Feel the Pain week # 7

                               Hate to admit it , but the Filiricans  are walking the walk and continue to have the high average in the A Div. The Maulers slip up in the B and the Elephants close the gap. In the C, the Bandits win with a 55 , but a win is a win. The pride and Contrib separate themselves from the pack in the D. Things have been quiet on the trash talking circuit this year, that’s too bad, it always makes it more fun. Lets try to get a little action on the chat site.

                               The Pain lose to the Manatees, man that’s hard to say. The pain have had Rich’s number for many years now, but not this one. Emmit had another nice week and Witten of Dallas had a ridiculous 21 to lead the bloated mammals. The pain lost a side pot as Green went off and had a 90 yard TD run the very week Coach Karmazyn traded him. Green did not like the way coach Karmazyn ran his team, which is with an iron fist.

                               The Filiricans were the high team of the week with a 94. Holmes took back the RB lead by getting a 35 and Barber continues to surprise with a 21. The Ricans now have to be the team to beat. The Wapati continue to spiral like a toilet bowl, which is where this team will be soon if wins don’t start rolling in. Moss had a token 2 plays before he went out, but it obviously would not have mattered this week.

                               Cullpepper looked mortal this week but everyone else chipped in and no one had less than a 7. Manning had 22 for the Bums but had little else. Alford was on a cruise this week but by the looks of things, I think his team might have been with him.

                               The Pride cruise again 71 – 41, this time it was the Destroyers who felt this teams wrath. The Destroyers have really cooled off and have come back to the pack. Davis getting hurt and Henry being a stiff this year are really starting to make things tough for this team. With Holt getting a 0, this team had little chance of success this week.

                               Walker continues to surprise as his 15 can attest. Boy coach Karmazyn wishes he had that pick back , that’s for sure. Al had a 55, but when facing the Death that is usually more than enough. The Death gave Vick his walking papers this week. I can honestly say I don’t ever remember a 2nd round draft pick ever being released before. 

                              The RB’s for the Maulers had a 2 and 3 this week. Alexander and martin both decided to take the week off at the same time. These two have been carrying this team all year. The Myers boys hope they both got their bad games out of their systems. The Gangreen finally had a Harrison sighting, we were beginning to wonder of this was now Stokely’s team.

                                Someone tell McNabb he was suppose to be a running QB, the guy has been lights out this year. The Elephants closed the gap the B with this weeks win, but they also got some bad news. Westbrook came out of this weeks game banged up, and Boldin comes back this week which should hurt Fitzgeralds numbers. When your best player is your kicker, than you are in trouble. That’s what the Fish have run into. Hasselbach has been a bust and the rest of the team has been sporadic at best.

                                The Doggy style tried to shake things up by trading Taylor and Johnson,C. for Green and Glenn. The Green thing worked out great as he had a 90 yd TD run and 25 points but Glenn got hurt early and had a 0. That 0 cost them a chance at a win. The Machine are making a strong comeback and are back in the race. Frank and Jim look rejuvenated and can’t wait till this week.

Coaching blunder of the week: Pain benching R. Smith. His TD would have given the pain a much-needed win

Record last week 7-1

Season to date 37-19

Filiricans                           + 18 Elephants       Not enough horses to compete

Doggy                               +  4  Bums       New RB get the Doggy the win this week

Death                                 + 3   Destroyers      upset pick of the week, No RB’s for the Destroyers

Maulers                              + 9  Manatees       Maulers RB’s will not take 2 weeks off in a row

Pride                                   + 7  Bandits          Pride always find someone to step up

Pain                                     + 5  Gangreen       McCallister being off is the difference

Fish                                     + 2  Wapati            The score of this one might be 32-30 , someone as to win though

Contributors                       + 8  Machine           Cullpepper is just too much