Week #7

With the holiday weekend approaching, this will be an abbreviated version of the Commish's Corner due to time retsraints.

A real close race for the top 10 bonus win in Week #7. Just an amazing 5 points separated 4th place from 10th place this week. Some leaders continue to sparkle, while other cellar dwellers have yet to show signs of life.  The scary part is, we are not even to the half way point of the fantasy season. Boy, baseball is a summer long sport, which some teams are thankful for, as there is still plenty of time to get back in the race with a few solid weeks in a row.

The score reporting hit a major bump in the road in Week #7 as it took the Commish quite some time to track down several owners just to get scores, and many teams had trouble comparing with their opponent. I hate to keep preaching the same thing, but I know many of you are waiting for the results each week. I can only get standings posted each week once the scores are reported and confirmed, so the more every team can do to assist in that process, it will help me and the league greatly. Everyone has done the "single confirmed boxscore" at some point this year, so I know everyone knows how the process works. Many thanks to the 9 or 10 teams that have sent a single boxscore each and every week, you guys are great!

Enough preaching, on to the Week #7 results (and remember, a little short due to time restraints this week):

X-Men 3    Connection 2
Coach Al has the X-men hitting on all cylinders right now and they beat back the league leading Connection squad. A HUGE week by red-hot Bonds lead the way for the X-Men. Coach Al has the team sitting in 2nd place and just waiting for the Connection to stumble in the C Division. Coaches Rose and Corey finally find out what all this bitching about schedule is about. The Connection keep on posting big numbers, but this week the 2nd high score of the week came against the top score of the week. Tough break...... but with the 2 wins and the bonus win it doesn't hurt that bad!

Death 1    Redbirds 4
Coach Hanshe gets the needed 4 win week to climb ever closer to the .500 mark. The Mets pitching rebounds from a few tough weeks to lead the Redbirds. The Commish's favorite player Punk Boy Drew leads the offensive charge yet again to put down the Death Squad for a second consecutive week. The Death team is a major disappointment.......end of story.

Beginner's 4    Blackjacks 1
Coach Alford has his team now in the elite of the league. The Luck now have the 4th best scoring average and winning % and look to be a team to be competing come playoff time. $-Rod is running away with the SS player points prize and leading the team to big weeks. Coach Phillips can only muster up 100 points this week, not quite enough to get it done against such a worthy opponent. The Blackjacks OF combined for 12 points this week, that just will not get it done in this league.

Intimidators 3    Clippers 2
Coach Trotta gets the needed 3 win week to try and keep pace in the tough D Divission. Philly pitching has been the saving grace for the team, but once again and Intimidators opponent couldn't even muster up 100 points. Yes, the schedule has been mighty favorable to the Intimidators. The defending champs Clippers continue to spin their wheels trying to get back on track. Coaches Mike and Harry have put out an APB for Big Mac. I think I spotted a picture of him on a milk carton the other day.

S.T.L. 1    Hummers
Coach Tyler continues to lead the B Division with another solid week. The Hummers get solid weeks from many, as they usually do. If Vladi gets hot, look out for this team, they have many big guns and they may just blow away from the rest of the division before long. Coach Woog stumbles this week, which he really couldn't afford being in the toughest division in the league. Coach Woog is thought he drafted the same top 10 points leader Jeff Bagwell from last year? Uhh, apparently not, but it is still early.

Oysters 5    Barracudas 0
Welcome to reality Coaches Bert and Pam! The Mighty Oysters continue their high scoring ways and get the sweep of the 'Cudas. A monster 25 point day for Varitek of all people, sets the new league daily high score. The Oysters lead the tough D Division and with a few more weeks like this, could really put a little space between them and the rest of the division. The 'Cudas picked the wrong week to slump off. No player really stepped up and Hollandsworth went on the DL, leaving a big hole in their OF. No need to panic just yet or the 'Cudas, as they still have a solid team and sit in 2nd place, but can't afford to many more 0-5 weeks if they want to stay in the race.

