Week #2

Two weeks in the books, and several teams are already taken a spot in the front of the pack. I must thank everyone for getting their scores in so quickly while I was away (I visted family back East, it was a 3 cheesesteak trip!!). As most of you are finding out, by comparing scores with your opponent, it really does save me time by not having to go back and research scoring discrepancies. Maybe it is just that everyone is finally getting the hang of the scoring system, the internet and those "neat" Excel and Works files that make it so easy. Thanks again and keep up the great work!

Now we'll take a look at the Week #2 results:

Fury 4    Lumber & Lightning 1
Rogan's Fury squad bounces back from a horrifying week 1 performance to post a solid 4-1 week, along with a top 10 finish. Lead by solid efforts by their corners Sweeney and Truby, the Fury sit just 3 points behind the A Division lead. The only down note for Rogan was a nice -3 performance for the week from OF Bergeron. Coach Rogan must of been hoping for that stiff to take a pitch in the head or something to get him out of the line-up. Coach Rose was just happy to keep score for the right opponent this week, and forgot to inspire his team to play like they belong in the big leagues. Coach Rose may want to consider dropping the "Lumber" from the team name, as his squad has one power hitter and could face a false advertising suit from fans if they don't hit a few more homeruns before the season gets to much older.

X-Men 4    Blackjacks 1
The Coach Lovell lead X-Men put up another winning week over the Blackjacks, leading many to wonder...... will Coach Dotson even be allowed in the dugout for the rest of the year? Coach Dotson can get you a 2nd place finish no problem, but Coach Lovell has the X-Men fans thinking pennant in the young season. The X-Men were lead by a red hot Bonds and solid pitching by the newly acquired Cubs staff. When Coach Dotson was asked about the X-Men so far he responded, "I still think I had the best basketball team, how did I lose????" Ummm, you did have the best team, and you did lose...... get over it! :>) Coach Phillips Blackjacks put up a good fight this week, trashing the X-men in the M-TH games, but as we all know, you need a solid week to earn wins in this league. The Blackjacks welcomed stud SS Jeter back to the line-up and he had a decent week. They will need more production for Edmonds than his stellar 1 point week if the 'Jacks want to be contenders.

Intimidators 3    Red Birds 2
In a battle of expansion teams, Coach Trotta's fearsome team flexed just enough muscle to hold back the Red Birds. If not for a disappointing 5 point week from their Detroit pitching, the Intimidators could have walked away with another point or two. Coach Trotta has the best expansion team record so far, but his team is out to prove they are for real, and the team has solid players all around, they could be tough as the year goes on. Coach Hanshe has to be thinking what could have been, losing total points by just 2. The Redbirds have a few holes, but have talent. Just a few words of warning Coach Hanshe..... no team will ever win with JD "Punk" Drew in the line-up every day, he's a cancer.......don't believe me, ask the team that had him last year. Drop Drew soon......or your in for a long season. Or better yet, buy tickets to the Rockies the next time the Cards are in town, and chuck batteries at him......he really likes that! :>)

S.T.L. 0    Connection 5
The Connection are hitting on all cylinders in the young season, and put a 5-0 spanking on the S.W.A.L. (Sucks We Are Losing) team. Lefty Rose has his team performing at a league leading 186 points a week average. The Connection had 5 position players score 20+ points for the week, and trust me that will win many games if they keep that up. Scotty spent the week looking for his feather duster, but has a keen partner in Coach Coffman to keep an eye on things when he is ..well...um..... busy. Coach Woog is still trying to get settled into this whole internet league thing, but his team didn't perform all that badly. They had the 5th highest point total of the week, lead by Bagwell, who finally realized spring training was over. Maybe Coach Woog will reach the same conclusion before long as well. Keep trying Scott!!! We miss you!

Oysters 3    Clippers 2
JR & Chris's Oysters bounce back from a bad week #1 to get the decisive 3rd win over the defending champs. Lead by a rejuvenated Seattle pitching staff, who apparently didn't take my "homer pick" comment last week to well. Giambi and Burnitz lead the offense for the Oysters who are looking to get back into contention where they think they belong. Don't worry Oyster fans, you new SS has arrived in the form of $252 man Bordick. No millions after that $ amount, he ain't that good! The defending champs suffer through another tough week. Getting -2 for the week from your number 1 OF is not easy to overcome. Harry was overheard asking if that Quinn guy was still available at OF...... good to see you in mid-season form my friend!

