Week #11

Just two weeks remain in the regular season, and two division titles have been clinched, while two others still remain up for grabs. The wildcard spots are also wide open at this time as well. Some early season contenders are struggling down the finish, while a few teams are finally starting to turn it around, but is it to late? Here is a recap of where each team stands on their playoff possibilities:

A Division
Filiricans 20 Points    Have a slim 1 point lead in the division, and would need two losses and lots to go wrong to not get at least a wildcard spot

Bandits 19 Points    1 point back of Filiricans, both division title and wildcard spot are assured with one more win

Wapati 14 Points    Eliminated from division race (lost H2H vs Filiricans), but trails Manatees for wildcard spot by 3. Needs two wins and some losses by other teams.

Hitmen 12 Points    Needs to win remaining 2 games, get top 8 finish both weeks, Manatees to lose both games left, Wapati to lose both games left, Tide to lose both games left

B Division
Demons 26 Points    Clinched Division Title

Manatees 17 Points    Controls own destiny, one win and top 8 finish along with Tide/Wapati loss will clinch wildcard spot

Tide 15 Points    Needs to win out with top 8 finishes, then needs Manatees to lose out and Wapati not do the same as themselves

Maulers 11 Points    Plays Wapati and Tide final two weeks, needs wins over both, top 8 finishes both weeks, and needs Manatees, Wapati and Tide to lose out

C Division
Contributors 20 Points    Controls own destiny, a win and a loss by either Fish or Machine and they win division. A win also clinches a wildcard spot at the very least.

Fish 17 Points    Need to win out and Contributors lose both games left to win division, have the #1 wildcard spot right now, so a win and top 8 combined with a loss by Machine or Luck will clinch a wildcard spot

Machine 16 Points    Need to win out, and have Contributors/Fish lose out to win division, right in the thick of 6 team battle for wildcard spot which they control their own destiny, win both weeks and their in

Cossacks 14 Points    Eliminated from division title, but still in the thick of wildcard race. They need 2 wins (top 8 finishes would help) and Fish, Machine and a host of others to lose

D Division
Death 24 Points    Clinched Division Title

Luck 15 Points    Just one point behind Machine for wildcard spot, needs to get at least 1 win and some losses by Fish and Machine

Cows 12 points/Destroyers 12 points    Both teams are competing with Luck and the 3 teams from C Division for wildcard spots. All 6 teams have a chance, but both teams must win out and get some help

That is a brief summary of the playoff chances for all teams, Yes, there is probably lots more scenarios than I have described, but that is a basic summary.

Here is a review of the action in week #11:

Filiricans 69    Hitmen 41
Johnny/Matt rolled the dice and started Faulk, and thankfully for them he was not needed as he watched from the sidelines in street clothes on MNF. The 'Ricans sure do need a healthy Marshall down the stretch to have any chance of making it to the big game. Bill/John get another lackluster performance from their team, unable to capitalize on the 0 point production from the Filiricans RB's. Times are tough for the Hitmen right now, and they would need a miracle to make the playoffs at this point.

Wapati 96    Bandits 70
Boyd/Butch get the best week of the year from their team as they upset the Bandits and keep their playoff hopes alive. Garcia and Staley led the team with 18 each. With McNabb down and out, Staley may be the man to take over the Philly offense and give the Wapati the final push to the playoffs. Al suffers a tough division loss, but still is just 1 point back thanks to a top 8 finish (beating out the rival Filiricans by 1 point, 70-69). Priest and Vick were solid again, as Priest has wrapped up the league MVP award as he has already cracked the 200 point mark with 2 games to go. The Bandits will be around come playoff time, take it to the bank!

Maulers 47    Manatees 44
Merv/Mike get win #4 as they try to salvage a little respect from a dismal season so far. The Maulers still have a playoff chance (I think, the possibilities are mind boggling some times), but would need 2 wins and lost of help. They also would need 2 top 8 finishes, something they have done just 3 times all year. Rich/Mark suffer a loss, when they could have just about wrapped up a wildcard spot with a win. They got 4 zero point games this week, and yes, 2 were from their lethargic, at best, WR corps.

