Week #8

Just a heads up to everyone, on the week of June 18th I will be in California for the week, and will not be able to get the weekly results posted until I return on Friday. I will have someone do the transactions while I am away, but unfortunately the standings and results will have to be delayed a few days. I hope that will be the only week I can't have the results posted by Tuesday, at the latest. Thanks for your cooperation!

The score reporting was much better for the most part in Week #8, and that was probably because you didn't even need a calculator to add quite a few team's scores this week! California wasn't the only place with a power outage, as the league suffered through its worst scoring week of the season. Much of the lack of scoring was due to rain-outs on the East Coast and a strange schedule for many MLB teams. Some teams took advantage of the low scoring and piled up the wins, while others continue to struggle to find wins. There have been a few trades so far this year, but with the lack of quality players available on the free agent wire, maybe more trades are just around the corner. Don't forget to check in on the league message board on the website, it was quite active a few weeks ago, but has simmered down in recent weeks.

Just a note on score reporting...... if you know that you or your partner will not be able to compare or even report scores on a given week, please communicate this to the Commish and your opponents. I know we all have busy lives, but it makes it much easier on everyone if we know what is going on. Many teams keep getting the single boxscore sent in each week, and that makes my life much easier. Keep up the good week to those that are getting the job done each week!

Now, on to the low-scoring Week #8 results:

Oysters 4    Redbirds 1
JR's Oyster squad keeps rolling along with another impressive 4-1 win over the Redbirds. Each week someone on the Oysters steps up and this week it was Knoblauch and Giambi leading the way. The Mighty Oysters take over the top spot in the league with 39 team points with the 9 win week in doubleheader action. Coach Hanshe's 'Birds post a solid win on the M-Th games, but the team suffered through a tough weekend and ended up getting swept in the next 4 games. The Redbirds need to turn it on real soon, as the Commish has vowed no Punk Boy led team will finish ahead of him, and that is all the remains between the Redbirds and the cellar of the C Division.

Intimidators 4    Death 1
Coach Trotta's team fails to score triple digits, but still manages a solid 4-1 week. The schedule keeps falling the Intimidators way, but the team is right in the thick of the playoff race and Coach Trotta could care less about the schedule, as he can only play who is scheduled each week. The Intimidators are still a distant second in the D Division, but the team keeps winning, and that will pay off over time. The Commish's Death Squad.........well...... how about those Sixers????????????? That just might be "The Answer" to solve the Commish's frustrations!

S.T.L. 1    Blackjacks 4
Coach Phillips' team suffers a M-Th loss and then scores 25 points on Friday, which is more than the STL team could score all weekend. The 'Jacks were lead by Jeter and Rolen, two guys heating up just when the team needed it most. Coach Phillips is climbing towards .500, but needs a few more teams to lay down like the STL before they can really make some noise in the C Division race. Coach Woog wonders what the hell happened to his team? The team posted a nice (-2) point effort on Saturday, and somehow after scoring 55 during the week, managed to only get a week total of 74. Now that is a score only Maze and Rogan can be proud of! Welcome to the Sub 80 Point Club Coach Woog! 

Beginner's 3    X-Men 2
For the second straight week, the X-Men score in the top 3, only to have their opponent score there as well. Coach Alford's team is really playing well right now, and sneak away with the 3-2 win in the best battle of the week. Lead again by $-Rod, the Luck team has 1st place in the A Division in sight, and may make the move to the top spot this week. The X-Men keep scoring and Bonds keeps leading the way. Coach Dotson has to like his OF all getting 20+ for the week, just wonders when his team will catch a schedule break. Oh yea, the X-Men play the lowly Death this week....... there ya go!

Puppies 1    Connection 4
Coaches Rose and Coffman post yet another solid 4-1 win and while the scoring average slumps a little, the Connection still look to be the team to beat. Helton continues to prove his worth as a top draft pick and imagine if Giles every gets hot, the Connection then become frightening! The Puppies scored in the top 10, but failed to get any more than a single win. A big week from the Arizona pitching led the way, but a 1 and 3 point loss over the weekend sealed the fate for the Puppies.

Contributors 4    Clippers 1
Coach McSwain is the Larry Brown of this league so far. He always seems to get the most out of team, despite an AWOL Junior and to many injuries to count. The Contributors are trying to keep pace in the D Division, and Coach McSwain keeps waiting for return of Junior to provide the needed push, but may have to wait quite a while longer. His team is in the playoff race, and that is all he could hope for at this point. The Clippers are in serious danger on not even being able to defend their title come playoff time. Coaches Mike and Harry can rejoice in the recent Big Mac sighting, as well as the Death Squad on the schedule this week, both should help get the 'Clips back on the winning track.

