Bomb Squad Report     Week #7   

First, I want to thank all the teams for getting their scores in on time with great accuracy. That is why there is a Bomb Squad report this week!!! As we approach the mid-point of the season, the playoff hunt is full force. Now to the NBA stuff….

The closest game of the week featured the Bugeaters vs. the Fury. Coach Rogan’s team pulled out a 10 point victory vs. Coach Boyd’s team. Pierce and "the answer" led the way with 216 points and 200 points respectively. Coach Boyd seems to be the hard luck team of the year so far. The Bugeaters have the 4th best points scored for average in the league, but seem to play the team that scores higher than them every week. The Fury are atop the A division with a 5-2 record. The final score of this great battle was 763-753.

In another great battle, Coach Karmazyn got to talk some smack to Coach Alford after his 10 point victory. Coach Karmazyn must have given Van Exel and Jordan a pep talk on Monday because they posted great games on Monday after a dismal beginning of the week. The Victory remain confident that their team is still the class of the C division. Both teams posted top 6 finishes, but unfortunately the Victory has to settle for the 806-796 loss.

Coach Erdman has his squad playing on all cylinders. The Demons waxed the Chuckers 817-640. I am sure Coach Erdman feels confidant that his team is on the way to his 4th fantasy title! The Chuckers seem to be fading within the C division. After starting the season 5-0, they have lost 2 straight and have fallen behind the Victory in total points within the division. Hopefully, with the return of Brandon, and Odom attending his rehab sessions they can rebound and contend for the division title.

The rookies of this years’ season (Intercourts) are keeping pace with the division leaders. This week, they whooped up on the Contributors 770-717. The Intercourts have the 3rd best average in the league, and are 1 game behind the Fury in the B division. The Contributors are still in the playoff hunt, and in 2nd place in the A division. Coach McSwain had fun last week after beating the Demons, but couldn’t keep his squad on the right track to a win this week. Hey Coach McSwain, at least you beat the Demons, Dynasty, and the Bomb Squad (that should make your season complete).

This week the Bomb Squad FINALLY busted out the "whoopin" stick!! Coach Dotson must have given his team a verbal thrashing, because they broke out with an 853-643 lambasting of the Pippers. Coach Rose formally thanked the Bomb Squad for the asskickin. This victory allowed the Bomb Squad to give up the title of the "worst" team in the league. That title now belongs to the Death even if it only lasts for a week.

In the last game of week 7, the Death post their second victory of the year beating the Tre’Hawks 693-639. Coach Scott had an opportunity to pull in a tie for 2nd place, but could capitalize on that opportunity. Coach Snyder has put any player on his team up for trade bait. It looks like the Death will see no three peat for this year.


Click on week to view previous reports

Week #1 Bomb Squad Report