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Priority List:

Playoff 1 2 3 4 5 6
Teams Pride Titans Death Aldoggies Maulers Stingrays
Scrub Bowl 1 2 3 4 5 6
Teams Contributors Dragonfarts Elephants Redhawks Cossacks Cows

WEEK #12
11/15    Aldoggies                    Activate Clarett RB OSU (now probable)    Drop Ross RB OSU
11/15    Cows                            Add Maddox RB FSU             IR Jones RB FSU
11/12    Aldoggies                    Add Ross RB OSU                 IR Clarett RB OSU  

WEEK #11
11/7    Cossacks                      Activate Houston RB Ten       Drop Battle WR ND
11/4    Aldoggies                    Activate BYU QB                     Drop Kansas St QB 

WEEK #10
11/1    Stingrays                      Add Clayton WR LSU              IR Washington WR Ten 
11/1    Maulers                        Add Johnson WR Tex            Drop Butler RB AFA 
11/1    Aldoggies                    Add Kansas St QB                  IR BYU QB
10/31    Stingrays                   Add Howry WR Ore                Drop Joppru WR Mich
*Retroactive to 10/14 cancel transaction (Illegal Move)    Pride Add Colorado Def    Drop Colorado St Def
*Pride had already used three defense transactions
10/31    Death                        Add Marshall K                      Drop Nebraska K
10/31    Stingrays                   Add Alabama Def                  Drop Florida St Def
10/31    Death                        Add Mahe WR BYU                 IR Alexis RB Was
10/30    Maulers                     Add Auburn Def                    Drop Alabama Def
10/30    Titans                       Add Washington K                 Drop South Carolina K    
10/29    Aldoggies                 Add Dorsey WR Lou               Drop Mahe WR BYU   
10/28    Cossacks                   Add Battle WR ND                  Drop Brown RB BYU   
10/28    Dragonfarts              Add Green RB Was                  Drop Geathers RB Mia 
10/28    Pride                        Add Fargas RB USC                  Drop McCullough RB USC 

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 10/31 @ 9pm)
Allen RB MD            McCullough RB USC        Geathers RB Mia        Brown RB BYU        Mahe WR BYU
South Carolina K     Alabama Def

10/24    Maulers                     Add Butler RB AF                    Drop Allen RB MD 
10/24    Redhawks                 Add Bragg WR UCLA                 IR Gibson WR GA
10/23    Stingrays                  Add Michigan QB                     Drop LSU QB 
10/23    Dragonfarts              Add Geathers RB Mia               Drop Fargas RB USC   
10/22    Aldoggies                                                                Drop White RB UCLA (off IR)               
10/21    Titans                       Add Horne RB Neb                  Drop Bragg WR UCLA  
10/21    Stingrays                  Add Winslow TE Mia                IR Jones WR Mars 
10/21    Titans                       Add Brown RB Aub                  IR Williams RB Aub  
10/21    Dragonfarts              Add Milton RB GA                    IR Smith RB GA

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 10/24 @ 9pm)
Ghent TE Lou        Clayton WR LSU        S. Carolina QB        Bragg WR UCLA        Fargas RB USC       
White RB UCLA       LSU QB

10/18    Aldoggies                                                                Drop S. Carolina QB (off IR)
10/17    Stingrays                  Add Joppru WR Mich                Drop Clayton WR LSU 
10/17    Stingrays                  Add Downs RB MD                   Drop Ghent TE Lou  
10/15    Death                       Add Penn St Def                      Drop Auburn Def  
10/14    Maulers                    Add Allen RB MD                      Drop Siedman TE UCLA
10/14    Pride                        Add Colorado Def                    Drop Colorado St Def
10/14    Maulers                    Add TE Wrighster Ore              Drop Johnson WR Tex

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 10/17 @ 9pm)
Green RB WSU            Smith TE OK            Pittman WR CSU        Downs RB MD          Winslow II TE Mia
Ohio State Def           Johnson WR Tex     Colorado St Def        Siedman TE UCLA     Auburn Def

