Team Owner 1 2 3 4 5
Contributors John A A A B B
Pythons Eric/Al A A B B A
Destroyers Jeff Snyder A A B B B
Hummers Jeff/Scott B A B B B
Lumber Larry A A B B B
Stingrays Mike/Merv B A B B B
The Outsiders Ed/Jeff B A B B B
Trash Talkers John B B B A B
UMyBitches Chris/Bob A B B A B
Venom Jeff Myers A B A B B
Victory Brian A B A B B
Option A 7 8 3 2 1
Option B 5 4 9 10 11

2019 Rules Vote

There are multiple issues that I want to put up for a league vote this year. Most of these issues have been frequently discussed over the last few years. Due to changes in the MLB schedule and the game in general, I want to ensure we as a league are evaluating these changes and how they affect our league.

No scheduled Friday games

Starting this year MLB is scheduling teams off on Friday throughout the season. While this has happened on a one off basis in previous years for a variety of reasons, this is the first time it is built into the MLB schedule. Being that our league is based on all teams playing Fri-Sun, this needs to be addressed.

Breakdown of no Friday games:
On Fri 4/5, 10 teams are off. For all 10 teams, the team they play Sat/Sun, they also play Thu. The rest of the season there is 4 weeks with 2 teams off Friday (4/12, 5/3, 6/28, 8/23), 2 weeks with 4 teams off Friday (7/5, 8/2). In all these weeks the team they play Sat/Sun IS NOT the team they play on Thu. There is also one instance of two teams off Fri, but also off on Thu as well (Bos/NYY 6/28)

Our current rule is that we use the Thu game in place of Fri, as in all cases the team they played Sat/Sun, was the team they played Thu. That would work for the Fri 4/5 scenario.

But for the other weeks we have to decide how to handle. One answer is to keep same rule, use the Thursday game, no matter who the opponent is. In the case of no Thursday game, a sub would be used. (pitching staff sub rule still applies). One concern here is you are taking away from weekday games available. Another issue is teams would have to set weekend lineup for these players before the Thursday game starts, not on Friday. Neither issue was a concern when it happened once or twice a year, but something to consider with this many no game Fridays. 

Another option is just use a sub for a no Friday game. This would not be a great option on the week of 4/5 due to 10 teams off, but could work on other weeks. This option would keep the weekday games available and make it easy as far as weekend lineups go, but losing a top player on a Friday because of the schedule could be a concern.

While the focus is on games available, both options offer a variation of using all available games.

A) Use Thursday game in place of off day Friday, no matter who the opponent. If no Thursday game, a DNP is given and sub used.
B) Players get a DNP and use a sub on no game Friday, with the exception of week 4/5 where Thursday game against same weekend opponent is used.

The next few votes involve pitching staffs. The game of baseball has changed quite a bit in recent years. As well our league has gone from 16 teams to the current 12 teams. Last year was the first year EVER in the history of baseball that there was more strikeouts than hits. The dynamics of baseball has changed significantly, from shifts on players, to very few starters going more than 6 or 7 innings, it has impacted the staffs and scoring overall. As well the weather and postponements has impacted how we score pitching staffs on a more regular basis.

1 or 2 pitching staffs on rosters

When our league was 16 teams, having 2 pitching staffs was not a consideration. But now that we are at 12 teams, it has been asked why not go with 2 staffs per team?

Each team having two staffs would eliminate the need for the current staff sub rule, a subject that has been a concern for owners for years. Currently we use a weekday average of all games in place of a weekend rain out. While we have tweaked that sub rule over the years, it still has created a perceived scenario of rewarding a team twice for a good weekday, and penalizing a team twice for a bad weekday when those scores are also used on the weekend, sometimes more than once. By going with 2 staffs it would eliminate the need for that.

In addition it would allow a team to manage their lineup mid-season with an option of who to start during the week and again on the weekend. If you have a top staff, but they have a tough match up against a high scoring team on either part of the week, you would have an option of using the second staff just for that part of the week. That is not something teams currently have, they just have to hope for the least possible damage.

The other side of this issue would be a significant reduction of free agent staffs. Since going to 12 teams the last two years, there has been 12 and 7 total staff transactions in each season. While that may not seem significant, if you needed to make a staff move you would only have 6 teams to choose from. As with all positions, pitching staffs exceed expectations as well as significantly under perform. If we went with 2 staffs, and both under perform, you are left with just 6 choices to improve. This would be a difficult task.