Hummer 4    Puppies 1
Tyler's Hummers blow away the Puppies, showing them what being in the big league is all about. Delgado suffers an off week (i.e. not hitting 5 HR's in 2 days), but the put up enough points to get the 4 wins and the top 10 finish. The Hummers sit a top the B Division with a comfortable 7 point lead already. Can they clinch by mid May might be the question if the rest of the B Division doesn't step up real soon. The Hummers are just plain good........but then again, is there such a thing as a bad Hummer? Just curious........ The Puppies were a little overmatched this week and fall back into the pack in the D Division. The Puppies corner men are a showing signs of trouble already, but then again, maybe Ripken will regain his form of 1983......you never know! 

Contributors 4    Barracudas 1
Fresh off his stimulating trouncing of the Cobras, Coach McSwain's Contributors post another solid 4-1 week to grab the lead in the D Division. Another solid pitching week and Casey was at the bat this week as well. Funny thing about the Contributors, they are 8-2 and have -1 points so far this year from stud Griffey. Just think what this team will be like when Junior starts scoring positive points!!!! The Cuda's suffer through another tough week, as even Hollandsworth's 3 HR game wasn't enough to secure any more wins. The Cuda's are getting lots of solid performances, but need someone to step up on the club and lead the team to a few more wins each week.

Stingrays 3    Wiseguys 2
Myer's  Stingrays hold off the 'Guys to secure the 3-2 win and the top 10 finish. Lead by the LA pitching and new stud OF Quinn (Harry's favorite player), the Stingrays sit a top the A Division. Coach's Mike and Merv are looking solid early, but still face stiff competion in the A Division, but these two always seem to be around at year's end. Just another day in paradise for the Stingrays club. The Guy's double last week's win total, but still not what Coach Cote was looking for. Maybe Chris will have to dial 1-800-COLLECT and call fellow Coach George for a little advice. Hey, if Aylissa Milano shows up during that call to help you dial, please invite me over! :>)

Cobras 5    Destroyers 0
All is good again in Coach Maze's world as his Cobras tame the Destroyers to the tune of a 5-0 sweep, and even get the final spot in the top 10 bonus point race. It goes to show that scoring tons of points is not always good, especially when it is still less than you opponent. Maybe this will be the year Coach Maze returns to top again......and we all would love to see that....right??? Anyone....? Good luck to the Cobras, we're all rooting for ya! :>) Coach Steve has to wonder what happened. A sweep and $20 lighter in the wallet. Man, it is like losing to any NJ/NY team in real sports, it is enough to make you wanna puke. I will refrain from telling Mom about this.......for now.........

Beginner's Luck 2    Creeping Death 3
The Commish bounces back and his Death Squad puts up a solid effort in their 3-2 win over Coach Alford's Luck team. The Commish leaves town, the team wins.....hmmmmm, maybe I will turn over the reigns of the Death Squad to my girlfriend, I just may need to focus on other things, I put to much pressure on the team I guess. It was quite a battle between the two teams, as bad blood still exists after the basketball season battles between these two teams. The Death Squad was lead by young gun Soriano and a solid pitching effort. Coach Alford posted the 4th high total of the week, but ran into the 2nd high point total for the week. $-Rod finally started to prove he was worthy of the #1 pick with a league leading 43 points. It was till not enough, but the Beginner's are quickly proving they belong in the big league, Coach Brian has a solid team.

Week #2 Awards:

Player of the Week:    $-Rod, Beginner's Luck    43 Points
For the second straight week, the player of the week was on the Commish's opponents team......this trend must stop....NOW! $-Rod was great over the weekend, hitting 4 HR in the 3 weekend games.

Pitching Staff of the Week:    Atlanta, Clippers    46 Points
The Braves staff was back to normal this week for the Clippers. A healthy Maddux is key for the team, and were solid all week long.

Boxscore Blunder of the Week:    S.T.L.
Yes, Scott is new to the league ........yada, yada, yada..........you heard that last week, but Scott was amazingly consistent with his scores...... didn't record HBP all weekend. Well.....if you are going to make mistakes, make them consistently......they are easier to fix. It will get better Scott!

Quote of the Week:    Steve Snyder, Destroyers
A disappointed Coach Steve sent in his scores of his 5-0 trouncing by the Cobras....and summed it up best what it felt like being abused by Maze all week......."F U Maze". Coach Maze was overheard telling Moose and Rocco to help Snyder find his check book....he wants his $20!

That is all for now, please get those scores confirmed with your opponent and get them in on time. Thanks for your help so far and good luck to everyone in week #3!

The Commish