Week #6

After a one week hiatus, the Commish's Corner is back on-line. The last two weeks have been a little busy for the Commish. In addition to trying to save his sinking ship of a team, the Commish had some personal issues to deal with. After enjoying the bachelor life for 33 years, the Commish got engaged two weeks ago. No wedding date set quite yet (probably next spring), but the Commish is relocating next month to Thornton to live with his future bride. So needless to say, it will be quite a summer and fall for the Commish and the future Mrs. Snyder.

The league has had a few teams take advantage of the doubleheaders on the schedule and move to the front of the pack with powerful 10 game weeks. Many a team is quite frustrated out there as they score points, but get no wins. And to further the frustration, teams score 90 points and get 4 wins, that is a tough pill to swallow for many. Injuries are running rampant as star players like Pudge, Big Mac and the Big Hurt sit on the sidelines, leaving owners to ponder over the bottom of the barrel to find replacements. Yes, this new 20 team league format has added quite a challenge to finding a decent replacement player. The scary thing is, the scoring has remained pretty high over the last few weeks, as many a player is having a fine season and leading their respective fantasy team to wins. Some teams are able to overcome the injuries, others have not. As the season progresses, any team is just a few good weeks away from returning to contention, and teams at the top are just an injury or two away from falling quickly. That is one of the beauties of the 20 team league. So hang in there my fellow bottom feeders, we are just a superstar injury away from being back in the race! 

Now we'll take a look at the Week #6 results:

Destroyers 1    Hummers 4
We start right off with the exact frustrating results many an owner deals with. The Hummers post the 4-1 win over the Destroyers, despite scoring just 117 points and getting -9 points from their pitching staff and catcher combined! Coach Tyler says "oh well" when asked about the week, and he is right..... it takes a few breaks along the way. The Hummers did get solid weeks from newly acquired Vladi and Nefi as Coor's Field was it usual football scores best. The Hummers sit in 2nd place in the B Division, and Tyler is hoping for a few more schedule breaks along the way if his team doesn't return to scoring points. Then again, Tyler may just release his team, he is not a patient person with cold players! The Destroyers picked a bad week to score so low as this was just the first of two match-ups that didn't turn out the way Coach Steve had planned. Walker was part of the Coor's slugfest all weekend and Glanville went off for 16 points of Friday, but it still wasn't enough. The Destroyers slip a little further behind in the B Division, but the return of Pudge is only a week away and should help bolster the team back into the race. Maybe Steve was a little shell-shocked by the news of his brother finally leaving the house!

Oysters 3    Intimidators 2
Coaches JR and Corey get the Oysters back on track with a league high 184 points for the week in their 3-2 win. The Oysters were solid all-around with 4 players scoring 20+ and lead by Ichiro with 38 points. The Oysters are a little disappointed it wasn't a sweep with such impressive scores, but as they sit a top the D Division they will be content to know that a schedule break will eventually come around..... they hope. Coach Trotta's Intimidators put up the 4th high score of the week, but just ran into a tough opponent for the week. Geeezzz, this schedule thing is really a big deal to many! The Intimidators get an impressive 22-26-30 point week from their OF's, and also 35 points from recent acquisition Philly pitching. Hmmm, with all the Philly boyz in this league, how did the amazing Phil's pitching staff slip through the cracks??? Coach Trotta will take the 2 wins and the bonus win and look to score 160+ again this week, with a little better results. The Intimidators sit in 2nd place, so they are right in the thick of things.

Puppies 3    X-Men 2
In another high scoring game of the week, the Puppies use a big win on Sunday to secure the 3-2 win over the X-Men. Coaches Levitre and Brady get every player but one on the Puppies team to score double digits and post a 48 point game on Sunday to get the decisive wins. The Puppies sit in the middle of a dog fight for the D Division race, as 4 of the 5 teams have winning % of over .500 right now. The 'Pups need a few more weeks like this to keep pace in the tightest division in the league. The X-Men post a score worthy enough of the bonus win, but a 10 point game on Sunday left a bad taste in Al and Mike's mouth. The X-Men were cruising right along with 4 position players scoring 20+ points for the week, but fell a little short. The X-Men are sitting in 2nd place in the C Division, waiting for the Connection to come back to earth. Al and Mike have a solid team and will be there until the end.

