Week #8

Records are being broken left and right in week #8! What is next? Will someone hit .400 this year in MLB? Is DiMaggio's 56 game hit streak in trouble? Two records that may stand for a long long LONG time were set this week by the Blackjacks Shawn Green. The once struggling Dodgers' OF went off on Thursday for a 38 point game, easily beating the existing season high by 10. Green followed that up by hitting a HR again Friday, and two more on Saturday. The final damage for the week was most likely a all-time fantasy record of 66 points! To put the record setting week in perspective, Bonds will probably have to hit 100 HR's this year to shatter the record in the fashion Green did.

Did it help the Blackjacks in week 8? Silly question, but as things are shaping up in the league this year, it wasn't quite what you would think. Yes, the Blackjacks won 4, but unbelievably the did not crack the top 8! Go figure.........

The league continues it's roller coaster ride, as 3 of the 4 division leaders suffered through losing weeks. The Stingrays continue to struggle, losing 4 again this week. The Contributors played against most of their original team, and lost 4 against the revamped Destroyers team. The Hummers suffered a humiliating 3-2 loss to the Cobras, who posted a season league low of 23 points M-Th. The Creeping Death were the only division leader to win, and that comes after back to back bad weeks for the Commish. The Victory finally didn't make the top 8 for the first time all year, while the Clippers patchwork lineup gets them back on the winning track.

WELCOME BACK DEFENDING CHAMPS! After season long struggles, the Connection bust out with a clean sweep and a season high 165 points. Funny thing is, the Wiseguys were the team swept by the Connection, but they did manage to get the final spot in the top 8. The Vipers led the league this week with a new league high 187 points. Two teams on a roll played to almost a dead heat, as a Friday tiebreaker was an indication of how close things were between the Oysters and X-Men.

Some things never change though, the Barracudas are still bad right now, failing to score 100 yet again this week. Rumor has it, Pam is looking to start her own franchise. :>) The Redbirds are not far behind the 'Cudas, but at least they have shown a glimmer of hope after a league top score a few weeks back.

Just one last reminder that the balance of your entry fee is due June 3. You can mail me a check at 2525 E. 104th Ave #627 Thornton CO 80233

If you do not have the balance paid by June 3rd, you will not be able to make transactions. I will send out an update with who owes money.

Stop by the league message board, it can be fun! :-)

Now, on to the results from week eight:

Oysters 3    X-Men 2
JR/Corey keep the Oysters on a win streak as the hold off the X-Men by 10 points. The Oysters were led by Giambi's 31 and Biggio's 25. The Oysters smell blood, and that would the scent of a limp Stingray. The team is now just 5 points back in the A Division, and JR/Corey must keep the pedal on the floor this week in the crucial division match ups. The X-Men win just 2 games, but get the top 8 finish as well to make up a few games on the B Division leader. The team was led by free agent claim of the year Spivey's 35, and also got 23/22 from Bernie/Larry. The X-Men are right in the thick of things in the B Division, a race that could be almost as heart stopping as an Avs/Wings overtime game. Al has to be wondering why the schedule/divisions never seem to go his way? Teams always seem to find a way to make Al's fantasy life exciting.

Destroyers 4    Contributors 1
After the teams complete another trade, they faced off against each other and it was Steve's Destroyers that got the best of things this week over John/Frank's Contributors. High players for the week were Ordonez 23, Lofton 21, Vina 20, Sweeney 16, Guzman 13. Now the tough part, which team did they do it for?????? No cheating!!!!! The Destroyers are quickly climbing their way back towards the top, while the Contributors stumble this week and have no time to sulk, as Division games are on the schedule this week. For the record, it was Destroyers, Contributors, Contributors, Destroyers, Destroyers on the player scores.

Blackjacks 4    Barracudas 1
Repeat after me:
Shawn Green     GOOD        Barracudas     BAD   
Shawn Green     GOOD        Barracudas     BAD
Shawn Green     GOOD        Barracudas     BAD
Shawn Green     GOOD        Barracudas     BAD
Shawn Green     GOOD        Barracudas     BAD
Shawn Green     GOOD        Barracudas     BAD
Any questions?

