Week #4

The 4th week of the year was the highest scoring week so far this year. Three different teams posted 90+ games on the M-Th game. As one of the teams that faced this, trust me when I say it is not fun having a 92 point game to ruin your weekend! Week four also featured our first round of doubleheaders, and it proved quite an interesting weekend for the teams involved. The score reporting continues to be solid, with a few teams slumping just a bit. Hopefully all teams by now have the hang of the scoring system and are comparing scores with opponents. This has really helped me and I can't thank everyone enough for their efforts. With the doubleheaders this week for 8 teams, it now presents a problem when looking at the standings on how to figure out who really is leading who. I have added two new features on the standings page. Total weeks played and winning % are now on the standings page. I hope this helps you figure out how much of a lead you really have, or as in my case, how much ground I have to make up. Any questions, please let me know.

One last reminder.....if you haven't done so yet, stop by and check out the league Bulletin Board on the website. Things are starting to heat up over there, come join in the fun! (please keep the Maze bashing to a minimum though, per Coach Rose) 

Now we'll take a look at the Week #4 results:

Stingrays 2    Puppies 3
Coach Levitre's Puppies start the week off with one of the 90+ games with a stellar 92 point effort. The 34 point loss was to much for the 'Rays to battle back from, but they did make it fairly close. The Puppies were lead by bionic man Walker who is using his new elbow to show signs of the MVP form of old. Catcher Johnson took 2nd high honors for the Puppies with 29 points in just 3 games played. The 'Pups sit solidly in 2nd place after posting the league high point total for the week. The Stingrays posted a solid score of 163 which was good enough for 4 wins in their other match-up, but against the high score of the week it was a tough pill to swallow for the Myers boys. Coach Merv lamented the ass kicking their team took during the week, but rallied the troops and showed they are the team to beat in the A Division. Lead by the top pitching staff in the league so far, the 'Rays are threatening to break away from the pack in their division if they keep up the 156 points/week pace they are on right now.

Beginner's Luck 3    Contributors 2
Coach Alford's Luck team gets the much needed 3 wins + the bonus win after a solid 147 point week. The only down part was that they played the mighty Stingrays in their doubleheader game and weren't as lucky there. Lead by 20+ efforts from OF's Cameron and Kapler, Coach Alford will take whatever wins they can get, knowing that 147 points will win most weeks pretty handily. Coach McSwain's MASH unit of a team gets 2 wins, just misses the bonus win by 4 points and finally gets their wish as Junior finally goes on the DL. The question for the Contributors is whether they will have enough players to finish the year, but their season may really rest on whether Griffey gets his first hit of the year before or after the All-Star break? Coach McSwain is praying to the baseball Gods that it happens in 15 days. Hmmm, maybe Andruw Jones was a better pick than the PH Griffey? Just a thought.......

Cobras 4    Oysters 1
Maze is back and he is taking names and kicking ass!!!!!! The Cobras rebound from the catastrophe that was week #3. Coach Maze gets his Cobras  to more than double their shameful performance from last week by putting up 170 points in their beating of the Oysters. Cobra OF Jenkins goes off for back to back 20+ point games over the weekend to post a new league weekly high score of 48. That score may be tough to beat, but if the Maze luck continues we should have a 50+ point week by this team next week. The Oysters slump off a bit from last week, if you can call 148 points a slump. Coaches JR & Chris figured after week #3 they could take a break this week and enjoy the weather in town, but I guess that old saying about letting sleeping dogs lie was never more true this week. Maze took the heat, and punished the first team to cross his path, and unfortunately for the Oysters they were in his way. The funny thing for the Oysters is the get beat 1-4 here, but posted a 4-1 win in the second match-up of the week, so not all was lost for the D Division leading Oysters.

Fury 1    S.T.L. 4
Coach Woog's team continues their winning ways and post another solid week with their wins over the Fury. The STL were lead by Macias (who???) and Mondesi and had just enough points to get the 10th and final spot bonus win race. Coach Woog left his team on auto-pilot again this week as he spent the weekend in Cheesehead Land at an after prom party with his buddy Chmura, so how was the hot tub? (the following is an unconfirmed report, for now) Maybe less Scott is more STL wins, go figure? :>) Coach Rogan's Fury are struggling for consistency on a week to week basis. The Fury get another solid week from Sweeney and Andruw Jones but can only muster up the single win. Coach Rogan has to be alarmed at the 1 point pitching effort from his Houston staff, and needs his team to get on track real quick, as the Division leader is starting to pull away already from his squad.

Lightning 1    Intimidators 4
Coach Trotta has the schedule maker to thank this week. Ed's Intimidators post a below average week, but get the schedule break and face the low team of the week. Slice it any way you want, and it is still 4 wins. Coach Trotta has to be a little concerned that his team has 12 wins but still has yet to crack the top 10 in any week this year. The easy schedule will only last so long, but if Piazza keeps it up, he may get Ed some cash with the player points title as Pudge's injury has opened that door wide open. Coach Rose's team has officially dropped the Lumber from the team name, as they post a league low 89 point week. When three different teams outscore your team's week in just one game, you no longer deserve to have anything powerful associated with the team. Coach Rose is quickly finding out that speed kills sometimes, and his team needs a quick fix. Maybe Larry should start shipping his OF's boxes of steroids, hoping for a mid-season bulk up by his slap hitting team. 