10/11    Titans                        Add Nebraska Def                  Drop Ohio State Def 
10/11    Titans                                                                      Drop Winslow II TE Mia (off IR) 
10/11    Titans                        Activate Davis WR Mars           Drop Downs RB MD
10/11    Cows                          Activate Brown WR Ten          Drop Pittman WR CSU 
10/11    Cossacks                    Activate Whalen RB BYU         IR Houston RB Ten
10/10    Dragonfarts                Add Cotchery WR NC St          Drop Smith TE OK
10/10    Death                         Add Boldin WR FSU                Drop Green RB WSU
10/10    Dragonfarts                Add Fargas RB USC                IR Toefield RB LSU
10/8    Aldoggies                     Add Taylor WR A&M              IR White RB UCLA    
10/8    Pride                             Add USC Def                         Drop Washington Def
10/8    Cossacks                       Add Marshall Def                  Drop Nebraska Def
10/8    Aldoggies                     Add Colorado St QB               IR S. Carolina QB
10/7    Elephants                     Add Notre Dame Def             Drop Michigan Def
10/7    Pride                            Add Williams WR USC             Drop Boldin WR FSU   
10/7    Cossacks                      Add Brown RB BYU                 IR Whalen RB BYU 
10/7    Elephants                    Add Ebell RB UCLA                  Drop Fargas RB USC  
10/7    Maulers                        Add Siedman TE UCLA            Drop Wrighster TE Ore

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 10/10 @ 9pm)
Wrighster TE Ore        Fargas RB USC        Boldin WR FSU        Michigan Def        Nebraska Def        Washington Def

10/4    Titans                           Add Bragg WR UCLA                IR Winslow TE Mia  
10/3    Death                           Add Auburn Def                      Drop S. Carolina Def 
10/3    Contributors                Add Gardner WR FSU                Drop Askew RB Mich
10/1    Titans                          Add Downs RB MD                   Drop Savage WR OK  
10/1    Titans                          Add Winslow II TE Mia             IR Davis WR Mars 
10/1    Redhawks                    Add Beard RB Mia                    Drop Peterson WR NCST
10/1    Elephants                    Activate Fargas RB USC            Drop Golden RB NCST   
9/30    Pride                            Add USC Def                            Drop Marshall Def
9/30    Cows                            Add Pittman WR CSU                IR Brown WR Ten

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 10/3 @ 9pm)
Palmer RB AFA        Gardner WR FSU        Michigan QB                Houston RB Col         Ross RB OSU
Harris RB UCLA        Marshall Def             Golden RB NCST          Peterson WR NCST    Savage WR OK
Askew RB Mich        S. Carolina Def

9/27    Aldoggies                     Add White RB UCLA                 Drop Harris RB UCLA
9/27    Aldoggies                     Activate Clarett Rb OSU           Drop Ross RB OSU
9/27    Dragonfarts                                                                 Drop Houston RB Col      
9/26    Stingrays                      Add LSU QB                             Drop Michigan QB 
9/26    Dragonfarts                  Add Orr WR Wisc                     Drop Gardner WR FSU 
9/26    Stingrays                      Add Jones WR Mars                 Drop Palmer RB AFA 
9/25    Aldoggies                     Add Carey RB Mars                  Drop Wallace RB Mars 
9/25    Titans                           Add Savage WR OK                  Drop Williams WR USC
9/23    Dragonfarts                  Add Air Force Def                    Drop Auburn Def  
9/23    Pride                            Add Perez WR Fla                    Drop McKenzie RB USC 
9/23    Dragonfarts                  Add USC QB                             Drop Kansas St QB    
9/23    Death                           Add Edwards WR GA                Drop Dorsey WR Lou
9/23    Pride                            Add McCullough RB USC           Drop Jones WR Mars
9/23    Cossacks                      Add Georgia Def                      Drop Wash St Def 
9/23    Elephants                    Add Williams RB Ala                 IR Galloway RB Ala
9/23    Dragonfarts                 Add Smith TE OK                      Drop Orr WR Wisc    
9/23    Death                          Add Green RB WSU                    Drop Smith RB WSU

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 9/26 @ 9pm)
Geathers RB Mia        CSU QB                  Marshall K          Smith RB WSU        Orr WR Wisc        Wash St Def
Jones WR Mars          Dorsey WR Lou     Kansas St QB      McKenzie RB USC    Auburn Def       
Williams WR USC        Wallace RB Mars