How would 2 staffs affect rule vote 1? We would still use Thursday game if voted in, so this would allow you to use your best staff the whole week if desired. If dnp/sub option is voted in, then 2 staffs would handle the sub rule.

A) increase to two pitching staffs on rosters
B) keep it at 1 pitching staff on roster

Vote 3
Pitching Staff scoring

Pitching staff scoring continues to go up every year for a variety of baseball reasons. The top staffs have been outscoring position players by a significant amount in recent years. The top staffs are scoring 100+ more than almost all position players. Staffs regularly score 35+ points in a week, giving teams a huge advantage over a staff that has a bad weekend match up or has a bad game on the weekend. While teams should be rewarded for having a top staff, should they be nearly 100-200 points better than any position player? The concern expressed by owners is pitching staff scoring has increased at such a high rate compared to position players, it is putting to much value in a single position. If you draft a staff(s) and they lose a top starter or two to injury, you will often struggle just to remain competitive against the top high scoring staffs.

The other side has several issues to consider. Last year 10 staffs scored 315 or more points. That leaves just 2 teams with lower tier staffs. Teams that invest in a staff early should be rewarded for that draft philosophy. Having a top scoring staff is still no guarantee of success, i.e. a playoff spot. It is hard for a single player or staff to carry a fantasy baseball team, even when staffs score at the high rate. A balanced and healthy roster is what usually is successful. While we are trying to react to recent trends in pitching, there is no guarantee year to year. Baseball is a cyclical game, if offense bounces back it could quickly turn things heavy the other way.

When considering what to potentially adjust on the scoring system I factored in a few things:
Average ERA is 4.14. So using four runs as league average
Average WHIP/HBP is 1.3, which means 12 hits/walks/hbp is league average
Average strikeouts per game is 8.5, so using 8 strikeouts as league average

I have adjusted the scoring system with those league averages in mind, rewarding performance above league average. Last year there was just 11 total games with more than 18 strikeouts, just one more than 20. The most common strikeout games were between 12-14. So I adjusted the strikeout scoring with those numbers in mind, increasing the minimum, while rewarding the higher less frequent numbers.

Here is the proposed changes to the scoring system:
Earned Runs Pts H+BB+HBP Pts Strikeouts Pts
0 5 0 7 22+ 6
1 4 1-2 6 19-21 5
2 3 3-4 5 16-18 4
3 2 5-6 4 13-15 3
4 1 7-8 3 10-12 2
5 0 9-10 2 7-9 1
6-7 -1 11-12 1
8-9 -2 13 0
10-11 -3 14+15 -1
12+ -4 16+17 -2
18+19 -3
20+up -4
Earned Runs Pts H+BB+HBP Pts Strikeouts Pts
0 4 0 7 21+ 7
1 3 1 6 19-20 6
2 2 2-3 5 17-18 5
3 1 4-5 4 15-16 4
4 0 6-7 3 13-14 3
5-6 -1 8-9 2 11-12 2
7-8 -2 10-11 1 9-10 1
9-10 -3 12 0
11+ -4 13-14 -1
    15-16 -2
17-18 -3
19+ -4

A) Keep old scoring system
B) Change to new scoring system

Vote 4
Complete game scoring

The complete game has become a thing of the past. Here is a breakdown of total complete games in recent years:
2015 104
2016 83
2017 59
2018 42

We currently give 3 points for a complete game. The proposal has been made to change change that to 5 points. That will reward the few pitchers for that ever more rare stat. The other side is we already discussed trying to lower scoring, why add to it? The rebuttal is if it happens just 40 times a year, increased scoring is minimal, but again rewarding that superb performance.

A) Keep complete game at 3 points
B) Change complete game to 5 points

Vote 5
Complete game in a weather shortened game

As weather has become a bigger factor in recent years for a variety of reasons, shortened games of less than 9 innings have occurred more often. We currently follow the MLB rule and consider a game less than 9 innings still a complete game if the starter finished the game. This even applies to games of just 5 or 6  innings. Owners don't feel it is right to award a 5 or 6 inning game with a complete game bonus.

The proposal is to require a pitcher to pitch at least 7 innings to qualify for the complete game bonus. This would eliminate the 6 inning or less complete games. The opposing view is we should stick with how MLB scores it.

A) Keep complete game rule as is
B) Change complete game rule to 7 inning minimum

That is this year's rule vote. Again ONE VOTE per teams. Please send your vote in by this weekend.

Any questions let me know
