2004 NFL Rules Vote



Team Owner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Bandits Al/Tom C A B A C B C
Beach Bums Alford C B A A A B A
Contributors McSwain C A B B A B C
Cossacks Karmazyn A A B A C B B
Death Jeff A A B A A B A
Destroyers Steve/Joe A A B B A B A
Doggy Style Jeff/Scott A A A A A B A
Elephants Tom/Joel A A A A C B B
Filiricans Johnny/Matt C A A B B B A
Fish Wayne/Rich A B B B C A A
Machine Frank/Jim C A B B A B B
Manatees Ratliff C A B A A B A
Maulers Myers A A B A A B B
Plague Bill/John A A C A B B C
Pride Rose B A B A B B B
Wapati Boyd/Butch C A C B A B C
Option A 8 14 4 10 9 1 7
Option B 1 2 10 6 3 15 5
Option C 7   2   4   4


Below the winning vote is indicated in red


Jeff is really busy, so he asked me to get this FFL Rules Vote put together for him based upon the suggestions made. Please read each of these very carefully and if you have any questions, please call me before you vote. I will state the pro and con of each proposal if I can. The sooner you can get back the better.


1)    It has been suggested in our FFL as well as our Baseball league that we eliminate the split of the conferences and just go with one big conference. This would be the equivalent of the AFC or NFC, which are 16 teams. Another proposal that could go along with this format is to eliminate the playing of Division opponents twice and only 7 other teams. Also, playing Division opponents once and play 10 other teams. In baseball we wouldn’t need to eliminate the 2 games within the division as the season is long enough to accommodate our regular schedule.


Pro = It more resembles real football with 16 teams. In our current system it is

           very possible to not have the best teams in the playoffs because you are

           on the wrong side of the bracket. This format would also enable the

           number 1 seed to play the number 8 seed and the number 2 seed to play

           the number 7 seed and so on. Our current system could very well have the

           best team in the league playing the 4th best team in the first round, which

           really isn’t very fair.

           Playing Div. opponents twice and only 7 other teams out of 12 leaves you

           not playing 5 teams each year. By playing division opponents only once 

           you would get to play 3 more teams in the league, which would be 13 of

           the 15 remaining teams. If you are unfortunate enough to get in a tough

           division, you won’t be penalized by playing them twice, while another

           division may be very week and a team could pad their record against

           them. Playing as many teams as possible will take some of the luck out of

           the schedule and make it a bit more fair to everyone. We only play

           division opponents once in our College league and it works fine, with no

           complaints so far.


Con = It has been a long standing tradition the we split our league into 2

           conferences just as the pros do. Having a smaller size conference than

           the pros have not been an issue. If you are unfortunate enough to be in a

           tough conference is just a matter of luck and something you just deal with.

           When it comes to playing division opponents only once, it goes against

           tradition to play them only once. Division opponents are your rivals each

           year, worthy of playing twice.


There are 3 options for this vote, please read carefully


A)     Eliminate the split conference and play your division only once. Allowing you to play 3 extra teams.


B)     Keep conference play the same as we do now, but eliminate the playing of division opponents twice


      C)  Keep our current 2 conference format, as well as playing div. opponents twice





2)    If your Franchise Player gets hurt in the playoffs you can replace him with someone from the same team. The current rule does not allow you to replace anyone, unless you can’t submit a full lineup.


Pro = If you take a player high enough or a player becomes valuable enough

          to become your franchise player, you shouldn’t have to play without

          those stats in the playoffs if he can’t play. His replacement should be

          able to put up better numbers than your bench player.


Con = Rosters have always been frozen for the playoffs. If a player gets hurt

           it is part of the game and you have to show your depth.


A)    Franchise player gets hurt in the playoffs, you can replace him with someone from the same team.


B)     No replacements for playoffs, keep our current rule


3)    We had some complaints about the protection of a franchise player’s backup. The way the rule states now, if a player is listed as out and you don’t exercise your rights to the backup, you lose the rights to the backup. It was suggested that we also include Doubtful to that or even go so far as to include Questionable.


        Pro = Many times it is obvious especially when a player is listed as

                  Doubtful that a franchise player won’t play. You should have to

                  exercise your rights at this time or lose him. If you don’t exercise

                  your rights you are in effect hoarding a player that should be

                  available. Questionable could also be added here but that might

                  be pushing it a little.


        Con = There is still a chance, even though it may be small that a player be

                   played even when he was Doubtful. You shouldn’t have to make a

                   call on who to start, the starter or a backup. To avoid the choice, you

                   take a player from another team. All the while still protecting your

                   franchise player.

