Feel the Pain week # 3

                   Scoring was up this week, baring the Death and Manatee. I think we set a record for the high cut off for top 8 at 77. Granted the scoring tier system we tinkered with had a little to do with it, and the new defensive back rules, but 77 is ridiculous. We still have 2 undefeated teams and 3 teams yet to find the win column. Hopefully that changes this week, for the parity of the league.

                   I might have to change the name of this report from Feel the Pain to Feel My Pain. For those of you that haven’t heard me cry all week about how I got screwed, I give you other guys a quick review. First off I’ll let you know the Pain lost to the Filaricans 77-78, but that’s only part of the story. Barber gets a TD for the Filaricans when he obviously was not in, everyone is still wondering why that wasn’t challenged. His FG kicker gets one with 2 seconds left on the clock in overtime. The one that hurt the most was Joe Freakin Gibbs. He challenges Glenn’s TD when everyone in the stands and anyone that saw the play on TV knew it was good. He even hired a person to let him know when a play needs to be challenged. That person obviously should not have a job anymore. That lost timeout left them with no timeouts when a completed Hail Mary at the end of the game left them in position for a game tying FG. Guess whose kicker that was; yes the Pain’s kicker Hall. If John and Matt had any dignity that would offer to give the win to its rightful owner’s, coach Karmazyn/McNamara and the Pain.

                  The Wapati set a new team high of 110. Farve’s 31 and off week pickup Carney’s 24 set the tone for this one. Oh ya, Moss had another nice week, a 21. Its become almost expected with him now, the guy is flat out a stud. The Bums lost two Rb’s to injury, Gordan for the season and Garner for quite some time. Not exactly the kind of news a fantasy owner likes to hear.

                  The Destroyers look like the team to beat in the B Div, that’s for sure. They had another great week, this time an 86. WR Williams looks like he is going to be the steal of the draft. We all know these leagues aren’t won with your top picks, everyone has a few studs. It’s the late picks that pan out are the ones that separate the also-rans from the champions. Outside of Cullpepper’s 21 there is nothing else to talk about for the Contributors. If Burress doesn’t start picking it up soon, WR could be a problem area for this team.

                The Manatees have made an improvement; they didn’t finish last this week, next to last, yes, but not last. Ratt made a trade this week, while somewhat questionable trade, at least he trying to right the ship. The Pride stayed undefeated with their win over this hapless team. Owns and Philly def almost won the same by themselves. Things should be a little tougher next week, they couldn’t get any easier.

                  Do you think the Bandits are happy they talked the league into letting the Pain throw Walkers name back into the pool at the draft. He set a new player high of 39, which could stand for a while. Just think, the Doggy’s WR Gardner had a 25 and got outscored by 14. Doggy is in desperate need for Mcnair to play at last years level soon or the season could soon be over for this team.

                   The Death scored a 25 this week, I don’t know where to begin ripping on the performance. It could be Vick who had a –3, or GB who had a –6, take you pick, there are actually more. Gangreen should consider themselves very lucky as there were only 3 teams they could have beaten and were fortunate to face one of them. Stecker in for McCallister might be a blessing as he had a nice 16.

                   Poor Poor Fish, another tough break in the schedule. This time it’s a 92, raising their points against to a ridiculous 87. Good thing we have the top 8’s as they got 3 of those but no wins to show for it. Wayne is starting to look like the real deal for the Maulers and Alexander is playing as consistent as ever. If Mason ever starts playing , this team will be tough to cope with.

                   Mcnabb is just plain on fire for the Elephants. Donavan has always been a decent fantasy QB but the numbers he is putting up right now are just plain sick. The Machine had a chance in this one but Gannon getting hurt killed their chances. Benching Toomer for Robinson didn’t make matters any better. RB Brown of Tenn has been a pleasant surprise for this team, and any kind of consistent QB play, this team will be just fine.

Coaching Blunder of the Week

Machine benching Toomer, if he was in it would have been a tie

Record last week I had a few of the matchups wrong , lets just go with 5-3 for the sake of argument

Season to date : 13-11

Filaricans                 + 17 Death

Maulers                    + 19 Bums

Destroyers                + 7  Elephants

Doggy                      + 11  Manatees

Pain                          +  6  Bandits

Wapati                      +  9  Gangreen

Fish                           + 3  Contribitors

Machine                    + 1  Pride