Stingrays 2    Hummers 3
Coach Tyler's Hummers hold on to get the deciding win by just 3 points over the Stingrays. The Hummers sit comfortably in fist place in the B Division, led this week by Durham and his 28 points. The Stingrays coaches Merv/Mike may give Coach McSwain a run for the manager of the year award as the team continues to fight through the injury bug, but the 'Rays stumbled a little in week #8. The usually reliable Manny suffers through his worse week of the year, and that proved costly to to the 'Rays as the suffer the close total points defeat. The Luck is hot on the trail, but the Myers boyz are always tough and will have this team back on track before long.

Cobras 1    Barracudas 4
Coaches Pam and Bert (yes, Pam is now a full fledged paying member of the league!) spend the weekend in Texas and just phoned in the 4-1 win over the Cobras. The 'Cudas are lead by a resurgent Erstad and in the thick of the playoff race. I had a feeling Pam was pulling the strings on this team, now it is official, but then again they played the "Worms", should this week even count? Coach Maze continues to be frustrated (welcome to the club!) by his team's lack of production. Just a few weeks ago Jenkins posted a then weekly record high, this week he posts a nice (-1) point effort. Coach Maze may be leaving town early this year to scout college football players, as the Cobras team is in a full fledged nose dive right now.

Fury 1    Wiseguys 4
Coach Cote again shows when he is in control, the 'Guys are a force to be reckoned with. A huge game during the week for red-hot Klesko lead the way for the Wiseguys team this week. The 'Guys are in the playoff hunt and are not to far off the pace in the B Division. Coach Rogan stumbles in the first half of his doubleheader, but played the "Worms" in the 2nd part, so you can guess how that turned out. The Fury didn't have a player score over 16 all week, which just was not enough in this match-up.  

Lightning 1    Destroyers 4
Coach Steve's team puts up a needed solid week, with the 4 wins and a top 10 finish. The Destroyers get a solid week from the other Walker in town and push the record over the .500 mark. A few more weeks like this for Coach Steve, and his team will be right in the thick of the B Division race. Coach Rose fails to score triple digits yet again, something the Lightning faithful have become all to accustomed to. The Lightning were lead by Glaus' 19 points, but get a whopping (-4) for the week from Vanderwal and a combined 13 points from the OF's. That is how you score less than 100 points baseball fans!

Fury 4    Cobras (aka Worms) 1
In the first doubleheader of the week, the Fury get back to .500 for the week with a decisive 4-1 win over division rival Worms. The Fury have the 2nd lowest scoring average, but maybe a few more good match-ups and the team will be back in the A Division race. Coach Maze suffers another 4-1 loss making it a 2-8 week for the Cobras. Not good...... just not good. Maybe Maze can find "The Answer" like the Commish has.......not to mention Shaq can't rap or act! (insert cheap plug here) Go Sixers!!!!! 

Oysters 4    S.T.L. 1
Simple math here...... Oysters(GOOD) + S.T.L.(BAD)= near sweep.

Connection 2    X-Men 3
These two team faced off last week, and this week was no let down. A 139-138 final shows that the two teams are in a class by themselves in the C Dicision. Tough schedule for these two teams, as against nearly any other teams, both teams probably would post near sweeps.

Blackjacks 4    Redbirds 1
Coach Phillips gets the better of this C Division match-up. A big win M-Th was all that Coach Hanshe could walk way with, as the 'Jacks posted solid scores all weekend.

Week #8 Awards:

Player of the Week:    Wilson, Clippers/Durham, Hummers/Klesko, Wiseguys
Maybe this was a sign of the low scoring week, but all 3 players tied with 28 points for the week. The teams had varied amounts of success, or lack of, in some cases. 

Pitching Staff of the Week:    Boston, Contributors    55 Points
Pedro and Nomo were at it again, and led the way for the Contributors to win 4 games this week. Now if only Pedro could swing a bat, he would help fill Junior's shoes in the OF for Coach McSwain's team.

Boxscore Blunder of the Week:    Coach Harry & Coach Trotta
This prize is split between the Clippers and Intimidators coaches this week, not for bad score reporting, but for how dang tough it was to decipher their e-mails! I think maybe a Microsoft Excel 101 class should be on their Christmas lists this year!

Quote of the Week:    Coach Rogan, Fury
After a break in the schedule had the Fury playing the Cobras for the second week in a row, Coach Rogan so insightfully noted, "Fury beat Worms 4-1 for the second week in a row!!!!! I sure am glad they are in my division, they are going to keep me out of last place. Thanks Maze". Don't we all wish we had a bitch like Maze to beat up on every now and then! Then again, I resemble that last remark!

That is all for now, please try and get those scores confirmed with your opponent(s) and get them in on time. Three simple words....."single boxscore reporting". That and a coke make all the world smile! :>)

Good luck to everyone in week #9!

The Commish