Destroyers 2    X-Men 3
The Mike & Al show battle back from a tough M-Th game to get the 3rd win via a tie-breaker on Sunday. The X-Men managed to lose total points but sweep the weekend series, which is not an easy thing to do. Coach Al was hiding out somewhere in parts unknown this week, so hence the wins for Mike's team. The X-Men sit in 2nd place in the C Division as they had a great doubleheader game to go along with the 3 wins here. Coach Steve was on cloud 9 after his Destroyers put up 90 points on the M-Th, but quickly came back to earth with the tie-breaker ending a disappointing weekend for the team. To sum up Steve's week, just look at Chavez's line for the week...... 18, -3, -2, -1. The Destroyers did manage to get the bonus win, so it ended up not all bad, but after the M-Th game, it could have and should have been so much better.

Wiseguys 4    Death 1
Chris and George post the final 90+ point game of the week, and continue right through the weekend and hand the Commish a crushing week. The 'Guys posted the 2nd high of the week with 185 points, lead by 52 points from SD pitching and 36 points from Chipper. The Wiseguys sit in the middle of the pack in the B Division, but if they can post another few weeks like this, they will be riding high before long. The Death team faced a tough opponent this week, and having your pitching staff at Coor's field all weekend couldn't have come at a worse time. Sosa finally had a solid week, but the Death team needs to turn it around real fast, as the ship is starting to take on water already. Enough said about this disappointing group of underachievers.

Barracudas 4    Blackjacks 1
Bert's 'Cudas have a solid week, get 4 wins and a top 10 finish. Lead by OF Owens and the Yankees pitching, the 'Cudas get back into the race with another 4 win doubleheader match-up. Bert is now a big fan of the doubleheaders and is hoping his team can keep getting 9 wins each and every week from here on out. Coach Phillips 'Jacks team suffers through a long week as they go 1-4 in both sides of the doubleheader. The 'Jacks OF put up nice numbers, but the rest of the team was a little lacking, to say the least. Needless to say, Coach Bill is not a fan of the doubleheaders so far!

Hummers 3    Redbirds 2
Coach Tyler's Hummers get the decisive 3rd win to get back on the winning track. A solid week from Everett lead the way, but Coach Tyler was still not happy with his team and promptly released 4 players at weeks end. I guess Tyler went to the Mike Keenan school of team management. The Hummers still sit a top the B Divison, so life is still good in Hummer Land. Coach Hanshe was having a solid week until his team laid a 9 point egg on Sunday. The 'Birds were lead by Alou and Drew, but a 0 point week from the Mets pitching killed any chance of a winning week. Punk Boy may be hot right now, but he's just a weekend in RF at the Vet away from being brought back to reality. I still hate him, if you couldn't tell (Hate Drew....not Rick!!! :>)

Clippers 2    Connection 3
Coaches Rose and Coffman continue to set the pace in the league as their Connection team post another solid week. The Connection get the bonus win for the 4th straight week and continue to have the highest scoring average in the league. Lead by Helton and lots of solid weeks all around, the Connection team still looks like a top contender at this early point in the season. The Clippers were in contention for the 3rd win, but a 29 point loss on Sunday dashed all hopes of the happening. Solid pitching lead the way for the 'Clips, but the defending champs still have a ways to climb back into the race. On a positive note, Harry did very well with the scores reporting this week, so maybe there is hope after all!!! :>)

Beginners Luck 1    Stingrays 4
In the first doubleheader of the week, the Stingrays bounce back from the Puppy attack that happened to them earlier. Coach Merv was asked what he thought of the doubleheaders and he commented, "this is like working again". Good thing for the Stingrays, is that they did keep working all weekend and get a solid 4 wins to put a little space between them and the rest of the A Division. Coach Alford goes 1-4 here after a 3-2 win over the Contributors. If Thome ever gets it going, the Luck could be real dangerous before long.

Hummers 1    Barracudas 4
The Hummers didn't have enough left in the tank, as the 'Cudas proved a tougher opponent then the Redbirds. Not a bad week for the Hummers, but players heads rolled as Coach Tyler expects more from his team. Two 4 win match-ups and a bonus win for the Cudas......Bert says "let's play 2 every week!".

Blackjacks 1    X-Men 4
Coach Phillips team was consistent this week, winning only 1 game in both sides of the doubleheader. That will take a few weeks to overcome. The X-Men don't face a 90+ point game, and get the 4 win week. Keep Al away, and the X-Men can play, go figure?

Oysters 4    Contributors 1
The Oysters go 1-4 and 4-1 during the week.......such is life in the doubleheader world. All in all, a solid week for JR and Corey. Coach McSwain suffers an even worse fate in the back end of the two match-ups. How long before Casey goes DL and John completely goes off the deep end???

Week #4 Awards:

Player of the Week:    Jenkins, Cobras    48 Points
Jenkins leads the Cobras back to respectability with a new league high 48 point effort. Games of 20 and 21 on Sat/Sun (with the Sun game also tying the league high for the year) were to much for the Oysters to overcome.

Pitching Staff of the Week:    San Diego, Wiseguys    52 Points
Chris and George ride the back of the Padres staff to a league high 52 point week. Games of 18, 14, 12 and 8 were just to much for the Commish and his Death Squad.

Boxscore Blunder of the Week:    Intimidators
Ed gets the award all to himself this week. Ed lead the way with 6 scoring errors, but thankfully his opponent was right on. Suggestion..... to prevent the threepeat in this award, confirm the scores before the reach the Commish, or I may just have to rename this the "Intimidators Scoring Award of the Week".

Quote of the Week:    Coach Rose, Team formerly known as Lumber
When Coach Larry sent in his scores, he summed up his teams weak performance, "here is the ugly scores for the pathetic Lumber". Ummm, do not use that L-word when referring to your team, it is to misleading to figure out. The team has to redeem themselves before they can use that word. Another sub 90 point week, and Larry just may need Maze to come to his defense before long! 

That is all for now, please get those scores confirmed with your opponent(s) and get them in on time. Thanks for your help so far and good luck to everyone in week #5!

The Commish