Dynasty Report     Week # 14

                  The regular season is in the books and the playoffs teams are set. The Pippers and 3-T get the byes . The Fury will travel to Pittsburgh to face the Dynasty and the Contributors have a short trip up the road from Lake Anna to face the Calamity.

                  I don’t want to sound like I’m lecturing too much but this season did not run the way I hoped. Most teams did what was required of them but a few let me down. I can’t stress how important it is that when you decide to play this game , you are in for the duration. Just because you are eliminated does not mean that you just let your team go. Making transactions and lineup changes to increase your chances of winning is to be expected. Not to mention doing stats each week so I have a double check. Each game can indirectly affect the outcome of our league.

                 I just want to wish everyone luck who made the playoffs and for those of you that didn’t, start studying those baseball stats.

                 The Dynasty already had a playoff spot rapped up but need the win to insure the number one wildcard seed. Coach Karmazyn got enough out of his team to get the number 1 seed by beating the Death 853-798. There were coaching blunders on both sides of this match up, and Jeff was heard grumbling something about “so what else is new”.

                 The game of the week was the Calamity / Fury game, this one was for the division title. The game lived up to the hype, with the Calamity getting the 890-875 win. The Fury starting Wade cost them the win, losing on a coaching blunder are always the hardest pills to swallow. The Calamity have gotten healthy just in time, and hope to ride their newfound health to a title. The Fury now have to face the Dynasty with Duncan nursing an injury.

                 The 3-T were fortunate they were playing the Victory or else they wouldn’t have a bye right now. A bad week compounded by injuries played a role this week, but fortunately for them they didn’t need much. The Victory started a guy who only plays 10 minutes a game and another that only had 2 games. The 3-T coaches backed into the bye , but will take it and hope they can get their team healthy for the 2nd round of the playoffs.

                 The Chuckers finish the season on a positive note by taking out the Tre-hawks 858-728. The Chuckers actually had 7 top 6 finishes but only 3 wins to show for  it. Luck like that does not come easily. The Tre-Hawks packed it in along time ago and haven’t made any moves with their team in quite some time. Players that have been performing well have not been able to get off their bench. The fines continue to mount up as scores were not reported again. Looks like the pizza will be on Brian next year.

                  The Demons had a 23 to 18 game advantage this week over the Contributors and you could tell , as Eric easily pulled away to a 874-762 win. John will have Kobe back for this weeks playoff game so there is help on the way. Odds are since they had no games this week, the schedule makers will be a little more kind this week , when it really counts.

                  The Pippers made this game a joke, as the Intercourts staff had to just laugh at how overmatched they were. The Pippers set a new high score for a team with 1051. They also took coach Karmazyn’s side pot for high player for a series with McGrady’s 286 series. The Pippers deserve a much-needed rest for his team and is confident that they can take anybody on this year, and who are we to argue.


                 Record last week  6-0

                 Season to date      62-22

The Fury try to match up with the Dynasty without Duncan in the lineup, got to go with the Dynasty

The Calamity and Contributors should be a great match-up and this one should go down to the wire, if you put a gun to my head I will give a slight edge to the Calamity. Having seen what has happened so far this week, the Contributors are off to a great start and I could be wrong.


Click on week to view previous reports

Week #1 Dynasty Report

Week #2 Dynasty Report

Week #3&4 Dynasty Report

Week #6 Dynasty Report

Week #7 Dynasty Report

Week #8 Dynasty Report

Week #9 Dynasty Report

Week #10 Dynasty Report

Week #11 Dynasty Report

Week #12 Dynasty Report

Week #13 Dynasty Report