Playoffs Round One

Two division winners advance in round one, but the top two seeds fall in upsets. The Bandits and Contributors took care of business as the defeated the Filiricans and Machine. Meanwhile the Wapati and Fish pulled off the upsets of the top seeds this year, the Demons and Death. The Demons had the top record this year during the regular season, while the Death took home the high scoring average award. But it was all for naught, as the Wapati/Fish proved that anything goes in the postseason.

The Maulers took home the win in the first scrub bowl with an impressive 87 point week, the top score in the league including playoff teams.

Here is a review of the action in round one of the playoffs:

Wapati 73    Demons 59
Boyd/Butch have a solid week while the Demons had a down week, and it adds up to a victory for the suddenly surging Wapati team. The Wapati were led by a big game from Garcia with 27, while newly acquired Muhammad chipped in 14. Staley had a nice day in Seattle with 12 and Portis had a workmanlike 7 point game. Next up for the Wapati is the tough Bandits, so no time to rest for Boyd/Butch as they will need another solid effort to reach the Championship game. Eric/Tom had a relatively easy go of things during the regular season, and really had the team scoring well down the stretch. This week things came to a crashing halt and the team fell short against the Wapati. Maddox was back at the controls this week for the Demons, and that was not a good thing. Maddox looked like a solid play against the Texans, but he was horrible as he fumbled the ball and threw INT's leaving him with just 3 points. Unfortunately for the Demons, no one else was able to pick up the slack. Martin had 10, while WR's Rice/Ward went for 9/8, but this still left them out of the game. A good year for the Demons, but this week is certainly not what was expected after the great regular season.

Bandits 74    Filiricans 45
Al gets a solid week, not a spectacular week like he had been doing, and it was more than enough over the struggling Filiricans. Al had Priest perform like he has all year as he had top player honors with 18 and Toomer added a solid 12 points as they made up for a bad week from Vick who had just 2. Newly acquired Pitt Def was the star for the Bandits this week as the held the Texans to an obscene 33 yards total offense as they posted a 21 point game. Al's Bandits are the top seed left now, and certainly will be a tough opponent for anyone. Johnny/Matt had to see this coming. Their Filiricans have struggled mightily the last month, and Faulk is just not himself this season. Add it all up, and it was just to much to overcome for the 'Ricans. Miami Def had 18 and Akers had 10, but Booker was the lone offensive player to score more than 4. This was a very up and down year for Johnny/Matt, and the last month was tough watching their stud Faulk sit idle while the team struggled.

Fish 80    Death 71
Wayne/Jim get a big game from McAllister and plenty of help as they defeat the Death. The Fish had a rough last month as they watched the Contributors over take them for the C Division title, but they will get their chance for revenge as they advance to the 2nd round against the Contributors. This week saw McAllister lead the way, while Coles helped out with 16, Green with 14 and surprise TE Jolley with a big game with 10. The Fish had the top score among playoff teams, so they certainly have things going well and will be a tough opponent for the next few weeks if they keep up the good play. The Commish's Death suffer a loss after a solid regular season. Nothing horrible this week for the team, but nothing great either and they come up a little short. Tomlinson wasted all his points last week as he could only manage 11 after a 37 point game last week. Manning was ordinary with 8, while Garner and the WR's had respectable games, but nothing spectacular. Add it all up, and it was an ordinary week and not enough against the solid Fish team. Disappointing end to what seemed to be something special for the Commish.

Contributors 76    Machine 58
McSwain's team puts up the points and advances on with the win over the Machine. The Contributors had struggled at times this year to score points, but this week was not one of them. A nice game from McCardell with 17, and solid games from Smith and Bruce to go with nice games from their TE, K and Def, and it was more than enough to turn back the Machine. McSwain faces off with the Fish next week, and will have Bulger back at QB, which could be a big factor in their bid to advance on. Frank's team got a nice 16 game from Taylor, but only Carney with 13 could manage a 10+ game. Harrison dropped a TD pass and had just 8 points, something Frank didn't need. Culpepper was okay with 8, but a 0 from his Wash def was the final nail in the coffin. A solid year for the Machine, but it was just to little this week for them to advance on.

Scrub Bowl Winner: Maulers 87 Points
Merv/Mike get another solid week as their team has finally arrived after months of struggling. A huge 35 point game from the KC defense, along with a nice 15 game from McNair led the way. The only close competition they had was from the Luck, who could have won the game if Brian had paid attention during the week. Brian started Conway who was questionable and not expected to play. Warrick was left on the bench with 2 TD's and 18 points, while Conway indeed didn't play. But since Conway was questionable, no back up is used and the need points from Warrick could not be used. The Tide were the next closest with 67.

Week #14 Awards:
Top QB:    Garcia, Wapati    27 Points
Top RB:    Williams, Luck    27 Points
Top WR:     Owens, Tide    23 Points
Top TE:    Sharpe, Luck    13 Points
Top K:    Carney, Machine    13 Points
Top Def:    Kansas City, Maulers    35 Points

Week #14 Preview
Last week's record: 1-3    Year to Date: 43-41
Wapati @ Bandits   
Wapati need another big game from Garcia, while RB's Portis/Staley need to find the end zone. WR Smith has been quiet for much of the year, and maybe the break out player they need to pull off another upset. The Bandits just need to keep things going, and with Priest anything is possible with this team. Vick should recover nicely this week, and anyone of the remaining Bandits is more than capable of having a big day. Gonzo against the Donkey Def has the makings of a big game. Despite Al's plea not to jinx him, it is to hard to pick against him at this point.......   Pick: Bandits
Fish @ Contributors   
A battle between teams that slugged it out for the C Division title the last month of the season. The Fish had the higher scoring team during the regular season by far, but fell short in the team points race. The Fish have a solid team that can get big games from anyone, and the question is for them who is the PTPer this week, and how big a game do they have. They can always take the conventional approach which they have done many times this year, and just get 10+ from nearly everyone.  Pick: Fish

Scrub Bowl Score Predictions:
Hitmen 42        Manatees 56        Tide 77        Maulers 62
Cossacks 77        Luck 74        Cows 53        Destroyers 60

Good luck to everyone in week #15! I am outta here...... 

The Commish