THE COLLEGE COMPETITOR                             Edition 3.7

Hello friends…I am not going to recap the games this week, what I will do is attempt to bring the playoff picture into focus. Four teams have an inside track to the post season while the last two spots are an all out dog pile for the football. The Venom has wrapped up The C division Championship, and for the most part secured a first round bye. Coach Jeff’s team is perfect in top six finishes while scoring over 80 in every game. The Browns remain undefeated and have just about locked up the division Crown. They have been a great team through seven games. The Dragonfarts still have an outside chance to take the division from the Browns, and are pretty much assured a playoff berth. The loss of Peterson is a devastating blow, but they still remain formidable. The Gamecocks, barring a total collapse, will see life after the regular season and will be a force here on out. This leads us to the last two spots.…….

With six points on the table for the remainder of the season, six teams are dueling for the last two playoff berths. The Stallions and Hawks have Nine Points, while the Predators, Rox, and Lightning have eight.  Each of these teams have identical records at 3-4. The Elephants remain in the hunt with seven points.

It’s a great competitive end to the season as six teams fight for the final two post season berths.   Good luck to all!!!!!!






College Competitor Week 1

College Competitor Week 2

College Competitor Week 3

College Competitor Week 4

College Competitor Week 5

College Competitor Week 6