9/20    Aldoggies                   Add Alabama K                          Drop Marshall K
9/20    Aldoggies                   Add S. Carolina QB                    Drop CSU QB
9/19    Aldoggies                   Add Ross RB OSU                      IR Clarett RB OSU
9/19    Stingrays                    Activate Washington WR Ten    Drop Geathers RB Mia
9/18    Aldoggies                   Add Miller RB Lou                     Drop White RB UCLA
9/18    Cows                           Add Beard WR Mia                    Drop Howry WR Ore
9/18    Stingrays                    Add McClendon RB NCST           Drop McCullough RB USC
9/17    Pride                          Add Wash Def                           Drop Mich St Def  
9/16    Titans                         Add Penn St K                          Drop BYU K  
9/16    Pride                          Add Jones WR Mars                   Drop Edwards WR GA 
9/16    Titans                         Add Williams WR USC                Drop Perez WR Fla
9/16    Maulers                      Add B. Johnson WR PSU            Drop Smith TE OK

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 9/19 @ 9pm)
Merrills RB MD            Smith TE OK        Perez WR Fla        Edwards WR GA        BYU K        Mich St Def
McCullough RB USC     Howry WR Ore     White RB UCLA

9/13    Redhawks                   Add Peterson WR NCST           Drop Merrills RB MD
9/11    Elephants                   Activate Watts WR Mars           Drop Butler WR Michigan  
9/11    Pride                          Add McKenzie RB USC              Drop Brewer RB SC                          
9/10    Contributors               Add K-ST K                              Drop Wash K           
9/10    Aldoggies                   Add CSU QB                             Drop SC QB
9/10    Cows                           Add Ala QB                              Drop Col QB 
9/10    Contributors               Add Wisc Def                           Drop PSU Def
9/9    Stingrays                      Add Palmer RB AFA                  Drop McClendon RB NCST   
9/9    Aldoggies                    Add Darling WR WSU                 Drop Arnold WR Was 
9/9    Cossacks                      Add Edwards WR Mich              Drop McCoy WR Col   
9/9    Cossacks                      Activate Bush WR WSU              Drop Johnson WR PSU    
9/9    Titans                          Add Air Force QB                      Drop LSU QB   
9/9    Stingrays                     Geathers RB Mia                       Drop Tippins RB WSU   
9/9    Aldoggies                    Add White RB UCLA                   Drop Maddox RB FSU

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 9/12 @ 9pm)
Maddox RB FSU        Tippins RB WSU            LSU QB                Johnson WR PSU        McCoy WR Col       
Arnold WR Was         McClendon RB NCST     PSU Def               Col QB                       SC QB
Wash K                     Brewer RB SC               Butler WR Mich  

9/4    Cows                            Add Brown WR Ten                   Drop Scott WR Ten 
9/3    Elephants                    Add Butler WR Mich                   IR Watts WR Mars.
9/3    Dragonfarts                 Add Jones RB OK                       Drop Works RB OK   
9/3    Pride                           Add Brewer RB SC                      Drop Patterson RB Lou. 
9/3    Elephants                    Add Golden RB NCST                 IR Fargas RB USC
9/3    Death                           Add Smith RB WSU                    Drop Whitten TE Ten 
9/3    Maulers                        Add Wrighster TE Ore              Drop Charles WR Wisc
9/3    Contributors                 Add Christensen WR BYU          Drop Cotchery WR NCST
9/3    Cossacks                       Add Houston RB Ten                Drop Bellamy WR Mich
9/3    Dragonfarts                  Add Orr WR Wisc                       Drop Peterson WR NCST  
9/3    Dragonfarts                  Activate Toefield RB LSU           IR Houston RB Col  
8/29    Death                          Add Witten TE Ten                   IR Evans WR Wisc
8/29    Stingrays                     Add McCullough RB USC            IR Washington WR Ten    
8/29    Cossacks                      Add McCoy WR Col                    IR Bush WR WSU
8/29    Elephants                    Add Fargas RB USC                    IR Perry RB MD
8/29    Dragonfarts                 Add Works RB OK                      IR Toefield RB LSU

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Thursday 9/5 @ 6pm)
Bellamy WR Mich        Cotchery WR NCST        Whitten TE Ten     Patterson RB Lou
Charles WR Wisc         Peterson WR NCST       Works RB OK         Scott WR Ten