Puppies 1    Wiseguys 4
Coach Cote returns to the controls of the 'Guys and gets the needed 4-1 week, along with the bonus win. The Wiseguys are back at .500 and looking to move up with a few more weeks like this. Coach Ron seemed to leave the 'Pups on auto-pilot this week, and the team posted a top 10 score, but not enough to get more than 1 win. It is that damn schedule thing yet again!

Contributors 1    Destroyers 4
Coach Steve gets the needed 4-1 week along with a top 10 finish to get his Destroyers back on track. Four 20+ weeks from his players are a good sign that the Destroyers are rounding into shape. Coach McSwain continues to fight the injury bug and jus didn't have enough guns to go to battle this week. Surprisingly the team that has been decimated by injuries is still in the thick of things, but I think I saw Griffey's picture on that same milk carton as Big Mac, and that can not be a good sign!

Stingrays 2    Lightning 3
Coach Rose somehow got his team pumped up enough to beat the tough Stingrays team, and even get a top 10 finish. Lead by Glaus (about time!) the Lightning still have ground to make up, but one step at a time for Coach Rose. The Myers' boyz stumble against a team they figured to handle easily, but injuries proved to tough to overcome this week. Umm, then again the 'Rays actually outscored the Lightning for the week, but only get 2 wins. Go figure???? The Stingrays are still the 2nd ranked team in the league, so they are still in prime shape at this time.

Cobras 1    Fury 4
Coach Rogan gets the decisive victory over division opponent "Worms".  Coach Maze is happy to reach triple digits for the week, which may not happen in week #8. The Fury move up every closer to passing the "Worms" in the standings, and Coach maze is left to make more trades trying to find the right combination for his struggling team.

Hummers 4    Destroyers 1
In the first doubleheader of the week, the Hummers keep winning, and the Destroyers end up .500 for the week. This match-up was close every day, with total points decided by just 1. Tough break for Coach Steve, but the Hummers seem to play up to their opponent when needed.

Clippers 0    Wiseguys 5
Coach Cote ends his return to the controls with a sweep of the Clippers. A 10 win week for the 'Guys is just what they needed, and Coach Cote will have to re-think going on vacation any time soon. The Clippers....... well..... score 93 points and go 2-8... yea, that seems about right.

Puppies 3    Intimidators 2
Coach Ron gets his 'Pups to bounce back and get the 3 wins. The Intimidators end up .500 for the week, in close second match-up of the week.

Contributors 2    S.T.L. 3
Coach Woog gets a little relief with the 3-2 win after a bad start to the week. The S.T.L. win total points on a tie-breaker after a 109-109 tie. Geez, I bet a few teams wish they were part of this game! Coach McSwain wonders if Junior played this week could he have scored the needed extra one point? If you wanna see Coach McSwain squirm, mention the words "season-ending" in his presence!

Week #7 Awards:

Player of the Week:    Bonds, X-Men    48 Points
Barry falls just 2 points shy of a matching the season high, but it was still enough to lead the X-Men to the high score of the week in the league.

Pitching Staff of the Week:    Philadelphia, Intimidators    39 Points
Steve Carlton, Larry Christianson, Dick Ruthven and Tug McGraw return for the Phillies in a old-timers week to lead the way for the Intimidators as they post the weekly high score. (Hey, that sounds better than Person, Telemaco,  Wolf and Mesa leading the way!)

Boxscore Blunder of the Week:    Puppies
Coach Ron went MIA on the score reporting this week, leaving the Commish to verify scores with opponents. The first mulligan of the year has been awarded.

Quote of the Week:    Coach Rose, Connection
Scotty noted this week, "ONE HELL OF A SERIES. AL, YOU AND MR. BONDS GOT THE BEST OF THE CONNECTION". I couldn't describe the best match-up of the week any better myself. These two teams slugged it out, giving the fans their moneys worth for sure.

That is all for now, please try and get those scores confirmed with your opponent(s) and get them in on time. Lets get back on the single boxscore reporting again and good luck to everyone in week #8!

The Commish