Week #12

One more week of regular season play to go, and still lots of playoff spots up for grabs! Once again, here is a summary of where each team stands going into week #13:

A Division
Bandits 22 Points    Play Hitmen, need a win or a Filiricans loss to clinch division. Clinched wildcard spot already.

Filiricans 20 Points    Play Wapati, need a win and Bandits loss to win division. Have already clinched wildcard spot (tiebreaker on division record over Wapati)

Wapati 17 Points    Plays Filiricans, needs a win and a Manatees loss to get a wildcard spot (Manatees have tiebreaker if tied via H2H win)

Hitmen 12 Points    Plays Bandits, needs a win & top 8 and a Wapati & Manatees loss to get wildcard spot.

B Division
Demons 26 Points    Plays Manatees, clinched Division Title

Manatees 17 Points    Plays Demons, Needs a win or Wapati loss and Hitmen to not get both win & top 8. Control own destiny with a win & top 8.

Tide 15 Points    Plays Maulers, Needs a win and top 8, and then needs Wapati, Hitmen and Manatees to all lose and not get a top 8

Maulers 11 Points    Plays Tide, Scrub Bowl bound

C Division
Contributors 23 Points    Plays Machine, clinched Division Title

Fish 20 Points    Plays Cossacks, clinched wildcard spot

Machine 19 Points    Plays Contributors, needs a win or top 8 or a Cossack loss to clinch wildcard spot

Cossacks 14 Points    Plays Fish, needs a win and top 8, along with a Machine loss and bottom 8 to clinch wildcard spot

D Division
Death 24 Points    Plays Destroyers, clinched Division Title

Luck 16 Points/Cows 12 points/Destroyers 12 points    All 3 teams are Scrub Bowl bound

That is a summary of the playoff chances for all teams. Hopefully I have figured out the scenarios properly, I am not responsible if I missed a tiebreaker and will sort things out next week if need be.

Here is a review of the action in week #12:

Demons 107 Filiricans 57
Eric/Tom keep the Demons rolling as they clinch the top points sidepot with the win. Kordell filled in nicely with 16, while all 4 RB/WR's scored 10+ this week. Throw in Vanderjagt's two long FG Sunday night and it was the 2nd high score in the league. Time to stay healthy in week 13 for the Demons, as they have nothing left to play for. Johnny/Matt did sit Marshall this week (another dnp for him), but were overwhelmed by the Demons in all areas. Brooks struggled with just 2, and Alstott added a nice big fat zero. If not for a big 21 point game from Miami Def, the 'Ricans would have been looking at bottom 3 again. Good news though for the team, a win in week 13 and they are playoff bound, and still have a chance at the division title, so they need to recover quickly.

Bandits 122    Manatees 47
In the blowout of the week, Al's Bandits run it up on the Manatees and post a whopping 122 point game. Priest was up to his same old tricks with a 39 point game, the 4th time he has eclipsed the 30 point mark this year. MVP! MVP! MVP! Rich/Matt nearly lost to Priest alone, as they are making it tough on themselves as they try to get into the playoffs. Favre and Green got shutdown in Tampa, as the Manatees have their work cut out for them with just one week to go. The need a win in the final week, and have to get it over the Demons, the top team in the league this year. Maybe the WR's will step up, they have waited the entire year now for that to happen!

Hitmen 105    Tide 55
Break up the Hitmen! After a season long struggle to score points, Bill/John finally see their team put it all together as they crack the 100 point mark and get a top 3 finish. Atlanta Def had a monster 40 points game to lead the team. The Hitmen sure wish they could have found the magic a few weeks ago, as their playoff chances are still a long shot. Jeff/Scott watch another team run it up on them as they get blown out by the Hitmen, just about eliminating them from playoff contention. Owens was huge again with 27, giving him the lead in the WR sidepot. The Tide need a win and lots of help to make the playoffs.

