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Priority List:

1 2 3 4 5 6
Pride Aldoggies Stingrays Cossacks Titans Cows
1 2 3 4 5 6
Contributors Redhawks Maulers Dragonfarts Death Elephants

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 11/13 @ 9pm)
Fason Fla       

Week #11
11/7    Elephants                       Add Smith,D Wisc                     IR Alexis Was
11/7    Cows                              Add Wynn Fla                             IR Purify Col
11/6    Aldoggies                      Activate Carthon Fla                  Drop Fason Fla
11/3    Death                            Activate Johnson PSU                Drop Brathwaite BYU
11/3    Death                            Activate McLendon NCST        Drop Hall NCST

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 11/6 @ 9pm)
Hill ASU                    Penn St QB        Texas Def        Washington NCST        Pittman CSU        White UCLA        Hall NCST
Brathwaite BYU

Week #10
10/31    Death                          Add Banks Ten                      Drop White UCLA
10/31    Elephants                    Add Fulgham Ala                   Drop Pittman CSU
10/31    Death                          Add Hall NCST                      Drop Washington NCST
10/31    Dragonfarts                Add CSU Def                         Drop Texas Def
10/31    Elephants                    Add Alabama QB                  Drop Penn St QB
10/31    Maulers                      Add Void Pur                         Drop Jones,B Pur
10/30    Titans                         Add Jones,G FSU                  Drop Hill ASU
10/30    Cossacks                    Add Murphy A&M               Drop Young Tex
10/27    Dragonfarts                Activate Carey LSU             Drop Wynn Fla
10/27    Titans                         Activate Scott PSU               Drop Horne Neb
10/27    Stingrays                    Add Alabama Def                 Drop USC Def
10/27    Titans                         Add Drew UCLA                   Drop White USC
10/27    Stingrays                    Add Wade ASU                     Drop Perry MD

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 10/30 @ 9pm)
Jones,G FSU        Perry MD        White USC        USC Def        Horne Neb        Wynn Fla

Week #9
10/24    Cossacks                    Add Young Tex                    Drop Jones,G FSU
10/23    Death                         Add Washington NCST         IR Johnson,T PSU
10/23    Death                         Add Brathwaite BYU            IR McClendon NCST
10/23    Redhawks                  Add Brown GA                      IR Gibson GA
10/22    Death                         Add Miller UV                       IR Taylor A&M
10/22    Death                         Add NC ST Def                      Drop Alabama Def
10/22    Contributors              Add Walker Pit                      IR Miree Pit
10/20    Aldoggies                  Add Works OU                       Drop Brathwaite BYU
10/20    Pride                          Add Frederick Was                Drop Brockenbrough Pit
10/20    Aldoggies                  Add Fason Fla                       IR Carthon Fla

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 10/23 @ 9pm)
Maryland Def        Beard Mia        Brockenbrough Pit        Brathwaite BYU        Alabama Def

Week #8
10/16    Dragonfarts               Add Terry KSt                       Drop Beard Mia
10/16    Titans                        Add Notre Dame Def            Drop Maryland Def
10/16    Dragonfarts               Add Wynn Fla                       IR Carey LSU
10/14    Stingrays                   Add Purdue K                       Drop Penn St K
10/13    Maulers                     Add Pearman UV                   Drop Wynn Fla
10/13    Maulers                      Add LSU Def                         Drop Colorado Def
10/13    Maulers                     Add Sam FSU                         Drop Banks Ten
10/13    Stingrays                   Add Hagen ASU                     Drop Brown,R Aub
10/13    Cossacks                   Add Cooper GA                      Drop Davis,Jo Neb
10/13    Death                        Activate McLendon NCST       Drop Christensen BYU
10/13    Maulers                     Add Jones,B Pur                   IR Void Pur
10/13    Titans                       Add Horne Neb                     IR Scott PSU
10/13    Pride                        Add Jones ND                        Drop Allen MD
10/13    Stingrays                  Add USC QB                            Drop LSU QB

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 10/16 @ 9pm)
Texas A&M Def        Terry KSt            Notre Dame Def        LSU QB                Allen MD        Christensen BYU
Davis,Jo Neb              Brown,R Aub       Banks Ten                 Colorado Def        Wynn Fla         Penn St K

