Week #6

The Demons keep the unbeaten record in tack, in a strange week. The top scoring teams this week were the Tide and Contributors. These were two of the bottom four scoring teams coming into the week, which certainly is no consolation to the Maulers and Cossacks who were on the receiving end of their scoring outbursts. The A Division remains the most competitive race so far, as the Filiricans/Bandits/Hitmen all have proven to be competitive teams. The B Division is a runaway so far for the Demons, as no other team has shown any signs of getting back into the race. Then again, the Demons keep winning, there is not much they can do. The C Division is tight, but no team has a winning record through 6 weeks of play. The Death has a solid lead in the D Division, but despite a league high scoring average, they have now lost two games in a row.

Week #7 is division games, and it will go a long way to determining whether the races will be close or will a few teams pull away? Although we are just at the half way point this coming week could already be considered a must win week for several teams.

Still quiet on the trade front, odds are there won't be any more trades. Go ahead...... prove me wrong!

Now, lets take a look at the action from week #6:

Filiricans 76    Death 67
The Commish was feeling pretty good going into the week as the Filiricans had 3 starters on a bye, but thanks to a normally on the bench Alstott's big 20 point game, the Filiricans escape with a win. Marshall had a workmanlike 17 and Brooks chipped in 13. The 'Ricans pull into a tie for 1st place in the A Division with the Bandits with this win, and they do have all players coming back next week so the team is headed in the right direction. The Commish's Death team still has the league high scoring average at 88.7, but now sports a two game losing streak. Tomlinson had a solid 18, and Tampa Bay Def is running away with the sidepot with another solid week. Next up for the Commish is baby brother Steve, so the team needs a solid week or it will be 3 in a row in the loss column.

Destroyers 62    Bandits 61
Steve works his MNF magic again, this time coming back to beat the Bandits thanks to a huge 24 point game from Kicker Elam. The Bandits held a 52-38 lead going into Monday night, with each team having their kicker left. Elam goes nuts, and Al is left speechless at the one point loss. Maybe Elam was inspired by sideline reporter Melissa Stark, I know she leaves me with a fuzzy feeling each week! Screw Andy Rooney, Melissa is one of the big reason to watch MNF! The Destroyers also got a nice 23 point game from Lewis, as the team gets ready for a big showdown with the Death. The Bandits get the usual solid week from Holmes, this week with 17. Fellow RB Bennett also had 17, but once again it was the MNF magic of the Destroyers that did them in.

Hitmen 58    Cows 49
Bill/John get a win with the help of Dante's big week to keep up with the leaders of the A Division. It wasn't a great week for the Hitmen, as they had the 12th best score in the league, but a win is a win. Other than Dante's big game, not much else from the Hitmen, so they do need to step it up a notch in next week's division games. Tom's Cows get filleted again, as the team could only muster up a weak challenge in this low scoring affair. Bledsoe remains solid with 12, and his connection Moulds had 11. After that, it was no TD's for the rest of the squad.  The Cows have the Luck up next, they need a division win in a big way.

Wapati 68    Luck 58
Boyd/Butch get win #2 after a solid week that includes not only a win, but a top 8 finish. Hilliard leads the team with 14, while Garcia adds 12 and Franks throws a TD pass and scores 11. A positive sign for a struggling team, but up next for the Wapati is the tough Filiricans, so they will have their work cut out. Brian's Luck had nice games from George with 20 and Conway with 16, but Super Bowl Hero Brady has really come back to Earth and his one point week was to much to overcome. It also didn't help the Luck that KJ has become invisible in the Browns offense, and Sharpe continues his no TD streak for the 14th week in a row. The Luck need a win in the division games and hope that Brady turns it around real soon.