Wapati 60    Maulers 28
Boyd/Butch get a win over the Maulers, keeping their playoff hopes alive. Add to it, they also got a top 8 finish with their 60 points, and this was a big week for the Wapati when they needed it. The Denver twosome of Portis and Smith led the way in the snow, with 18/13 respectively. Merv/Mike have any chance of the playoffs finally put to rest as the team posts just 28 points and leaves the team headed for the scrub bowl. It has been a long, long, LONG season for the Maulers, and this week was a perfect example of the teams frustration. Tiki had 14, but no other player had more than 7. Add to it a -6 from the defense, and it is scrub bowl time and a thankful end to the regular season.

Cossacks 58    Death 43
Maze and his posse get a much needed win over the Death, keeping their slim playoff hopes alive. Alexander finally had another solid game as he posted a 22, and Gannon most likely clinched the QB sidepot with 19. The Cossacks need a win and top 8, along with the Machine to lose and bottom 8, so the postseason hopes for the team are still up in the air. The Commish is just happy no one on his team got hurt this week, as his Death play out the string. The Death have the division title in hand, and can no longer catch the Demons for overall points, so another week of staying healthy is all the Commish wants.

Contributors 65    Destroyers 45
McSwain's Contributors clinch the C Division title with a win over the Destroyers. Warner is back at the controls and had a decent 12 point game, along with Stewart (ex-Destroyer) who had a team high 16 to help the team get the division clinching win. Add McSwain to the list of owners hoping to keep their team healthy in week 13. Steve has yet another frustrating loss as his team just can't find the right mix to put points up on the board. With the loss the Destroyers are now headed to the scrub bowl.

Machine 60    Cows 41
Frank gets a much needed win and top 8 as his Machine turn back the Cows. Frank controls his own destiny in week 13 as his team battles for a wildcard spot. New QB Culpepper had a respectable 11 points and Harrison had his usual double digit game to lead the team. Tom's Cows suffer the loss as the "advance" on to the scrub bowl with the defeat. Long season for the Cows, and Bledsoe's weak play down the finish was no help for a team struggling to make the playoffs.

Fish 81    Luck 58
Wayne/Jim clinch a wildcard spot with their win over the Luck. Green was big this week with 23 as the Fish can now try and get healthy before the playoffs start. A healthy McAllister at RB  is a must for the team come playoff time. Brian's team couldn't get a much needed win, as they too find themselves in the scrub bowl. The Luck have a solid lineup and could be tough in the scrub bowls.

Week #12 Awards:
Top QB:    Green, Fish    23 Points
Top RB:    Holmes, Bandits    39 Points
Top WR:     Owens, Tide    27 Points
Top TE:    Lewis, Machine    11 Points
Top K:    Vanderjagt, Demons    18 Points
Top Def:    Atlanta, Hitmen    40 Points

Week #13 Preview
Last week's record: 4-4    Year to Date: 36-36
Wapati @ Filiricans   
Wapati need a win and Staley needs a big game, Filiricans need a healthy Marshall, SOON!!!!!   Pick: Wapati
Hitmen @ Bandits
    Two teams who both scored 100+ last week, Priest may score 39 again, Atlanta Def won't score 40 again   Pick: Bandits   
Demons @ Manatees   
Demons playing subs this week, Manatees struggling for a playoff birth, praying for a WR to score   Pick: Demons
Maulers @ Tide   
Maulers looking for anything positive at this point, Tide need a win and miracle finish  Pick: Tide
Fish @ Cossacks   
Fish need to stay healthy but a win over the Cossack is always nice! Cossacks need a win and some help   Pick: Cossacks
Machine @ Contributors   
Machine need a win to clinch playoff spot while Contributors play 2nd string to stay healthy     Pick: Contributors
Death @ Destroyers   
Battle of the brothers has no playoff implications, and not really much interest by either    Pick: Death
Luck @ Cows   
Two scrub bowl bound teams, both looking for good things to build on  Pick: Luck

Good luck to everyone in week #13! I am outta here...... 

The Commish