Week #10

Week #10 saw the weekly high score sidepot, which had help up since Week #1, get tied by the Destroyers. Coach Steve just missed the single game side-pot by just one as well in his stupendous week. Most of the league leaders added to their impressive records, while most of the bottom teams didn't do much to make up any ground. We are at the mid-point of the season, and time is quickly running out for many teams to make a serious playoff run.

The score reporting was much better this past week, lets hope that trend continues! Just a few reminders once again..... the trade deadline is Sunday June 24th at 9pm, please have all trades completed by then. Also, the Commish will be in California next week, Monday thru Thursday, and will send out info this weekend on who to send transactions to, most likely my brother. The Commish will still be in town until Monday morning, so line-ups on Sunday still will be sent to the Commish.

Now on to the week #10 Results...........

Fury 1    X-Men 4
Coach Al's X-Men put up the 2nd best score of the week, to hold off the Fury. As a bonus this week for Coach Al, a rarely used Easley gets the start at 2B due to injuries again, and rewards the X-Men with a new league daily high score of 26, hitting the cycle to get the job done. Bernie is finally back to form, and he might make the difference as the X-Men start their annual playoff push. The Fury got a decent week from Sweeney and red-hot Hariston, but it wasn't enough to get more than a single win. The Fury still have playoff dreams, but Coach Rogan needs to get a few more good weeks in the books before they can start really be considered a contender.

Contributors 1    Oysters 4
Coach JR keeps the mighty Oysters rolling right along with yet another 4 win week, and another top 10 finish. The Oysters still have a league leading 53 team points and seem to have put the D Division race to a halt. The Oysters are primed for a serious playoff run, and only injuries may derail this rolling team right now. Coach McSwain's team is still awaiting the return of Junior, and that may just happen this weekend. That might be enough for the Contributors to get back in the playoff race, although they are not that far out of the wildcard race, if at all. Through it all, the Contributors just may be able to overcome the injuries and make a playoff run.

Stingrays 1    S.T.L. 4
Coach Woog starts off the doubleheader week with a solid 4 win week, and gets the last spot in the top 10. Coach Woog gets solid weeks from his OF's and looks to get back into the race for a wildcard spot. The Stingrays continue to struggle as the Myers boyz are looking for a few healthy players to make a contribution to the team. While all the games were close ones this week for the 'Rays, they need a healthy squad full team to make the final push towards getting back the A Division lead. Manny continues to lead the team, but the once stellar LA pitching staff is starting to struggle with injuries, and that could hurt. 

Cobras 4    Intimidators 1
Coach Maze gets a much needed 4 win week, but his Cobras team misses the top 10 by just one point. Coach Maze continues to hear the boo's from the Cobra faithful (they were hoping there wasn't only one Pittsburgh GM to get canned this week), but he will not sit back and makes yet another trade this week. This week is a start back on the playoff road, but the Cobras have a long journey ahead of them. Coach Trotta finally meets a team that scores 100+ and that is just about all it takes to knock of the Intimidators. Coach Trotta's team falls further behind the D Division lead, and unless his team finds a way to score some points, it may be to tough a climb back.

Beginner's 3    Puppies 2
Coach Alford's team keeps scoring, keeps winning and keeps getting top 10 finishes. That is how you become a division leader and a playoff threat. Four players scored 20+ and the Luck just get the job done each and every week. The Puppies couldn't crack the 100 point barrier this week, and that spells trouble for Coach Ron. The OF's are slumping for the 'Pups and no one has reall stepped up on the offense for this team. While sitting in 2nd place in the D Division, Coach Ron knows he needs to get a few more wins each week to really have a good playoff chance. Oh yea......Ron reported scores this week, THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Lightning 0    Death 5
SAY WHAT??????????? That must be a typo???? Uh....nope, it is correct. The lame Death Squad actually get the sweep of the even more lame Lightning team. The Commish was very happy with this performance, but knows that 116 points will not win very often, let alone a clean sweep. Coach Rose is bery disappointed in his team, to say the least. Larry is always a tough competitor and can fathom how his team can now actually be in 20th place. It is all about pride now for Larry, he might ruin a few teams playoff run if he can somehow pull this team together.