Tide 93    Demons 77
Jeff/Scott get a solid week from their team, as they have done often this year, as they knock off the Demons for just the 2nd time this year. Owens has been huge the last month, and this week his 30 point game tied for the league high. The Tide still have a chance at the playoffs, but will need 2 more weeks like this and some help. Eric/Tom suffer a loss for just the 2nd time this year, but clinch the division thanks to the Manatees loss. The Demons just need to stay healthy over the final two weeks, and Maddox going down this week was not a great start. Could it be Kordell time for the Demons come playoff time? Yikes!

Machine 45    Cossacks 35
In what was supposed to be a slugfest of two teams battling for a playoff spot, we got the snoozer of the week as the Machine win over the Cossacks with just 80 points scored by the two teams. Ummm, wasn't this the same two teams that scored 220 points the last time they played? Heck Alexander outscored both teams in their previous matchup! Frank will take the win, as his team makes a serious run at a wildcard spot, and the division title is still a possibility as well. Maze and his posse needed this win, and now are faced with a serious battle for their playoff lives.

Contributors 81    Fish 73
McSwain's team gets another solid game from the Bulger/Bruce combo as they rally on Monday to overtake the Fish and take control of the C Division race. The Contributors are on a roll right now, and get back Warner this week. Is that good news? Depends who you ask. Wayne/Jim are limping down the stretch as their Fish have really struggled of late. They are still right in the thick of things, but news that McAllister may not play this weekend will only hurt the teams chances of snapping out of this late season funk.

Luck 83    Destroyers 60
Brian gets a much needed division win as his team turned it up a few notches this week and posted a top 3 finish and a win over the Destroyers. The Luck RB's finally put it all together as Rickey and Eddie combined for 38 points. The Luck are right in the middle of a wacky 6 team race for 2 wildcard spots, they need to keep up this pace and they will be in. Steve suffers a crucial loss and has really put the Destroyers in a tough uphill battle for a wildcard spot. Add to Steve and all Philly fans' misery, McNabb goes down with a regular season ending injury. That hill just got a little tougher to climb for Steve.

Death 76    Cows 59
The Death get the win and clinch the D Division as the Commish gets a all around solid week from his team. The story for the Commish is the same as the Demons, just stay healthy the next two weeks. Tom got James back from injury, but he was not enough to help overcome the Death. The Cows still are in the wildcard race, but will need to win out and get some help, much like the Destroyers and Cossacks.

Week #11 Awards:
Top QB:    Pennington, Tide    23 Points
Top RB:    Williams, Luck    21 Points
Top WR:     Owens, Tide & Ward, Demons    30 Points
Top TE:    Shockey, Contributors    15 Points
Top K:    Gramatica, Contributors    12 Points
Top Def:    Denver, Luck    23 Points

Week #12 Preview
Last week's record: 4-4    Year to Date: 32-32
Demons @ Filiricans   
Demons need to stay healthy, Filiricans need Marshall to get healthy   Pick: Filiricans
Manatees @ Bandits
    Both teams need a win, key matchup Priest vs Manatees WR's (2 or 3, doesn't matter)   Pick: Bandits   
Tide @ Hitmen   
Tide need to have week list last week, Hitmen's playoff chances will end with loss, a must win for both   Pick: Tide
Maulers @ Wapati   
Both team need a big week to have any playoff chance, both teams coming off a win  Pick: Wapati
Death @ Cossacks   
Cossacks must win, Death must stay healthy. Battle for QB sidepot will be determined in this game   Pick: Death
Destroyers @ Contributors   
Contributors can clinch division with win and top 8, Destroyers must win with new QB at the helm     Pick: Contributors
Cows @ Machine   
Two teams in 6 way battle for wildcard spot, game will most likely be decided by Indy player, James or Harrison    Pick: Machine
Luck @ Fish   
Luck need ex-Fish RB Williams to have another top week, Fish need RB McAllister to play and do well  Pick: Luck

Good luck to everyone in week #12! I am outta here...... 

The Commish