A)    Lose rights if you don’t exercise option when a player is listed as Out (Our current Rule)


B)     Lose rights if you don’t exercise option when a player is listed as Doubtful or Out


            C)  Lose rights if you don’t exercise option when a player is listed as Questionable or worse



4)    If you start a player that is Questionable and he doesn’t play, you would get to use a backup. The backup QB-TE-K would go in for the single position players. The current rule only allows you to replace a player that is Probable or not on an injury list.


     Pro = There are many times when a player that is questionable and plays, and

                many when he doesn’t. You shouldn’t be penalized for taking a chance

                on one of your starters when there could be a big drop off going to a



    Con = Managing your team is part of the game. Injuries are part of the game,

               and it is your job to research as much as you can and make a

               determination on who you think you should start. If you guess wrong   

               you don’t get a backup


         A)  Allow a backup to be used for a questionable player that doesn’t play


   B)  Current rule, only Probable or not on an injured list can be replaced


5)    It has been suggested that we consider going back to the team QB – TE – K. It also could be implemented on a partial basis, like team TE and K, or any combination of the 3 positions. 


Pro = It takes the injury factor out of the equation. QB’s tend to get benched when       

          games get out of hand. TE is a very seldom used position, with the

          exception of a few. Team TE would bring the numbers up a bit. On the K

          some teams carry a long and short Kicker. This usual eliminates them from

          being drafted.


Con = Injuries and benching are part of the game and no one position should

           be held to a higher value. It can become a tricky rule to implement rule



A)    No team positions, same way we play now

B)     Implement team player at all 3 positions

C)    Implement team player at one or a combination of positions. Please specify which positions if you go with this choice



     6)   Go with a stat service to run our league. EX:  Sportline.com


Pro = It would do the stats for you, reducing the amount of responsibility

                      that would be required by the owner. Stats can be followed live as

                      the games are being played. Free-agents are ranked for you by the

                      service, reducing the amount of research you would have to do.


            Con = It would greatly change the way the game is currently played and it has

                       taken us a long time to get our current rules the way we like them. We

                       also would likely have to eliminate our top 8 bottom 8 which most    

                       of us like. It would not cut down a lot of work for the Commish,

                       because a lot of our rules aren’t the same as the stat service. The

                       Commish would have to go back and manually change things.

                       Research is part of the game, if the stat service does it for you, it

                       doesn’t reward the hard core owner, as everyone has access to

                       the same information.


A)    Go to stat service


B)     Stay with our current system 



7)  Slightly alter the amount paid for the top 3 scores for the week and

 bottom 3 scores of the week


             Pro = Some owners feel the bottom 3 is penalized too much. Especially

                       if it becomes apparent you have a very week team


             Con = Good teams deserve to be awarded accordingly. The bigger the

                        penalty the more teams will strive to keep their team competitive.


A)  $15 / $10 / $5  -------     -$5 / -$10 / -$15 (our current system)


B)  $12 / $8 / $4  --------      -$4 / -$8 / -$12


C)  $9 / $6 / $3  ----------      -$3 / -$6 / -$9  



Here are a few things that we are tweaking a little and not worth voting on.


1)      Right now, if you have a player play a Thursday game (lets say your TE), and a TE is on the waiver wire on Friday, you can’t bid on him. From now on you can bid on him, but he will not officially go on your team until that week is over. It is just not fair to penalize a team for a having a player play on Thursday and not be allowed to bid on a player.


2)      We all know that playoff teams have priority over scrub bowl teams when it comes to transactions in the days that come after the last week and when roster are due on Saturday before the playoffs start.  What we need to adjust is when scrub bowl teams officially can get a player. The change is slight, scrub bowl teams can put in for a player at any time, but he won’t get the player till Saturday night when rosters are due. Right now it’s on a daily basis, with playoff teams having priority. A lot can happen during the week and we need to give playoff teams all week to get there rosters set before scrub bowl teams can make moves.


3)      Right now a player that is released on Thursday will show up Thursday night

on the waiver wire, an eligible to be bid on Friday night when waivers are processed. This does not allow a team enough time to see who is on waivers, especially if you don’t get to your computor Friday night. The new cut off will be Wednesday night for a player to be on that weeks waiver wire. This will give you an extra day to see who is available.


4)      Jeff and I tinkered with the scoring system a little. You probably won’t even

notice it. It had to do with the tier system. We just evened them out by making

all the tiers the same. Some went in 30 yd increments and then going to 40 yds for the last few tiers, stuff like that.