The Dynasty Report     Week # 9

                             Two of the top teams went at this week in the Dynasty and the Pippers. The Dynasty had a game advantage and needed it to get by Larry and Harry. As usual the Dynasty were headlined by the fantasy player of the year, KG. 250 in only 3 games isn’t too bad , is it? If the Pippers would have left Howard on the bench this week for any of their bench players , they could have won. Coach Karmazyn is glad he is getting some DL players back as Dunleavy turned an ankle and Camby left the game Monday with a back bruise.

                             The Calamity get back in the win column despite Christie getting a 3 game total of 44. Shaq did in The Death again. He is coming back from injury rather slowly as his 101 series is testament to. The Death are fading fast and what looked like a sure fire playoff spot is now in jeopardy. Stop the presses, the Calamity made some transactions. They must finally be taking this fantasy thing seriously, as they get their roster set for the playoff push.

                             The Demons were puzzled as to how the author of this column could put them as an underdog to the Chuckers of all people. I tried to explain to him my reasoning but would hear none of it. It took out the insult on the coaches of the Chuckers. Erdman then goes out and puts up the league high this week, 937. Tyler doesn’t want me to do him any favors anymore.The Demons are now on a mission and if they can get by the Pippers , who have a big game advantage this week, they will be right back in it.

                            Another team that is peaking at the right time is the Fury. John now has a very powerful starting 6 and should be in each game down the stretch. The Intercourts have now begun to map out their strategy for next years draft. Pierce has been a huge disappointment for this team. For a player to be drafted that high, he has not lived up to the expectations.

                           Please, please, someone step up and please win this game. 744 –742, the two bottom scoring teams in the league this week got to play each other. The winner of this fiasco was the Victory over the Contributors. The Contributors were screwed when Kobe got hurt and backup Guard Barry also got hurt. This left John with 43 points from the position. The Victory had their own problems as Oneal went 37-20 dnp, and Francis decided that seeing the Superbowl was more important than practice and promptly got suspended for a game. At this point, Alford will take any win he can get, even if its another bottom 3 finish.

                           What looked to be a mismatch on paper turned out to be just that, a mismatch. The 3-T easily discarded the Tre-Hawks 897 – 770. The Tre-hawks just can’t seem to make the right free-agent calls and continuously make make coaching blunders. Al and Brain are another team that is counting the weeks till this season is over. The 3-T just keep churning out wins as the Dynasty coach is becoming increasing frustrated as he cannot make up any ground in the Div.

Last week 4-2

Season to Date 39 –15

Dynasty have a few games on the 3-T, that could be the difference

Shaq’s back, give this to the Death over the Victory

The Fury are on fire, the Tre-hawks are no match

Chuckers give them a good run but it’s the Calamity when the week is over

Demons are on a mission but the Pippers have too much

The Contributors are in a must win and still lose to the Intercourts


Click on week to view previous reports

Week #1 Dynasty Report

Week #2 Dynasty Report

Week #3&4 Dynasty Report

Week #6 Dynasty Report

Week #7 Dynasty Report

Week #8 Dynasty Report