Week #7
10/9    Elephants                    Add Washington Def         Drop Notre Dame Def
10/9    Cossacks                     Add Anderson CSU             Drop Terry KSt
10/9    Death                          Add Alabama Def               Drop Texas A&M Def
10/7    Redhawks                   Add Payton Mia                  IR Gore Mia
10/7    Aldoggies                   Add Brathwaite BYU            Drop Sam FSU
10/7    Maulers                       Add Bragg UCLA                 Drop Miller UV
10/7    Elephants                   Add Penn St QB                  Drop Alabama QB
10/7    Redhawks                   Add Geathers Mia               Drop Brown,R GA
10/7    Redhawks                   Activate Gibson GA             Drop Johnson,BJ Tex
10/6    Cossacks                     Add Georgia Def                 Drop Alabama Def
10/6    Titans                         Add White,L USC                 Drop Ebell UCLA
10/6    Aldoggies                                                              Drop Cooper GA (off IR)
10/6    Aldoggies                   Add Clayton OU                   Drop Works OU
10/6    Dragonfarts                Activate Booker FSU            Drop Anderson CSU

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 10/9 @ 9pm)
USC QB        Bush USC        Coats BYU        Hall OhSt         Stanley Wisc          Smith,D Wisc       Anderson CSU
Works OU    Cooper GA      Ebell UCLA       Alabama Def    Johnson,BJ Tex     Miller UV              Sam FSU

Week #6
10/3    Contributors                                                        Drop Smith,D Wisc (off IR)
10/3    Contributors            Activate Davis Wisc              Drop Stanley Wisc
10/2    Pride                        Add Brockenbrough Pit       Drop Hall OhSt
10/2    Cossacks                  Add Houston,M CSU             Drop Coats BYU
10/2    Aldoggies                Add Carthon Fla                   IR Cooper GA
10/2    Stingrays                 Add Perry MD                       Drop Bush USC
10/2    Redhawks                Activate Virginia QB             Drop USC QB
9/30    Maulers                    Add Colorado Def                Drop LSU Def
9/30    Contributors             Add Moore Mia                    Drop Shaffer AFA
9/29    Death                       Add Texas A&M Def             Drop Penn St Def
9/29    Elephants                Add Pittman CSU                  Drop Addai LSU
9/29    Pride                        Add Air Force Def                Drop NCST Def
9/29    Death                       Add Taylor A&M                  Drop Perry MD
9/29    Titans                      Add Hill ASU                        Drop Hall NCST
9/29    Maulers                    Add Miller UV                      Drop Bragg UCLA

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 10/2 @ 9pm)
Jones,Kej OU        Penn St QB        Houston,M CSU        Carthon Fla        Bragg UCLA        Hall NCST
Perry MD              NCST Def            Addai LSU                Penn St Def       Shaffer AFA        LSU Def

Week #5
9/26    Contributors             Add Stanley Wisc                IR Smith,D Wisc
9/26    Aldoggies                 Activate Stubblefield Pur    Drop Carthon Fla
9/25    Dragonfarts              Add Beard Mia                    Drop Houston,M CSU
9/25    Elephants                 Add Alabama QB                 Drop Penn St QB
9/25    Dragonfarts              Add Thorpe FSU                  Drop Jones,Kej OU
9/22    Cossacks                  Add Colbert USC                   Drop Whalen BYU
9/22    Pride                        Add NC ST Def                     Drop Air Force Def
9/22    Death                       Add Christensen BYU           Drop Sanders CSU
9/22    Cossacks                  Add Coats BYU                     Drop Lightfoot ASU
9/22    Pride                        Add Hall OhSt                      Drop Brathwaite BYU
9/22    Death                       Add White UCLA                   IR McLendon NCST
9/22    Aldoggies                Add Sam FSU                        Drop Pittman CSU
9/22    Aldoggies                                                            Drop Williams,M ASU (off IR)

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 9/25 @ 9pm)
Beard Mia                Thorpe FSU            Grant ND            Horne Neb        Williams,M ASU        Pittman CSU        Brathwaite BYU        Lightfoot ASU        Sanders CSU      Air Force Def      Whalen BYU