Contributors 3    Death 2
Coach McSwain's team sneaks away with the 3-2 win over the Commish as a late inning Larkin appearance gives them the decisive total points win. Battling through injuries, the Contributors continue to post solid weeks and are right in the middle of things in the competitive D Division. Coach McSwain pulls the trigger on trade and adds Andruw to the line-up, but still wonders when Junior will make his first real appearance of the year. If and when that happens, the Contributors will become that much tougher and have the talent to step up in the division. The Death Squad continues to disappoint week in and week out. Sosa scores 7 points in 3 of the 4 games M-TH, then goes 0, -1, 1 over the weekend. Just great Sammy!!!!!!!! The Commish is hoping for a break or two before long, or may just have to settle for getting married as the only positive thing that happened all summer. (Although that would be impossible to top!) Maybe a hole in one on the golf course would be nice as well! Probably better odds that this lame team turns it around!

Stingrays 4    Blackjacks 1
Coaches Merv and Mike are pure magicians!!!!! How the heck they have the Stingrays playing to the level they are, is just flat out amazing. The Stingrays now have 5 players on the DL and are really scrapping just to field a lien-up each week, but somehow they continue to post top 10 scores and get the wins each week. This week they suffered through 13 DNP's but still managed to score 144 points. The 'Rays were lead by huge weeks from Manny and LA pitching, who combine for 81 points. Hmmm, wouldn't that have been enough to beat a few teams for the week a few weeks ago??? The Stingrays MASH unit marches on, leading the league with 32 team points. Amazing.......simply amazing! Coach Phillips team post a respectable 128 points, but can only managed a single win for the week. NY homeboys Jeter and O'Neill continue to post solid weeks for the team, but the 'Jacks need to step it up in the next few weeks to get back into the playoff hunt. The team is solid and Coach Phillips can only hope that newly acquired Karros scores more than 1 point in future weeks, not that the player he traded to get him did much better!

Cobras 1    Redbirds 4
The Redbirds pull out the 4 win week over the Cobras in a closely contested match all week. Coach Hanshe gets a big week from Punk Boy Drew, which also happened to sink the Death in a doubleheader match-up. Despite the 34 points, the guy is still a punk! Coach Rick doesn't seem to care about the character of his players, and will take the wins any way he get them. The Redbirds still have some ground to make up in the C Division, but this weeks doubleheader was just what the Doctor ordered for the team. Coach Maze's Cobra squad gets the final spot in the top 10, but suffers through a 2-8 week. Gotta love that schedule!!!!! The Cobras lose the Big Nothing for the year, but still have the talent to compete. Coach Maze will find a way to overcome the injuries, but a few more weeks like this and the Cobras will find it tough to bounce back. Coach Maze figures if he keeps scoring this way, he'll get his wins eventually, but as this league has shown so far, it is not a guarantee and could be yet another frustrating fantasy season for Coach Maze.

Fury 1    Connection 4
The Connection are still chugging along on all cylinders and get the 4 win week with another impressive 160+ point week. Coach Rose took much delight in the banner week by Helton, and his new league high 50 point week. The Connection now hold 4 of the 6 sidepots, and have a league high .778 winning %. Coaches Rose and Coffman have to happy with things so far, the only thing that could rain on their parade is the upcoming doubleheader schedule, that can really turn things quickly. With the way their team is playing, they look forward to it and may just pull away from the league at that time. Coach Rogan makes a trade getting Phillie Abreu and gets his team to put up a solid 130 points, but it wasn't near enough against the powerful Connection team. The Fury continue to struggle but still have the talent to compete and a Coach that will not give up. That alone is enough to make the Fury a dangerous opponent any week on the schedule.

Lightning 2    Clippers 3
The 'Clips use a huge  51 point Sunday to get the needed 3 wins and the top 10 finish. Coaches Mike and Harry continue to find that being the defending champ is not all that fun, as the usually low scoring Lightning squad musters up solid games in the first two, but the 'Clips bounce back and win 3 in a row. Mike and Harry are still waiting for a Big Mac sighting and if that ever happens the tide could turn rather quickly for the 'Clips. Young studs Wilson and Pujols continue to lead the way for the team, and they are just a few more solid weeks away from being back in the playoff race. Coach Rose actually scores a few points this week with his light hitting team. The Lightning finally get a solid week from Glaus and if he can get hot, may provide the pop that this team desperately needs. Coach Larry is a veteran coach who realizes that there is lots of games left, but needs to get his team on a roll before long or it just may be a little to late for the Lightning.