Destroyers 4    Blackjacks 1
As mentioned before, the Destroyers post a record tying 196 point performance to take 4 wins along with the top 10 weekly high honors. Coach Steve got 30+ point efforts from Pudge, Lawton, Oakland and Luis......simply amazing! Only a M-TH loss held Coach Steve back from the clean sweep. The Destroyers look poised for a playoff run, but Coach Steve wonders why he couldn't have played two this week, his team would have been tough to beat for anyone. Coach Bill is on the short end of the stick on this one. The Blackjacks 120 points wasn't a top 10 finish, but who expects to get a 196 bomb dropped on them? Coach Bill tries to regroup this week, and prays that the competition is a little more realistic this week.

Wiseguys 1    Redbirds 4
Coach Hanshe gets a much needed solid week as his team gets the 4 wins and a top 10 finish. The 'Birds were lead again by Punk Boy and the Mets pitching. The Redbirds continue to fight there way back into the race, a few more weeks like this and they may be in it. Coaches George and Chris got a decent week from the Wiseguys, but a one point loss on Sunday sealed their fate. Chipper continues to lead all 3B's, and the 'Guys are still primed for a playoff run. Another week or two like this, and someone will pay........

Barracudas 1    Connection 4
Same old, same old.... for the Connection. 4 wins, a top 10 finish.......and the Death in the 2nd half of the doubleheader. Sounds like the makings of a good week for Coach Rose! Guzman and Giles both go off for 30+ to lead the way. The Barracudas suffer through a tough week. Coaches Bert and Pam get a top 10 finish, but not much else as their 140 points just didn't cut it against the Connection. The 'Cudas slip below .500, but still have the talent to make a run over the next few months. 

Hummers 1    Clippers 4
The defending Champs Clippers finally get back on the winning track, with an impressive 156 point week and 4 wins against the Hummers. Coaches Harry and Mike need Big Mac to return to form soon, as this week showed their team can actually put up some big numbers. Be very wary of this team down the playoff run, the have lots of guys playing well and the could ruin some teams playoff hopes, if not find a way back into the race themselves. Coach Tyler's team posted a top 10 score, but could only manage 1 win this week. The Hummers still sit a top the B Division, and look to still be a team to contend with in the playoff race, for sure!

Beginner's 3    Cobras 2
In the first doubleheader of the week, the Luck get the deciding 3rd win, in a closely contested battle. Coach Alford continues his winning ways, while Coach Maze tries to keep his job, as the fans are not happy with his performance this year. 

Barracudas 3    Wiseguys 2
Two teams in the playoff race play a close week, and the 'Cudas hold on to get the 3 wins for the week. Both of these teams should be around until the end.

Death 1    Connection 4
Let's see......the Commish score 116 points and sweeps the Lightning, and then nearly gets swept by the Connection. Hmmmm, yup....that is about how it should be!

S.T.L. 5    Intimidators 0
After getting swept last week 0-10, Coach Woog bounces back and gets 4 wins, then 5 wins, a top 10 finish.......so what does Coach Woog do to celebrate??? Trade half his team! Nice..........

Week #8 Awards:

Player of the Week:    Gonzalez, Destroyers    38 Points
Only fitting that on a week where the Destroyers tie the league high that one of Coach Steve's players leads the league in scoring. 

Pitching Staff of the Week:    Oakland, Destroyers     36 Points 
Hmmm, go figure????? Yup, it is a complete sweep for the Destroyers!

Boxscore Blunder of the Week:    ESPN.COM
The normally reliable website made getting confirmed scores for Saturday an adventure with their incomplete boxscores. Hey, at least it wasn't a three-peat for the Puppies!

Quote of the Week:    Coach Rose, Lightning
"My team is horrible.......". Yup, that sums up how you team played and allowed the Death to get a sweep!

Good luck to everyone in week #11!

The Commish