Feel the Pain Report week # 6

                     I hope you didn’t miss the report too much last week. I’m sure you guys needed a break from my babbling anyhow. We had two first last week, the Destroyers lost their first game and the Doggy Style won their first game. The D-div continues to dominate the scoring; they have an 11-point lead over their closest div when it comes to scoring average. The league in whole continues to be lopsided as we have 4 teams at 5-1 and 5 teams at 1-5. For the good of the league we need some of the bottom feeders to pick it up so we have a compelling stretch run.

                     The Pain actually caught their first break in what seems like years. Brooks had a rushing TD that clearly showed he was short. That TD gave the Pain a much needed win over the Elephants 57-54. Brady was in Vegas for the weekend, probably not knowing just how close the game was. Hopefully for Tom’s sake he had better luck in Vegas than he did in Fantasy this week.

                     The Fish are now officially belly up in their bowl. A 30 this week the best they could do. Can’t get many wins that way. Wayne continues to hold out hope of a huge stretch run and vows to get back in the race. Wishful thinking, YES, realistic, NO. The Filiricans had two goose eggs from their WR’s and still managed a 63. Johnny and Matt have been modestly quiet, well at least Matt has been. Can someone please step up and put Johnny back in place, I might never hear the end of it if this team wins it all.

                     Stop the presses, the Machine showed some signs of life. 22 from Buffalo def. paced the team. Collins got the ax this week after his –1, Frank said that was not acceptable and the walking papers were given. The Bums new RB Barlow had a 9 and even Keshon got a TD, but a 0 from Pinner and Givens sent this team reeling to another loss.

                     The game of the week was the 4-1 Bandits pitted against the 5-0 Destroyers. This game actually lived up to the hype. Al got the better of this clash if the Titans 88-73, and Steve is begging for another chance to get revenge. Steve had a huge day from his STL connection , Bulger to Holt 15 and 25 respectively. Al made a huge free agent acquisition as his new TE Wiggins had 19. Get a 19 from a TE and odds are in your favor for a win.

                      The Gangreen got McCallister back in the lineup just in time and he responded with an 18. A loss to the Manatees would have been quite embarrassing. Ratt’s 56 was just enough to keep him out of the bottom 3. That in itself is an accomplishment for this team. If Tynes could put the ball between the uprights , the Manatees could have had a chance, I think he missed at least two, one was a long one for sure.Ratt wants it known to all the so called experts who criticized his trade of Henry for Clayton to back off, as he has definitely got the better end of the deal so far.

                      The Contributors got 29 from Cullpepper and they needed every one of them as they edged the Death 78-77. The Death who have the 2nd lowest scoring average in the league, get a much-needed good outing, 77 and still lose, that’s a real kick in the package. Everyone who let Donte slip into the 2nd round , obviously are kicking themselves, as he is on a tear that has never been seen before.

                       Another clash of division leaders had the Maulers and Pride squaring off. This was another game that lived up to the hype. The Pride got the better of this one 78-72. Larry got his first Driver sighting of the year as his 23 was probably more than he has had all year. Moore from Minn has also been a pleasant surprise. As usual martin and Alexander went off and even had a nice game from QB Green. The 1 point from NE was the deciding factor in this though.

                      The Doggy Style finally made the right call on something this year. They picked up the Washington Def and they wasted little time making a contribution, as they whooped up on the Bears to a tune of 20 points.  Taylor caught a screen and even managed to get into the end zone for a change. The Wapati got 2 gooses from their RB core and with Droughns on fire, Griffin is getting a good look at the game from the bench. Just when the Doggy gets in the win column, they make a major trade with the Pain. We’ll keep taps on this one to see who got the better end of the deal.

Record last week – 7-1

Season to date 30-18

Filaricans               + 12 Wapati                 Filaricans have K and TE off but still have enough for a win

Contributors           +  14  Bums                 No Barlow and going against Culpepper, = loss for the Bums        

Pride                       +  5    Destroyers         The Pride send Steve down for the 2nd week in a row

Pain                        +  11  Manatees           The Pain plan on using their 2 new players to send Ratt packing

Bandits                   +  18  Death                Tomlinson is just too much for the Death

Gangreen                + 2    Maulers             There is always one upset, and this is it.

Elephants                + 4    Fish                    Ward being off will cost the Fish a chance at a win

Machine                  + 7   Doggy Style        The Machine make it 2 in a row, despite a good showing from

                                                                     From the 2 new players they aquired from the Pain