Beginner's 4    S.T.L. 1
Coach Alford's team post the 2nd score of the week on their way to a 8-2 week in doubleheader action. A big game from $-Rod along with big weeks from Higgy and their pitching staff, paved the way for the much need 4-1 sweeps. Now with 27 team points, the Beginner's have put themselves right into the heart of the playoff race. Coach Alford is once again proving he is no beginner when it comes to fantasy sports. Coach Woog thought he had his STL team back on track in recent weeks, and then reality set in with a 1 win week, along with missing out on the top 10 by just 1 point. The STL had solid weeks from Vidro and Lee, but are still waiting for Bags to get on track. Coach Woog's team is the only team below .500 in the D Division, but with doubleheaders on the horizon for his team, Coach Woog likes his chances of getting right back into the competitive division race.

Wiseguys 1    Barracudas 4
The 'Cudas slip away with the 4 win week, despite winning total points by just one! Bert and Pam (the real deal in that clubhouse) finally get a solid week from Erstad and the continued solid play from the Yanks pitching to lead the way to the narrow wins. The 'Cudas may need more solid weeks from Erstad to hold onto the top spot in the B Division, but this team is solid all around. For the Wiseguys this week we had a special guest Coach appearance from "silent partner" George while Chris was away, but he couldn't get the 'Guys season turned around all by himself. While George is busy getting settled in New Hampshire, he and Chris have their work cut out for them to get the Wiseguys back on the winning track. Klesko continues to impress for the 'Guys, but many others need to step up and lend a hand in turn the season around. Welcome back George!

Beginner's 4    Lightning 1
In the first doubleheader of the week, the Beginner's get another 4-1 win that put them right into the heat of the playoff race. Coach Alford's team has the 4th highest scoring average, but barely needed it against the lowly Lightning team. Coach Rose went with speed this year, which might give him a speedy exit out of the playoff race. Maybe Glaus catches fire and hits 60 HR;s this year.........then again, maybe not and the Lightning are left relying on the feet of their speedy Of's to lead the way back. Good luck!

Cobras 1    Stingrays 4
The Stingrays are still amazing and the Cobras suffer their second 1-4 loss of the week. Hmmm, I think that means Coach Maze is about $40 lighter in the wallet this week. Merv and Mike will take it any way they can get it!

Destroyers 1    Clippers 4
Mike and Harry put it to Coach Steve and his Destroyers in a near sweep in the doubleheader games. The Clippers were looking for someone to finally beat up, and they got their wish here. The 160 points were just to much for the Destroyers and the defending champs slowly make their way back into things.

Redbirds 4    Death 1
Coach Hanshe gets the needed 4 wins, the Commish gets his usual 1 win. A close battle throughout, but the 'Birds had just a little more when needed to put the Commish away.

Week #6 Awards:

Player of the Week:    Helton, Connection    50 Points
Helton takes over the high series of the year sidepot as he lead the Connection to yet another impressive week. Coach Rose rejoiced, "TELL MAZE BYE BYE TO HIGH PLAYER FOR A SERIES, WHEN IT RAIN IT POURS".

Pitching Staff of the Week:    Los Angeles, Stingrays    46 Points
Merv and Mike needed a huge week from their staff with the rash of injuries on the team, and their pitching staff responded with a league high 46 point week.

Boxscore Blunder of the Week:    Redbirds/Stingrays/Cobras
We are giving this award this week to this three-headed monster. While they took the time to confirm scores with each other, and send me a single boxscore for each side of the doubleheader.... the results were not the same for all teams involved!!!!!! It didn't take long to sort it out, but quite a shock when you plug in "confirmed scores" and they don't match.

Quote of the Week:    Coach Merv, Stingrays
Merv noted this week, "Excellent week for the Rays considering most of our players are hospitalized". Yup, that about sums it up!

That is all for now, please get those scores confirmed with your opponent(s) and get them in on time. Thanks for your help so far and good luck to everyone in week #7!

The Commish