Vipers 4    Stingrays 1
Rogan's Vipers turn the new season high series with 187 as they add to the troubles of the Stingrays. The Vipers got 40 from Giles (which would have been the new league high, if not for some OF from LA), 37 from Helton, 33 from Vidro and 24 from Hillenbrand. That is 134 from 4 players! WOW! Merv/Mike are struggling right now, and Merv has taken a break from the action as it was to hard to watch. Mike has the controls for the next few weeks, and it is a matter of time before the 'Rays are back on track. If only the Barracudas were on the schedule soon........ Merry Christmas gentleman! The Division schedule may be just what the team needs to get back on the winning side. Now I am sure that Mike will blame this writer if the 'Cudas manage to score 100 points this week. :>) Bags had 6, Lawton had 6 and RJ/Curt pitching had 4 last week, I would bet the house that won't happen again!

Cobras 3    Hummers 2
Maze/Sturken's team looked to be the same old team as they scored just 23 points M-TH. Then suddenly the Cobras actually played some good baseball for the first time in quite a while as they win 2 games and make up the ground for totals over the weekend. Thome had 20 to lead the team, and this week is huge for the Cobras as they face off against the Commish's Death squad. It just may be now or never for Maze/Sturken if they have any hopes of a division title. The Hummers were on a roll going into the week, and I am sure Jeff/Scottx2 had to have some good vibrations as the faced the lowly Cobras. The team responded with just 98 points as they missed a chance to put some distance between them and the D Division. Sexson led the way with 21, but Barry/Ramirez were the only two other players to score double digits for the week.

Creeping Death 4    Victory 1
The Commish/Mr. Tom Brady's team finally snaps out of their funk, as they lose the M-Th game, but win the next four rather convincingly over the Victory. The Death was led by Durham's 24, Hunter's 23 and Beltran's 20. The Death pull even with the Stingrays for the most team points, but have the suddenly resurgent Cobras up next, could be just what Maze needs to get the fire back. Brian's team falls victim to the "must have a bad scoring week against the Commish". Must be an early wedding present or something? The Victory fail to make the top 8 for the first time but yet again have their opponent score well. The opponents scoring average would indicate this happens all to frequently to Brian. The team was led by Soriano yet again with 33, and fellow mid inf Tejada's 24. Despite the 2nd best scoring average in the league, the Victory have yet to make it to the .500 mark. Sounds like another case of "Al's luck".

Connection 5    Wiseguys 0   
The defending champs finally get the solid week they have been looking for. Scott/Chris's Connection team post the 2nd high score in the league with 165, as they sweep the Wiseguys. Corners Olerud/Pujols had 23/24 respectively to lead the team. Despite all their early season troubles, the Connection are just 7 points back and right in the thick of the wild card race. Don't count this team out quite yet! George/Chris get a top 8 finish, but that was it for the week. The 'Guys got 20 each from Konerko and Castilla to lead the team. The Wiseguys have the high scoring average in the C Division, but as this week shows, is not always enough.

Clippers 3    Redbirds 2
Two teams that have been battling injuries and inconsistent play faced off, and the Clippers had one of their better weeks to turn back the Redbirds. Mike/Harry got 28 from Burrell and 23 from Dunn to help out the cause. The Clippers are in 2nd in the C Division, and have to take advantage of the division games to make a statement that they are going to make it through the tough times. Larry's Redbirds continue to struggle in weeks they don't lead the league in points scored. Hard to imagine that! The 'Birds  were led by Sammy's 26, but still are looking for consistent play from just about every other member of the team. As Delgado goes bad (7 points this week), so do the Redbirds.

Week #8 Awards:

Player of the Week:    Green, Blackjacks    66 Points
Did I mention Green had a good week already?

Pitching Staff of the Week:    Sea, Destroy./Minn. Connect.     30 Points 
Destroyers go 4-1, Connection 5-0    Makes sense.........

Surprise of the Week:    Green goes NUTS!
I am sure if we had a list of all time records in the UAL Fantasy Baseball League, the 66 points for the week is by far the most ever scored by one player in one week. It is just mind blowing how huge 66 points for one week is. Then again, Maris' 61 seemed unbreakable for a long time.

Sad story of the week:   
Stingrays were cruising along at a .800+ winning percentage, and in just 3 weeks have fallen to a league low 83 points and a near sweep by the Vipers. One word to describe the league this year.... PARITY!

Good luck to everyone in week #9....... I am outta here!

The Commish