Week #4

After a 2 week hiatus, the Commish's Corner is back! Thanks to everyone for their cooperation and patience while we dealt with the death in the family.

In week four, we had a record breaking performance that is definitely one for the ages! Yes, the once lowly Cossacks had all the planets in the right alignment and posted a record shattering 159 points. Yes, it was a truly amazing performance for Maze and his silent partners. While Maze thinks we will be talking about this game for the many years, I am betting the talk around the water cooler this week will be how they are the first team ever to score 100 points less than the week before! Congrats on the banner performance Cossacks management, enjoy the limelight while you can, you have taken enough abuse in the early year.

After the Cossacks' score things got pretty weird after that. Okay, they started off weird, and got weirder after that! The unbeaten Death keeps rolling with a 105 point game, and the Bandits also hit the century mark. After that, well things were a little less than normal. We had 4 teams score in the 30's, one score 40, and one score 41. Maybe it was the fact that the Cossacks took all the points and wouldn't share! The scary part was that two of the aforementioned teams actually won their games. Yea, life is fair in fantasy football..... one team scores 61 and looses by nearly 100, one team scores 40 and wins. Yea, real fair!

We did have our first trade of the year, albeit a pretty minor one. Cossacks and Filiricans pull off the swap of struggling players. Maybe Emmitt will have 5 TD's this week for the Cossacks! NOT!

I point out this trade just in case anyone forgot that trading is allowed in the league! I often wonder if that escaped the minds of many?

Now, lets take a look at the action from week #4:

Hitmen 40    Filiricans 35
Bill/John get the win, although in quite a embarrassing fashion. Okay, okay, I know a win is a win is a win. That is correct, a win is a win, and the Hitmen will take it and be thankful for the lame effort of their opponent. Four players scored a big fat zero for Bill/John, but they got just enough from Dante with 12 and Thrash with 10 to get the win. Johnny/Matt started out the year with a bang as they were riding high in the early season. Then the train wrecked as they watched their team get a -6 from the defense, and not a whole lot of offense to back it up. No need to worry Filirican faithful, Quincy Morgan is on the way to save the day! Good luck Johnny/Matt, another week like this and the fans will be showing up in paper bags before long!

Bandits 100    Wapati 65
Just another week at the ball field for Al and his team. Priest gets 17, Gonzo goes off for 33, and Oakland Def spends all day returning punts for TD's and gets 28. Yes, the Bandits scored 100 with a -2 game from their drunk QB. Al has him team in first, a place they look to keep with a sober QB at the helms this week. Boyd/Butch have a little better scoring week, getting a top 8 finish, but couldn't get a win. The Deuce was loose in Philly, to lead the team with 17. Franks even threw a TD pass this week, but it was all for naught as the Wapati slip to 1-3.

Maulers 68    Manatees 38
Merv/Mike get a very workmanlike week from their team as the Maulers post their first win of the year. McNair had a big day with 16, and Tiki helped out with 13. Holt remains solid, but Mason goes down with a injury, not something the Myers' could afford as they look to get back into the thick of things. Rich/Mark's team slips to 1-3, as the defending champs are looking like the Rams of the UAL. Lots of talent, not a lot of positive results so far this year. The Green Bay twosome was not at their best as they combined for just 6 points. Once again the WR's let the team down, and will be a tough thing to overcome if the Manatees want to repeat this year.

Demons 41    Tide 36
Hey, Eric & Tom, you guys have any lotto numbers you would suggest right now???? The Demons are leading a charmed life these days, and that is a huge understatement! The Demons remain undefeated as they go to 4-0, despite having the 4th lowest scoring average in the league. The Demons motto has to be, "Just play to the level of our opponent". As if the break on the schedule this week (and last week, and the week before) wasn't enough, the B Division is in shambles after the Demons as all three teams below them are now 1-3. This week the Demons got 18 from 68 year old Jerry Rice to lead the way. Jeff/Scott's team continues to struggle to put points up, and this week a 36 point effort was nearly enough, but still yet another loss for the Tide. New QB Couch regressed with a -2 point game, and The Bus had a zero point week to bring his season total to -1. Sing with me, "the wheels on the bus have fallen off, fallen off, fallen off". Can you tell how married with children life has changed me???

