Team Owner #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6A #6B
Beach Bums Brian B B A B B B B
Destroyers Jeff Snyder B B B B B B B
Hummers Tyler/Scott's B B B A A B B
Lumber Larry B B B B A B A
Oysters JR/Corey B B B B B B B
Pythons Al/Eric B B B B B B B
Slim & Bones Steve/Jack B B B B B B B
Stingrays Merv/Mike B B B B B B B
The Outsiders Ed/Jeff B B B B B B B
Trash Talkers John/Johnny B B B B B B B
Reapers Aiden B B B B B B B
Venom Jeff Myers B B B B B B B
Option A 0 0 1 1 2 0 1
Option B 12 12 11 11 10 12 11

Rule Vote 1
Pitching Staff Scoring (PSS)
The dynamic of MLB pitching continues to evolve. The early 2000's saw MLB average ERA well over 4.00, then dropped below 4.00 in the 2010's, now back to well over 4.00 (2022 season being a lone outlier). We previously made a huge change in 2019 after the top 7 pitching staffs outscored all position players by a significant amount in 2018. The change worked well and returned pitching scoring to the desired levels.
The desired level has been that a few top pitching staffs may outperform position players, but the majority of top pitching staffs are comparable to top position players. In 2023 we saw a completely different result unlike any fantasy season before. Only one pitching staff scored in the top 10 of all players, only 4 in the overall top 25.   
This led to some frustration among owners. Was this a one year anomaly? Is this just the randomness of baseball? So I spent time trying to evaluate what happened and what was the root cause of the frustration. I looked at MLB averages, how our scoring system reflects that and how it all translates to the fantasy results.
Another concern I looked at was the high negative pitching staff scores. We have limited negative scores in other fantasy leagues, but baseball still has the potential for as much as -6 pitching staff score. That can really be detrimental to a team in a game or the week.
NOTE: My focus in evaluating changes was on ER, Strikeouts, Hits, Walks and HBP only. No changes to wins, saves, complete games or no hitter/perfect game bonus.
After a week's long evaluation I asked myself, what is the desired pitching goal? Getting a strikeout is the ultimate pitching goal. I began to feel we are not properly rewarding what good pitching is. What is good pitching? For me, good pitching is throwing strikes, limiting the amount of hits/runs and getting strikeouts. A pitcher that throws strikes (the desired goal) will ultimately allow some hits/runs, that is just part of baseball. Bad pitching is not throwing strikes and allowing walks and HBP.
Based on what good vs bad pitching is, I explored separating hits from walk/HBP allowed. On Fantrax we can create three separate categories (hits, walks, HBP), but there is not a walks/HBP combined category. I created the separate tiers for the three categories. I also tweaked the strikeouts tiers to reflect the current MLB average of 8.7 per game as the 2023 scoring system started at 10 strikeouts to get 1 point.
I ran over 30 simulations using common pitching lines. My goal was to increase pitching staff scoring over 2023, but not to go back to 2018 extremely high levels. My early simulations with "logical changes" didn't go well. It actually made pitching scoring higher than it was in 2018. That is not what we want to do!
I kept at it for a week and finally tweaked things to what I hope is an appropriate level. The final simulations with my proposed changes show an average game score for the 5 separate categories (ER, Hits, Walks, HBP and Strikeouts) as follows:
2024 3.5
2023 2.4
2018 4.3
While I feel my simulations do provide a reasonable expectation, baseball is also very random. There is no guarantee it will actually work as desired, just as there always is with changes we make. (some good, some not as much!) That is why we keep tweaking things and will continue to do so in future years.
Here is the proposed changes to the 2024 pitching staff scoring compared to 2023 and 2018:
2024   2023   2018  
ER Pts ER Pts ER Pts
0 4 0 4 0 5
1 3 1 3 1 4
2 2 2 2 2 3
3 1 3 1 3 2
4 0 4 0 4 1
5-6 -1 5-6 -1 5 0
7+ -2 7-8 -2 6-7 -1
9+ -3 8-9 -2
10-11 -3
12+ -4
2024 2023   2018  
Hits Pts BB Pts HBP Pts H/BB/HBP Pts H/BB/HBP Pts
0-1 5 0 2 0 0 0 7 0 7
2-3 4 1-2 1 1-2 -1 1 6 1-2 6
4-5 3 3-4 0 3+ -2 2-3 5 3-4 5
6-7 2 5-6 -1 4-5 4 5-6 4
8-9 1 7+ -2 6-7 3 7-8 3
10 0 8-9 2 9-10 2
11-14 -1 10-11 1 11-12 1
15+ -2 12 0 13 0
13-14 -1 14-15 -1
15-16 -2 16-17 -2
17+ -3 18-19 -3
20+ -4
2024 2023   2018  
K's Pts K's Pts K's Pts
19+ 6 20+ 6 22+ 6
17-18 5 18-19 5 19-21 5
15-16 4 16-17 4 16-18 4
13-14 3 14-15 3 13-15 3
11-12 2 12-13 2 10-12 2
8-10 1 10-11 1 7-9 1
A) Keep 2023 Pitching Staff Scoring system
B) Change to new 2024 Pitching Staff Scoring system