Manatees 70    Fish 60
Rich/Mark's Manatees get back to .500 with a win over the Fish. The RB's for the Manatees were awfully tough this week, as Green and Henry each posted a 21 point game. Favre helped out with 11. The Manatees have a talented team, less the WR's, but need someone to beat the Demons to have any chance at getting back into the B Division race. Next up for the Manatees......the Demons. It may be now or never! Wayne/Jim's Fish come up a little short this week, as they drop to 3-3. While the Fish still have a 2 point lead their division, they have to be a little disappointed with the close games they are losing. Ricky continues to thrive with Miami, leading the team with 19 this week.  Next week's division games a crucial for all C Division teams as the division is a close battle.

Tide 92    Cossacks 69
In the upset special of the week, the struggling Tide pull it all together and post the league high score of 92 and defeat the Cossacks. Jeff/Scott's team got big games from Owens with 20, Bettis with 19 and Joey H. with 15. As Coach Maze put it, where the hell did Bettis come from???? The Bus has struggled all year, but now has shown signs of life the last two weeks. The real question is, how the hell did the Bus have a 41yd TD Run???? Did the Bengals even field a defense on that play??? I can't believe that there is even 11 guys in the NFL that the Bus could outrun? Put this altogether, and the Cossacks are real in a pissy mood. After turn the ship around, they do post the 5th high score, but only a top 8 bonus win to show for it. The Cossacks get a nice 22 point week from Pitt. Def, but still fall quite short against the Tide.

Contributors 77    Maulers 45
Not exactly an upset, but where did the Contributors offense come from???? The normally low scoring team takes McSwain's threats of locking them in a room with Maze and listening to his fantasy sports philosophies to heart, and goes out and puts up the 2nd high score in the league. Price leads the way with 17, and New Orleans Def goes off for 26. Merv/Mike's troubles continue, as their Maulers drop to 1-5. Not much good news from the Maulers camp these days, although there was a Torry Holt sighting this week as he scored 12 points. The Maulers get the suddenly resurgent Tide team next week, so the Myers really need to get a win soon.

Demons 67    Machine 50
Ho-hum, another win for the Demons. Yawn.....the story is getting old. The Demons get the win, and a top 8 finish as they continue their perfect season with the solid win over the Machine. Nothing fancy for the Demons this week, a big 22 point game from kicker Vanderjagt led the team. Frank's team goes from a league high last week score of 122, to just 50 this week. The Demons certainly live a charmed life some times! Harrison remains hot with 13 to lead the offense, and Carney remains a solid kicker with 14. While Fred Taylor had just 2, the most amazing part is he is still healthy!!!!! Vegas took a big hit on that betting line!

Week #6 Awards:
Top QB:    Culpepper, Hitmen    26 Points
Top RB:    Lewis, Destroyers    23 Points
Top WR:     Owens, Tide    20 Points
Top TE:    Ricks, Demons    14 Points
Top K:    Elam, Destroyers    24 Points
Top Def:    New Orleans, Contributors    26 Points

Week #7 Preview
Last week's record: 1-7    Year to Date: 15-17
Filiricans @ Wapati   
Wapati still looking for consistent play, Filiricans emerging as top team, even with average Marshal   Pick: Filiricans
Bandits @ Hitmen
    Bandits keeping riding stud Holmes, despite no QB production, Hitmen hoping Dante has another solid game   Pick: Bandits   
Manatees @ Demons   
Demons looking to stay undefeated, Manatees hoping Favre/Green combo stays hot    Pick: Demons
Tide @ Maulers   
Two of the lowest scoring teams square off, game will be blacked out locally due to low ticket sales    Pick: Maulers
Cossacks @ Fish   
Two teams coming off tough losses, someone needs to step up and take control of the C Division   Pick: Fish
Contributors @ Machine   
Can Contributors repeat banner performance and further frustrate a solid Machine team?     Pick: Machine
Destroyers @ Death   
Brother vs Brother matchup, both teams need a win to get squads back on right track    Pick: Death
Cows @ Luck   
Two mediocre teams both need the win to stay in the D Division race, Bledsoe stays hot  Pick: Cows

Good luck to everyone in week #7! I am outta here...... 

The Commish