Cossacks 159    Machine 61
Shawn Alexander, wow! Delaware grad Gannon, wow! Cossacks.....WOW!!! What else to say about Maze and his partners? A week to remember for a long time as the Cossacks shatter the record book with their 159 point week. Alexander also puts a firm grasp on the sidepot with his 51 point game, two sidepots that the Cossacks can just about mail in! Then again, Maze will go away at some point this season, leaving Harry in charge, and I can see a trade of Alexander with no agreement on keeping sidepots taking place. Now that would be something to tell the grandkids about!!! Poor Mr. Uhl! On the receiving end of the most prolific day in UAL history. The Machine drop to 1-3, but with Freddie Taylor looking like the Cal Ripken of football (hey, 3 games in a row without even the slightest tweak of something is damn near as impressive as Cal's streak was!) and Harrison on the bench, things aren't all bad for the Machine these days. Keep that chin up Frank, you would have had a better shot at winning the lotto than having the Cossacks score what they did..... in theory!

Fish 92    Contributors 39
Wayne/Jim keep getting solid scoring weeks from their Fish squad, as they easily turn back the "patsy" Contributors. The Fish's backfield continues to impress, as Ricky and Deuce really look like two horses that could take Wayne/Jim a long way. Driver is now the main man in G.B. as he led the team with 23. McSwain's team may not have been the official patsy of the league, but they sure put in the effort (or lack thereof) to try and get that award this week. Well the question of whether Warner will be this bad all year has been put on hold for a few months, which actually may be a blessing in disguise for John. About the only good news for the Contributors these days is rookie Stallworth's play, as he had yet another TD catch. Ooops, he also went down with an injury, so that streak will come to an end. The Contributors are 2-2, so they have plenty of opportunities ahead if they can get through the injury bug and actually get solid numbers from the QB  spot like they had expected.

Luck 60    Destroyers 50
Brian's Luck got a nice 12 point game from the Donkey's TE to hold on and defeat the Destroyers. Although the Luck fell 1 point short of the top 8 finish, it was a key Division win for the team. Brady still looks good, and Conway is a bright surprise as he led the team with 14 as well. Steve's team got a nice game from the Baltimore Def, but as much fun as it was watching the Donkey's get smoked, it wasn't enough to help the Destroyers get the win. McNabb had an off day against the Texans, as did most of Steve's team as no one stepped up and posted a double digit score on offense. Sure Steve is concerned that Moss may be playing in the Minnesota Penal League by year's end, but we all know it is a matter of time before he goes off, just not this week as Randy spends the week on a bye. Hopefully he doesn't lend his car out to any of his posse to incriminate him any further.

Death 105    Cows 75
The Commish has the Death on a roll as they are the lone team to be 4-0 with 4 top 8 finishes. Is the Miami perfect season in danger? Not now that I mentioned it! Things didn't look good for the Commish upon his return from Texas as Payton was on a bye, and the Death didn't have a WR even active for the weekend. No fear, Mr. Tomlinson to the rescue! The Death's top pick puts up a big 32 point game as the Death roll on. Tom's Cows had a nice week going, until the late game antics of the Death RB's. Bledsoe continues to thrive in Buffalo, but may slump off once "Bledsoe Flakes" hit the shelf in local supermarkets. Hard to be a top QB when you have visions of being the next "Tony the Tiger"!

Week #4 Awards:
Top QB:    Gannon, Cossacks    28 Points
Top RB:    Alexander, Cossacks    51 Points
Top WR:     Driver, Fish    23 Points
Top TE:    Gonzalez, Bandits    33 Points
Top K:    Mare, Bandits & Hollis, Fish    13 Points
Top Def:    Oakland, Bandits    28 Points

Week #5 Preview
Last week's (week 3) record: 4-4    Year to Date: 9-7
Tide @ Filiricans   
Two teams that scored in the 30's last week, both have talent to bounce back   Pick: Filiricans
Maulers @ Bandits
    Al is cruising with tons of talent, Myers boyz are looking for 2 in a row. Deciding factor: QB B.A.C.   Pick: Bandits   
Demons @ Hitmen   
Demons have a deal with devil, Hitmen have QB on bye, rolling the dice on sub    Pick: Demons
Manatees @ Wapati   
Last two champs of the league meet as both teams looking for a solid week to rejuvenate their team    Pick: Wapati
Cossacks @ Cows   
Take the Cows +97 this week, it is my 5 star lock of the season!   Pick: Cows
Luck @ Contributors   
New QB can't hurt McSwain, Luck struggling for consistency, Eddie/David combo finally clicks     Pick: Luck
Death @ Machine   
Franks' reward for the trashing he took last week, the #1 Death. Manning looks to have a big week    Pick: Death
Destroyers @ Fish   
Battle of Philly boys comes down to McNabb vs Vick. Should be exciting! McNabb leads the Eagles, but not the Destroyers to a win   Pick: Fish

Good luck to everyone in week #5! I am outta here...... 

The Commish