Free Agent Add/Drop Moves Week 1
Our current rule is we only allow IL moves during week 1. The first day to make a free agent add/drop move is Monday of week 2. This has created frustration for owners as often the prime early season free agents are often gone by the time we get to the first day to make a free agent add/drop move. Teams are "penalized" for not having an IL eligible player and being able to claim a free agent during week 1. Teams are allowed to use a free agent claimed in a week 1 IL move in their week 1 weekend lineup, another advantage providing frustration.
This rule has always been in place in our leagues. The reason behind it has been that we wanted to wait until week 1 results are posted before determining priority for claims. Trying to reward teams that have a bad week 1 (whether they scored bad or just had an opponent score really well) while allowing IL moves all week 1 seems a bit contradictory and outdated.
Considering how engaged our owners are, I see no reason to make teams wait a full week to make a free agent add/drop move while other teams are making IL moves all week. A change would give all teams that same chance to improve their team in week 1, not just through IL moves.
The proposed change is as follows:
1) Teams that draft an IL eligible player would be allowed to replace them the day after the draft.
2) Free agent add/drop moves would be allowed starting the next day (two days after the draft)
3) Priority for all claims after the draft and during week 1 would be in order of the player drafted. The higher drafted player would be the higher priority.
A) Keep the current rule, no free agent add/drop moves during week 1.
B) Change rule to allow free agent add/drop moves during week 1

Waiver Wire (WW)
Our current rule is all players dropped in a transaction remain on waivers for 2 days before they can be claimed as a free agent. This rule has been in place for a long time. The reason was so owners had time to see players dropped and decide whether to make a claim. It came from a mindset of not every owner checks things every day.
As we have discussed multiple times over the years, the days of owners that only check things a few times a week are long gone. Even if it is just checking transaction emails or scores on your phone, owners are engaged on pretty much a daily basis.
We have rules in other leagues that allow players dropped in IR moves to be claimed the next day. This is done to prevent free agents not being available when teams could use them. I am not sure differentiating a player dropped in an IL move versus an add/drop move is necessary. Why not get all dropped players available sooner? This is especially relevant in baseball when we make weekend lineup changes. Currently, a player dropped on Thursday is not available to be used that weekend as they can't be claimed until Saturday.
Managing your team during the year is crucial to success. Free agents are often hard to come by as the season progresses. I think the quicker we can make free agents available the better.
The proposed change is to change waivers to one day. Players dropped in any move can be claimed as free agent the next day.
A) Keep the current rule, players remain on waivers for two day.
B) Change rule, players remain on waivers for one day

