship Titan squad. If they can remain consistent, which is very hard to do, they may run the table. They have the talent to do so. The Titans got strong play from the free agent Tennessee freshman QB’S, Stud RB Deangelo Williams, and Tag team beneficiary Maroney. However; The play of Craphonso Thorpe continues to be a huge disappointment. The Titan coaches are giving him one more week before sending him to the bench. The Titans get Arrington back from what seems like forever. Arrington has 6 Td’s in two games, and should give the Titans the scoring boost needed to get back on track.

Next week is the all-important week five. It is right in the middle of the season, and it is crucial for some teams to win. A season may be turned around or buried with week five play. The Division games remain tight; a win going into week six division play will go a long way to separate the contenders from the pretenders. It should be interesting.

I Love this game!                                                            Jeff Myers



College Competitor Week 1

College Competitor Week 2

College Competitor Week 3