Week #1

Hard to believe, but week #1 is already in the books. Thanks for everyone's patience getting things rolling this year, as it was an adventure with the expanded league and new teams this year. But funny thing is, I actually think things went smoother this year with the website, as I have sharpened my website design skills over the last year. The website is a little more comprehensive this year, so hopefully things have started out on a positive note, as I posted week #1 results in a near record time. Please remember the key to getting results posted quickly, is to get me scores that need little or no research on my part. Half of the match-ups in week #1 were able to send me one single boxscore agreed upon by both teams. If we can get that up to 9 or 10 match-ups, results should be available Monday night on most weeks. Thanks again to all teams who got their scores in and made my job easier.

Now we'll take a look at the Week #1 results:

Hummers 5    Death 0
Tyler's Hummers put it to the Commish in a week long sweep on the lowly Death Squad. The Commish was a little distracted this week with the league start up and most importantly...... the Basketball Championship Games. We'll the Death B-Ball team came through, but the Death Squad was denied in their attempt to use Duncan's extra game as his 3rd OF. It still wouldn't have been enough, sadly! The Hummers got a league leading 44 points from Carlos "5 HR in 2 games" Delgado, and also got solid efforts from Toronto PS along with Nefi, who chipped in 26 points before going on the DL. The Hummers look solid and the Death squad is still waiting for his top picks to produce. Long season ahead for the Commish if things don't improve real soon!

Contributors 4    Cobras 1
On a positive note, the Cobras scored the 4th best total of the week, but as it always seems to happen to Coach Maze, it was against the 2nd highest point total of the week, the Contributors. Sparks were flying in this series all week, as Coach McSwain handed out the first trash talking of the year by entitling his scores e-mail "I beat Maze!!!", and then proceeded to add, "he's such a loser, I hope I sweep the loser!" Maze responded, "the only team that can beat Karmazyn is another team that Karmazyn drafted." Oooohhhh, them sound like fighting words! McSwain walks away with 20 bucks from Maze's pocket, and the knowledge that Boston PS put up a rediculous 64 points for the week, and it couldn't of happened against a nicer opponent! :>) The Cobras will bounce back, but it may have to wait until Week #3, as Maze gets the Destroyer this week, who smells the $20 already. The Contributors got 99 points from Boston PS and Damian Jackson. Ummmm, yes....Damian Jackson....go figure??

Pound Puppies 4    Fury 1
New owner Levitre steps into the league a puts it to Rogan's Fury team. The Pups get the final top 10 spot of a very successful first week. Lead by the healthy Larry Walker's 29 points, the Pups only had one bad game with their 8 point effort on Fri. I know Ron is not new to fantasy baseball, so I hope he isn't all excited about Walker's week #1 performance to the point that he forgets that with Walker playing 5 games week #1, that he has used up 1/20th of the games he'll play this year. Do the math...... health will catch up with Mr. Walker unfortunately, it always does. Rogan has to be disappointed with the Fury's efforts week #1, putting up a weak 75 points for the week, and a mind blowing -5 point effort from his TEAM on Sat. Rogan at least still has a sense of humor after the week 1 disaster, commenting "Saturdays scores were right. HOW ABOUT MY OFFENSIVE EXPLOSION!!" Hey, at least the Phillies swept the Marlins and the Flyers made the playoffs..... could be worse!

Lumber & Lightning 4    Oysters 1
The expansion Lumber team lead by Larry "who am I playing this week?" Rose put it to the Oysters to get the new franchise off to a solid start. The Lumber squad was lead by Grudz and his 38 points. Somebody wake Grudz up and tell him the season started for real already!!!! JR's Oysters take the beating knowing that all the games but one were close. The Oysters have a solid team, except for the pitching staff.....homer picks never pan out, you should know better than that! Larry gets a special award this week, look down below for his outstanding accomplishment in Week #1.

Destroyers 3    S.T.L. 2
Steve's Destroyers put up a solid week one effort to hold back the new S.T.L. team. The Destroyers were lead by the other Walker in Colorado, along with the other Gonzalez (Luis), and overcame a off week by the other Rodriguez in Texas. Other than that, a solid effort by the Destroyers all around. Woog's welcoming into the league didn't go horribly, but the S.T.L. will have to step up their game now that they have made it to the big league. Woog is still getting use to this whole internet based league, but vows to redeem himself in the not to distant future. Words of advice Scott... don't call Harry for help with the computer/internet!!!!