Week #4
9/18    Death                      Activate Perry MD                 Drop Horne Neb
9/18    Cossacks                 Activate Whalen BYU             IR Brown,M Iowa
9/18    Death                      Activate McLendon NCST       Drop Grant ND
9/18    Stingrays                 Add Bush USC                       Drop Thorpe FSU
9/18    Aldoggies               Add Pittman CSU                    IR Stubblefield Pur
9/18    Cossacks                 Add Davis,Jo Neb                  Drop Beard Mia
9/18    Contributors           Add Smith, D Wisc                 IR Davis, A Wisc
9/17    Redhawks               Add Brown,R UG                    IR Gibson UG
9/17    Dragonfarts            Add Carey LSU                       IR Booker FSU
9/16    Cossacks                Activate Lightfoot ASU           Drop Geathers Mia
9/16    Redhawks              Activate Ross OhSt                Drop Jones,J ND
9/16    Redhawks                                                           Drop Clarett OhSt (off IR)
9/15    Pride                      Add Iowa K                           Drop Wisconsin K
9/15    Titans                    Add Oklahoma QB                 Drop BYU QB
9/15    Pride                      Add Brathwaite BYU             Drop Hall OhSt
9/15    Titans                    Add Hall NCST                       Drop Lewis UCLA
9/15    Death                    Add Sanders CSU                   Drop Pearman UV
9/15    Cossacks               Add Calhoun CU                     IR Whalen BYU
9/15    Elephants             Add Fulton ASU                     Drop Coats BYU
9/15    Pride                    Add Allen MD                         Drop Dennis USC

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 9/18 @ 9pm)
Pittman CSU        Davis,Jo Neb        Bush USC        NC St. Def        Dennis USC        Coats BYU        Pearman UV
Lewis UCLA         Hall OhSt              BYU QB          Wisconsin K     Jones,J ND         Geathers Mia

9/12    Maulers              Add LSU Def                      Drop NC St. Def
9/12    Titans                Add Lewis UCLA                 Drop Bush USC
9/12    Stingrays           Add Brown,R Aub               Drop Davis,Jo Neb
9/12    Cossacks            Activate Geathers Mia        Drop Pittman CSU
9/12    *Trade        Maulers trade Ebell UCLA & Bush USC to the Titans for Wynn Fla & Bragg UCLA
9/11    Redhawks          Add Leinart USC                 IR Schaub UV
9/11    Redhawks          Add Lundy UV                    IR Ross OhSt
9/10    Cossacks            Add Whalen BYU                IR Milton UG
9/10    Contributors      Add Humes VT                   Drop Hass OSU
9/10    Cossacks           Add Perry KSU                    IR Lightfoot ASU

9/8    Titans                 Add Scott PSU                     Drop Lundy UV
9/8    Death                 Add Pearman UV                 Drop Sanders CSU
9/8    Aldoggies           Add Cooper UG                   Drop Allen MD
9/8    Dragonfarts        Add Florida K                      Drop Iowa K
9/8    Death                 Add Grant ND                      IR McLendon NCST
9/8    Maulers              Add Void Pur                       Drop Miller UV
9/8    Cossacks            Add Beard Mia                     Drop Jones,B Pur
9/8    Elephants          Add Coats BYU                     Drop Kight Fla
9/8    Stingrays           Add LSU QB                          Drop Maryland QB
9/8    Aldoggies          Add Lewis A&M                    IR Williams,M ASU
9/8    Titans                Add Wynn Fla                       Drop Brown,R Aub

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 9/11 @ 9pm)
Brown,R Aub        Maryland QB        Kight Fla        Jones,B Pur        Miller UV        Iowa K        Allen MD
Sanders CSU         Lundy UV             Hass OSU

9/3    Contributors          Add Hass WR OrSt            Drop Peoples OU
9/1    Dragonfarts           Add Anderson CSU            Drop Taylor UCLA
9/1    Death                    Add Davis,J Ten                Drop Whalen BYU
9/1    Maulers                Add Banks                         Drop Terry KSt
9/1    Contributors         Add Shaffer AFA                Drop Carey LSU
9/1    Elephants             Add Kight Fla                   Drop Clayton OU
9/1    Stingrays              Add Hackett CU                 Drop Grant ND
9/1    Cossacks               Add Pittman CSU               Drop Taylor A&M
9/1    Dragonfarts          Add Booker FSU                Drop Farmer A&M
9/1    Death                   Add McCoy CU                   Drop Beard Mia
9/1    Maulers                Add Jones,B OU                Drop Woods,D OkSt

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 9/5 @ 9pm)
Woods,D OkSt        Beard Mia        Farmer A&M        Grant ND        Clayton OU        Taylor A&M        Carey LSU
Terry KSt               Whalen BYU     Taylor UCLA         Peoples OU

8/28    Maulers              Add Woods,D OkSt            IR McGrew Vir
8/28    Cossacks            Add Taylor A&M                IR Geathers Mia
8/28    Redhawks          Add Jones,J ND                 IR Clarett OhSt
8/28    Death                Add Sanders CSU                IR Perry MD