1) Manatees 102 W             9) Contrib. 58 W

2) Luck 87 W                      10) Hitmen 57 W

3) Wapati 81 W                  11) Cossacks 56 L

4) Bandits 73 L                   12) Maulers 54 L

5) Bombers 72 L                 13) Death 47 L

6) Hummers 60 W              14) Destroy. 46 L

7) Demons 60 W                15) Cows 42 L

8) Fish 59 W                       16) Machine 39 L

off = Washington

No-one has any players = qb,te,k,def

(This paragraph written by Eric Erdman)

Say it ain’t so!!! Demons 60 , Cossacks 56?? That’s right, not a misprint. Unbelievable but true. It was a bittersweet victory for the Demons. Bitter because 2 wins in 8 weeks just plain sucks and the injuries keep piling on, but sweet because the Demons now have some life, not to mention 14 new best friends for the week. In what could go down as the biggest upset in FFL history, the Demons playing without their top 4 draft picks due to injury (James, McCaffrey, Alexander, and Wheatley) and also playing a man short, patch together enough of a team to get off the mat and stun the Cossacks. The Demons are ready for a stretch run and will be a factor one-way or another-if not as a play-off contender they will relish the spoiler role and Guarantee a scrub bowl victory. Coach Karmazyn would like to add that if it wasn’t for that bull-shit immaculate reception in the N.E. game the Cossacks win.

God I hope the Wapati beats the crap out of the Manatees next week. I don’t want to hear how good the Manatee supposedly are from coach Ratliff. I’ll admit, that with Green and Alexander clicking, this team looks tough, but by no means invincible. They are quite proud of their 102 this week, but we can only hope that they blew their load this week. Coach Dotson is fuming that his 73 was only good enough for a top 8, and hopes that Brown’s game this week was a sign of things to come.

The Death made a nice trade in getting RB Davis and his 13 pts this week and QB Manning made his best Eric Dickerson impression, with a 40 yd run. If he could only get someone else on his team to do something once in a while, this team might be could. The Hummers get a win and a top 8 to stay in contention in the A-div. but have officially decided to give K.C. QB’s the boot. Hopefully this move didn’t come to late.

The Hitmen are thanking their lucky stars that the Cows traded away Davis and Galloway this week, because if he held on to them, they would have lost. The Hitmen showed that without RB Faulk/Candidate they are quite an ordinary team, the problem is they won without them and get them back next week, so look out. The Cows have not given up and have another trade in the works this week.

Trader John will be at it again this week, old John never met a trade he didn’t like , so give him a call. The Contributors took care of Div-leading machine with no problem. Rumor had it that people couldn’t believe I had the machine as an underdog, well I proved those people , that this handicapper knows what he is doing. If Pitt kickers could find the uprights once in a while, they would have gotten the top 8, but those 4 misses made them just miss out. Coach Uhl is looking back at the offers he had for RB Anderson, and wishes he would have taken one of them when he had the chance. Anderson might get you a cup of coffee now if your lucky.

Steve Snyder is lucky he had the Miami def. or else his total, which is already embarrassing, could have been much worse. The Fish have made a habit of feeding on the weak this year. Everyone goes in the tank when this team comes to town. Are coach Sturken and Kumpf that intimidating? They seem pretty harmless to me, so teams step up to the plate and give this team a run for a change. Don’t be surprised to see the Fish go for a new QB this week, as Detroit obviously wasn’t the answer.

The Wapati are obviously a great team, but the Bombers of all people had a chance to knock them down a peg and blew it. Coach Graham released Tenn QB’s on the week that they finally played well. Tenn would have had 30 pts this week, but unfortunately for Lee they are now on the waiver wire. Wr Smith for the Bombers continues to put up huge numbers week after week. The Wapati were once again led by the S.F. tandem of Garcia to Owens, which is beginning to sound like a broken record. Their newly acquired stud TE Clark also chipped in with 17. just what this team needed, a good TE to go along with the rest of this team.

You just have to laugh at the Maulers this year, they once again played one of the top scoring teams in the league this week. This time it was the Luck. Even the Luck’s off week QB , the Giants went off for 18. Someone tell me when Holmes and Thrash became fantasy studs. If those were your studs you would think this team would be in trouble, but they somehow seem to score well each week and remain in the thick of the play-off race.


Record last week = 7-1 (only loss was my game)

Season record = 36-26

4 team parlays pay 5-1

All games this week are a neutral site game


Manatees             +2 Wapati

Luck                     + 3 Cossacks


Bandits               + 6 Bombers

Hummers           + 4 Machine


Contrib.             + 14 Death

Hitmen              + 15 Destroyers


Fish                  + 12 Cows

Demons           + 8 Maulers

Coaching blunder of the week:

The Bombers dropping Tenn . QB’s, who got 30, they could have upset the 31 Wapati. Cows trading away Davis, and Galloway who both scored, they could have beaten the Hitmen. Cossacks picking virtually the only off-week QB’s that could have lost it for them