The Dynasty Report

                 In the A-Div, Brian Alford has made it known that there will not be a three-peat. He has regretted not taking X-Victory player Marrion, instead he took X Victory player Oneal. Don’t get me wrong Oneal is doing fine, just not Marrion numbers. The Death open up a lead by going to 2-0 with two top 6’s. In the B-Div , the Calamity pick up where they left off last year and the Tre-Hawks couldn’t be any worse. In the C-Div , as predicted the Pippers continue to roll and the Demons are no were to be heard from.

The Death have got to be loving the fact that they got Walker in the 3rd round , getting high first round numbers. That how you win championships, players playing better than their draft statice. The Demons might not win a game unless they are playing the Tre-hawks. If Webber doesn’t get his gimpy ankle back in the lineup soon, the once proud Demons will be going through the motions in no time. 

The Dynasty score well and get a top 6, but are no match for Marrion and Kiraleko. Kiralenko? Yep, it looks like he is going to be a fantasy stud for quite some time. That white boy can play some ball, and even has hops to boot. McSwains prediction of a 100-point win was right on the money, 925-828.

The Fury catch a break in the schedule and get a win with only 735 points. That break was the Victory. The Victory might have to come up with a new name after this year. Duncan led the way for John with a sub Duncan performance 179. The Victory’s attempt to shake things up by trading Wallace for Francis was a wash.

The Calamity had the 2nd string in by mid week as they had little problem with the 3-T, 926-791. The 3-T ‘s loss of Iverson was a huge blow and some of the others were stricken with the flu and their play showed it. Odom has been a huge surprise this year for the Calamity. Looks like Barry Cates can’t be taken advantage of either, as my low-ball trade offer for Odom was promptly rejected.

The Pippers stay undefeated , but barely, as they edge the tough luck Chuckers 824-806. Ming’s 96 was the difference as the big man came up short. Cassell has been a pleasant surprise so far, Lord know he didn’t put up those numbers for the Dynasty last year.Anthony came back to reality this week with a 116, and Finley got hurt. Looks like Larry will have to show the depth that I thought he had this week.

There is not much I can say about the Tre-hawks , literally. They have absolutely no one they can  count on for consistent scoring. The Intercourts showed the potential I thought they had this week with a high score in the league , 949. Pierce set the high player series with a 251. That score should hold up for a while , but should be broken before years end by someone.

Record last week 4-2

Year to date 8-4

Favorite                                         Underdog

Dynasty                           + 65       Fury  ( Garnett, best fantasy player in the biz )

Pippers                             + 75      Death (Shaq with 2 games)

Chuckers                          + 20      Victory ( Chuckers luck has to change)

Contributors                     + 80      3-T ( No Iverson = No Win)

Tre-Hawks                        + 10     Demons ( Someone has to win, both could be in the 500’s )

Calamity                           + 5       Inercourts ( This game should be the game of the week)


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Week #1 Dynasty Report