Week #5

One team remains undefeated after five weeks, as the Demons stand alone with a perfect record. The Death had another solid week, but suffer their first loss of the year as the Machine bounce back from the record breaking thrashing they took from the Cossacks last week. The Bandits remain a strong team, once again following the lead of stud RB Holmes who is making the RB side pot a runaway. The Cossacks follow up their record breaking week with another win to climb back into the playoff race. The Filiricans demolish the Tide, to keep up with the Bandits in the A Division. The Manatees get a much need win over the Wapati, but remain a distant 7 points behind the Demons. The Luck get a win, but it was more due to the lacking performance of the Contributors than a impressive performance by the team.

The NFL continues to have high scoring games each week, and that certainly has been evident in the high scoring games in the league this year. The sidepots changed dramatically this week, as finally there was some long distance scoring plays that may be tough to beat.

While we are not yet to the half way point, the pressure is building for a few teams to start performing. As many teams watch in dismay at the ineptness of the St. Louis offense, others are hoping that their Minnesota players come back from the bye week and start performing. Injuries have started to play a little havoc with some teams, something that many teams can not afford to have happen.

No news on the trade front, maybe we will have more trades, maybe not? Seems that no one is really interested in giving up anything of value, even for something of value. That seems to be the story in all the leagues any more.

Now, lets take a look at the action from week #5:

Filiricans 85    Tide 37
Johnny/Matt have little trouble this week, as their team scores the 4th highest total in the league, while the Tide couldn't even break the 40 point mark. The 'Ricans finally get a big week from Keyshawn as he post a team high 19. Fellow WR Booker remains solid with 18, and the Miami Def had 15. Next up for Johnny/Matt is the Death, so a big week from Marshal, who is WAYYYYYYYY over due, will be needed. Jeff/Scott's team is struggling, to say the least. This week saw no Tide player score double digits, as the whole team is in a serious funk. Jeff/Scott finally had enough of Bettis and his season total of -1 and benched him. Of course the Bus finds the end zone in his best performance of the year. Still, it wouldn't have been nearly enough to help the Tide this week.

Bandits 82    Maulers 33
Al has the player of the year so far in Holmes, who this week almost outscored the Maulers himself. Toomer added 16 and new QB Johnson was sober and had positive points this week, a huge step for the Bandits. Al has his Bandits playing well and leading the A Division. Given the performance so far of Holmes, a spot that the Bandits will not give up any time soon. Merv/Mike get 0 points from their Chicago players on MNF, and Holt is struggling to score, something that the team certainly was not planning on. The Maulers have just one win this year, but crafty veteran owners Merv/Mike will find a way before long to get this team performing. Losing Thomas to a bye week this coming week will not help, but playing the Contributors may be just what the Doctor ordered.

Demons 93    Hitmen 62
The criticism was out there this week, as the Demons were 4-0 but in the bottom four in scoring. Eric/Tom put that to rest, as their Demons put up 93 points as they easily defeat the Hitmen. The Demons RB's who had been struggling all year finally turn it on as Dillon and Martin combine for 45 points. Throw in bye week QB Green's 17 and the ageless wonder Rice's 12, the Demons finally crack the top 3 in scoring as they remain the lone undefeated team in the league. Bill/John get a respectable 14 from bye week QB Miller, and 17 from banged up RB Davis, but no one else on the team stepped up this week. Culpepper is back this week for the Hitmen, and as it is in Minnesota, it is do or die time for him as they season long funk the Vikings have been in has to change. Dante was a stud last year, if he turns it around now, watch out for the Hitmen.

Manatees 70    Wapati 62
In a close battle, Rich/Mark's team gets the needed win over the Wapati, thanks to the MNF heroics of Favre. The Manatees were down 62-39 going into Monday night, and their QB lit up the Wapati's Chicago defense to get the win. Favre was huge with 24, including a nice 85 yard TD pass. Green still hasn't found the end zone yet this year, but still had a decent 7 point game considering no TD's. Henry held onto the ball and had a solid 14 to help the cause. Boyd/Butch finally get a solid week from Garcia with 16, and had nice weeks from their RB's, but the bad game by their Defense was to much to overcome. The Wapati have just one win this year, and with Staley on a bye and Smith banged up, they need a big week from Portis and Garcia to help get things turned around.