Transaction Deadline (Trans)
Our current rule is transactions are processed daily at 8pm mtn time. That was moved forward from 9pm mtn several years ago. I now live in Houston on central time now and still work early in the morning. I often struggle to process moves at night and frequently do them in the morning before work in all leagues. Some owners live on the West Coast and getting moves in by 7pm local time can be challenging as well.
Some owners for a variety of reasons wait until right at the 8pm deadline. Sometimes I get multiple emails right at 8pm, or even a little past 8pm, that makes it challenging for me to process and get to bed at a reasonable time when I get up so early. It can be difficult for everyone. I would like to consider changing the transaction deadline time and move it overnight. This would allow all owners to submit claims any time during the evening and I would process first thing in the morning, normally before 7am.
I am proposing the following change:
1) Change the transaction deadline to 3AM mtn time daily. 
2) On Monday and Friday when lineup changes are due, transactions would also still be processed at the 5pm lineup deadline. (in essence, transactions would be processed 9 times per week, at 3am all seven days, as well as Mon/Fri at 5pm)
A) Keep the current rule, transaction deadline at 8pm mtn daily.
B) Change rule, transactions processed at 3am mtn daily.

Sub Player on IL (Sub)
Our current rule is if a team starts a player who is on the IL, they do not get a sub. Teams are given one lineup deadline as a grace period from when a player is placed on the IL before the no sub rule is enforced. This is done to ensure owners maintain their roster and field a complete team. The league is very competitive and seeing a team you are in a division or playoff race with playing a team with injured players starting is not good. This is also done to prevent teams from leaving an injured player in the lineup and using a preferred sub. We do have a "not in the best interest of the league rule" to try and prevent this as well.
I have been asked why not the same rule for a sub? Why do they still potentially get one of the optional subs? This has occured in recent years and it is getting harder for me to decipher. Is it an owner not paying attention or done on purpose to get the optional sub? Being how much subs can come into play I do think we need to consider the same penalties for subs as starting players. This would apply to the CI, MI, 4th OF, 2nd catcher and potentially the 2nd Optional sub. (i.e. 1B and Ci is out, Opt 1 is on the IL for a week)
The proposed change is to treat subs the same as starting players. We will not give teams the optional sub for a CI, MI, 4th OF, 2nd catcher or Optional 1 that is left in the lineup but on the IL past the one lineup deadline grace period.
A) Keep the current rule, only starters on the IL don't get a sub.
B) Change rule, no optional sub for sub players on the IL.

Playoff Pool (PP)
I know most owners are big baseball fans. Our fantasy baseball season ends Labor Day weekend, but I know many of us are still engaged with MLB through the fall. I trade many emails and texts during the MLB playoffs with owners. The MLB playoffs are exciting and for many like me, a must watch even if our favorite team is not playing.
I was asked if I had ever thought of having a MLB Playoff Pool similar to our NFL Playoff Pool that is popular? I had not but I think that is a GREAT idea! This can give us our fantasy baseball fix during the most exciting part of the MLB season.
Using the same basic format as the NFL PP, here is how it would work :
1) Pool entries would be the regular 9 player starting lineup. You can only have one player from each MLB team
2) Entries would be $5 per team. No limit on the number of entries. It would be open to anyone to join
I would like to give each team two paid entries to the proposed MLB Playoff Pool from the league entry fee. This would be an additional $120 to account for. There are two options to do this:
1) Take $120 from the existing prize fund
3) Increase our league entry fee from $215 to $225
I am including a separate vote for that
A) No MLB Playoff Pool
B) Add MLB Playoff Pool

RULE VOTE 6B (if rule vote 5A passes, but please vote now as if it passed)
A) Use existing prize fund
B) Increase entry fee by $10

If you have any questions about the votes, please let me know.

Please email me your choices. Each team gets one vote, teams with multiple owners will have to collaborate and send me one team vote. I would like to have the results posted next week. Thanks!