Intimidators 4    Wiseguys 1
Trotta's Intimidators flex their muscle in week #1 and get a solid 4-1 victory over the Wiseguys. The Intimidators failed to get the bonus point, so they will have to flex a little harder in the future, as the match-up won't always go their way. For now, Trotta's team looks solid and got consistent efforts from most of his line-up. The Wiseguys need more than 2 points from star 2B Alfonzo if they wish to remain competitive. 98 points a week will not win many games, but luckily for the Wiseguys they have lots of room for improvement and have the players to bounce right back.

X-Men 4    Barracudas 1
Coach Al gets a little consolation after his Bomb Squad imploded in the basketball finals with the X-Men's solid win. Coach Lovell is taking all the credit for the week #1 wins, as Coach Dotson was a little distracted this week. On a positive note for the X-men, Coach Dotson is out of town this week, so Coach Lovell gets to prove his worth again in week #2. The X-Men got 28 points from Florida's PS and promptly released them at weeks end. I guess the weather forecasters are predicting the wind to blow in all summer at Wrigley. The Cuda's stumble out of the gate and can't overcome 10 points combined from their top two OF's. Raffy looks solid and the Yankees PS is a solid pick, so they have the tools to turn it on real quick.

Stingrays 4    Beginner's Luck 1
Myer's  Stingrays show that luck isn't everything (although it helps!!! :>) and hand Alford's Luck a thorough beating, just a 1 point loss on M-Th as the only negative of the week. The Myers ownership is looking for redemption after the disappointing end to the College Football season, and both gentleman are ready to reclaim what was thought to be theirs. The Stingrays get solid efforts from LA pitching and Quinn who posted a league high OF score of 32. Alford may have been still smarting over the shellacking he took in basketball the week before, but his Luck squad has talent and of course the $252 Million Dollar Man. The Luck gets the Death Squad in week #2, so here is his chance to redeem himself for the humbling basketball whooping he took.

Blackjacks 4    Clippers 1
Phillip's Blackjacks get the 4 win week, despite putting up just 103 points. I wonder how Maze feels about that???? Go ahead, ask him! The 'Jacks were lead by 6 double digit efforts, but they will need to put up a few more points before they can be taken for real. They are a new team, and Phillips is just happy to be in the big leagues, but the team has talent and could make some noise. The defending champs Clippers put up a disappointing week #1 effort as they try to defend their crown. Mike and Harry have to be shaking their head already as Big Mac puts up a big fat ZERO in week one, but come on guys, did you expect that he would play 162 games? The question for the Clippers is will their corner men play 162 games between them this year? If they do, they will be solid, if not they may get back the title of "Worst Franchise in Sports".

Connection 4    Redbirds 1
The Connection lead by Coach's "Lefty" Rose and Coffman set the early season pace with a league leading 197 points in a thorough trashing of the expansion Redbirds. The Connection got top performances from Posada, Guzman and their very late round pick Montreal PS. Coach's Rose and Coffman have to happy with the performance in week #1, and look to continue their winning ways against another expansion team the S.T.L. in week #2. The Redbirds first week in the big leagues didn't go exactly as planned, but Coachs Hanshe and McIlvain can take a little consolation in the fact they did score in the top 10 in the league. Biggio looks to be healthy for the Redbirds which could really be a steal of a pick if he returns to form this year. All in all, not a bad first week for the expansion Redbirds, just caught a tough break on the schedule and don't have many W's to show for their efforts.

Week #1 Awards:

Player of the Week:    Delgado, Hummers    44 Points
Delgado led the Hummers to a Week #1 sweep of the Death Squad and a league leading 6 point performace for the Hummers.

Pitching Staff of the Week:    Boston, Contributors    64 Points
Lead by Nomo's no-hitter and a usual great game by Pedro, the Contributors used the 64 Points to take 4 out of 5 over the tough Cobras team.

Boxscore Blunder of the Week:    Lumber & Lightning
Yes, Larry is new to the league and I usually will cut a new owner a little slack, but Larry submitted his scores and was quite disappointed his team was thumped by the Contributors............ ummmmm, Larry......... you played the Oysters in week #1!!!!!!!!! To Larry's credit, he did revise his scores rather quickly and get them in on time, but could be a long season for Mr. Rose if he has to do the scores twice each week!

Quote of the Week:    Scott Rose, Connection
Responding to my e-mail about my score reporting "dream" and the offer from my brother Steve to come install Excel if any wanted his help......."my dream is to sit back and drink beer while Stevie installs Excel into my p. c. naked with a feather duster up his ass....". Now that is funny, but when it came down to Steve coming over this past week, Scott responded that his wife was going to do it for him.......which makes me wonder.......did "Lefty" use the feather duster?? Just curious...... :>)

That is all for now, please get those scores confirmed with your opponent and get them in on time. Thanks for your help so far and good luck to everyone in week #2!

The Commish