The Cossack Report 
Week # 6

1) Hitmen 90 w                 9) Fish 54 w

2) Wapati 86 w               10) Death 54 w

3) Manatees 72 w          11) Contrib.. 50 L

4) luck 71 w                     12) Hummers 46 L

5) Bandits 61 w              13) Cows 44 L

6) Demons 57 L             14) Maulers 39 L

7) Machine 56 w             15) Bombers 27 L

8) Cossacks 55 L

8) Destroyers 55 L

couldn’t break tie for 8th spot, both teams get the point

Off = Green Bay, Atlanta, Cleveland

QB = 1) G.B. , Cows

TE = 1) Franks, Destroyers

K = 1) G.B., Luck

Def. = 1) G.B. , Demons

2) Cleve. , Bandits

Loss, with an Asterisk

First Coach Karmazyn thought he lost, and then he was told he won, and in the end, he lost again. In what was a very tight division game between the Cossacks and Bandits, rule interpretation became the deciding factor. (check e-mail for further details). In the end the Cossacks couldn’t overcome a huge day from Harrison, and Coach Karmazyn’s first round pick, the St.L. QB’s had another so-so week. The Bandits prevailed an inched only a point behind the division leading Cossacks.

The Hitmen would like to formally introduce RB Candidate to the league, with a 30-point effort. Pittmen and Becht also chipped in with 16 and 17 apiece. Coach Pass. , who was left in charge with Phillups vacationing in Australia, wants to take full credit for inspiring his team to new heights. The Hummers proved that this team revolves around Tomlinson and when he does well the team does well, when he does bad the team goes in the tank. The Hummers play the hated Cossacks next week, so Jeff and Scott are hoping for a big day from Tomlinson.

The Manatees are back in the race. They got a well-balanced 72 this week, and that was without Alexander. The Demons thought they had a good chance going into Mon. night only needing 17 from Pinkston and Dayne and both players have been hot lately. They only got two, and sent the Demons back to Dallas losers again. Coach Brady is thankful his college team is doing well, because there seems to be little light at the end of the tunnel in the pro league. Coach Ratliff wants it known that the Denver QB’s can be had for a decent receiver.

Someone tell me how that old gimpy TE Walls is beating my surefire side pot in Gonzalez? The Death get a double zero from their RB’s and still beat the Cows 54-44. The Cows are another team that is doing poorly in pro and rolling in the college. Looks like coach Driver is doing his best Lou Holtz imitation of not cutting it in the pro’s, and excels in college.

The Machine for the second week in a row benefit from the team QB and sneak out a win against arch rival Destroyers 56-55. Mack, Dunn and Taylor only get 3 pts between them and send the Destroyers home dejected. Coach Snyder wants to know how Washington who barely gets above 200 yds a game, gets over 400 against the Carolina def. Is it my imagination or does Franks score every week?. If Machine WR Johnson,K. could turn some of the numerous catches he has each week into a TD once in a while, this team could be for real.

The injury bug bites the Maulers once again. They lost two players this week, Crowell for the season, and Glenn for the time being. The Maulers brain trust has to scower the free-agent lists and waiver wire every week. The Wapati just keep putting up points week after week. Someone always seems to step up. Even their off week pick-ups work out for them. Detroit QB’s got 22 in a sub role, and Bettis is now doing his best Payton Manning imitation. They were worried about the S.D def. going against the Broncos and they still got 19 from them. Even Morton's stock goes up now with Crowell out for the season. Things keep falling into place for this team.

Some teams in this league obviously don’t take this game as seriously as the most of us do. I think most of us know whom I’m talking about by now. The Bombers had to play two players short this week and were no match for the luck. 71-27 should just about cover any spread I could have given this game. Culpepper is starting to do the thinks that the Luck envisioned when they drafted him with the 5th pick of the draft. Even Hakim has been hot since he became a member of the Luck. A change of scenery is all this player needed to light a fire in him.

Record last week : 4-4

Record to date : 22-24

Favorite                     Underdog


Hitmen                       + 8 at Bandits

At Wapati                  + 11 Fish


Machine                     + 9 at Luck

At Cossacks              + 6 Hummers


Destroyers                 + 7 at Bombers

At Manatees              + 14 Cows


Death                         + 1 Demons

Contributors              + 10 Maulers