Cossacks 78    Cows 66
No record breaking performance this week for the Cossacks, but a win none the less. Gannon keeps on chucking the pigskin each week, this time leading the league with 30 points at the QB spot. Maze and his partners in crime seem to have the Cossacks back on the road to the playoffs, maybe now Harry will realize that dumping Gannon for Brady was not the best move. Tom's team had a respectable week, but Bledsoe could only manage 14 this week a the team falls to 2-3. Geeez, I am blaming the loss on a guy that scores 14! Not really his fault, but he had been scoring 20+ and had TONS of chances in the game this week to rack up even more points. The real blame falls on RB Smith who not only had a down week with no TD's, but fumbled twice for -2.

Luck 53    Contributors 41
In the yawner of the week, the Luck get the win despite the lack of scoring from either team. Brady remains solid for the team with 10, but top picks George and Boston only scored 2 points apiece. McSwain's team continues to struggle, and the new QB was not any help this week. Add to the QB struggles a zero point week from the starting RB's, and times are tough for the Contributors. Next up for McSwain is a battle with the equally struggling Maulers, time for one team to step up.

Machine 122    Death 108
In the game of the week, Frank's Machine recover nicely from the week #4 disaster against the Cossacks, and knock off the previously undefeated Death. The Machine scored 122, despite getting just 4 from stud RB Taylor. Griese/Harrison/McCaffery all had 17, Patten led the team with 23, and Lewis/Carney/Wash Def had 12/19/13 respectfully. Now that is a balanced attack! Not much to say for the Death, the Commish is still a little hurt by this loss. The Death scored 108, good enough for 2nd in the league. Damn schedule maker!!!!!!!!!

Fish 67    Destroyers 53
Steve's team held a 53-50 lead going into Monday, but Wayne/Jim's team quickly turned that around as Driver went way deep for a long TD and the win for the Fish. The Fish lost QB Vick early as he had a 0 point game, but the team recovered getting a big week from McAllister with 22. Driver ended up with 17, and a sidepot that may be hard to beat. Steve's team gets its usual performance from McNabb with 18, and Lewis looked great on Sunday night with 12. A 0-0-2 effort from the Destroyers WR's was their downfall this week. Moss returns for Steve this week, pending his drug test which apparently is going to be the longest drug test in the history of the world. I am sure Randy is clean, and if he isn't he will say that someone borrowed his body and it's not his fault.

Week #5 Awards:
Top QB:    Gannon, Cossacks    30 Points
Top RB:    Holmes, Bandits    31 Points
Top WR:     Patten, Machine    23 Points
Top TE:    Lewis, Machine    12 Points
Top K:    Carney, Machine    19 Points
Top Def:    Tampa Bay, Death    23 Points

Week #6 Preview
Last week's record: 5-3    Year to Date: 14-10
Death @ Filiricans   
'Ricans missing 3 players to bye week, Death missing Garner to injury, both teams will struggle a bit   Pick: Death
Destroyers @ Bandits
    Holmes is a point scoring machine so far, Destroyers missing stud QB McNabb   Pick: Bandits   
Cows @ Hitmen   
Hitmen still waiting for Dante to perform, Cows have 1-2 punch with Bledsoe/James    Pick: Cows
Luck @ Wapati   
Wapati need a big game from Portis, Luck need anything positive from George    Pick: Wapati
Fish @ Manatees   
Fish turn to Green at QB, which could be a surprise, Manatees hoping this is the week Green finds the end zone   Pick: Fish
Cossacks @ Tide   
Cossacks going for 3 in a row, and have Alexander back. Tide are struggling, looking for any sign of life from team     Pick: Cossacks
Contributors @ Maulers   
Two struggling teams, Maulers need Holt to get hot, Contributors need any points from RB's    Pick: Maulers
Machine @ Demons   
Machine coming off huge week, have the talent to do it again. Demons finally score points, will need it again   Pick: Machine

Good luck to everyone in week #6! I am outta here...... 

The Commish