Week #6 was the week that was supposed to separate the men from the boys and let all of us know who was going to take charge of their divisions. After the games were finished, we definitely have some distinct front runners for the playoffs.
    Let me start with the COACHING BLUNDER OF THE YEAR category. It first looked as though Cows owner Tom Driver was going to earn this honor. He was sitting 0-5 and playing the very confident vodka drinkers of the Cossacks. On Thursday, line ups were sent in early due to the Florida State game and Driver elected not to play RB Jones of FSU. Jones scored 27 points. However, the Cows won and you can't attain this honor when you win. Now Coach Brady of the Elephants, in his infinite wisdom, decided to bench the Nebraska QB'S in favor of the Miami QB'S. This was the dumbest move in the world since the designated hitter rule was put into place in American League baseball. Not only did the Elephants lose the 37 points that the Nebraska QB'S put up against tiny McNeese State University, it cost him a win against the Mighty Titans and dropped him from second place into last place in the C Division!
    The Aldoggies led by the mastermind coaching of Russ Shumake have gained a 4 point edge in their quest for the A Division. The Dragonfarts are still fighting their way to the top as they had originally thought that they had lost, but indeed defeat the Redhawks after the Commish was brought in to check the scores. The Maulers may have lost, but they still are in command of B Division. In the C Division, the Titans can clinch the title this week with a win or a Top 6 finish. If they do not, all they need is 1 Top 6 finish in the final 3 weeks to claim C Division theirs thanks in part to the bad coaching of the Elephants by Brady! Here is a recap of WEEK # 6.
This game was marred by scoring problems. The first score that Coach Rusch had sent to the Commish showed him losing. Then he got confirmation from Coach Alford of the Redhawks and the scores were in question. After that, Rusch checked scores again and found that he had won. Due to this fact, he asked the Commish to double check scores. I did and found that the Dragonfarts had pulled out this nail biter by 2 points. Picking up the USC QB'S was key to his victory as they posted 24 points. A good coaching move as Coach Bobby Bowden of Florida State has decided not to pass the ball any more and rely on the run. FSU QB'S are the Dragonfarts other QB tandem. This game also goes back to that August night in the Shenandoah clubhouse when the draft was held. The Redhawks, holding on to the first pick of the draft passed on Marshall QB'S and took Diedrick. Why is this so important at week #6 of the season you ask? Diedrick, RB Nebraska, got the Redhawks 2 points. Marshall QB'S put up 24. Less the 12 points that the Redhawks QB tandem from Washington put up, this would have been a Redhawk victory and a Top 6 finish. If we only knew then what we knew now!
If all of you in the league have been reading the message board, you already know that Coach Poppa Pump (Russ Shumake) has the league title game figured out to be the Aldoggies taking on the Titans. This game may have showed why he is able to make this claim. For the last 3 weeks, the Aldoggies have been a Top 3 team while trying to pull away in their division. They continue to ride the 20 plus point output of RB Clarett every week. Russ also loves the fact that our season ends the week before this running back plays against his beloved Wolverines at the Horseshoe in Columbus. Coach Snyder was the victim of lack of injury information being offered. RB Alexis of Washington sat out this weeks game and got the Death a big goose egg in this highly pivotal division game. With 3 weeks to go, Snyder is hoping for a miracle run to the end like last year!
This was the lowest output of the season for the Maulers and their first taste of defeat since week #1. The pain of playing without #1 running back, Suggs of Virginia Tech, did not look like it was going to hurt so bad when the schedule showed the Maulers taking on 3 time pansy of the week Contributors. However, the Contributors got past the 41 point output that they had scored in each of the last 2 weeks and piled up 63 points. Now, Coach McSwain, may be a little over confident. A win is a win in any book. A division win is even better. But before the Contributors go off the deep end, I want to remind them that 9 of the 12 other teams would have beaten them. Also, if not for the Tennessee game going into overtime, thus allowing RB Davis and Tennessee kicker to gain late points, this would have been an ugly Mauler win. I am glad to see the Contributors get off the 41 point plateau and rid themselves of the pansy of the week honors! Congratulations at Coach Mike Myers expense.
This game had the makings of drunk vodka drinking Russians celebrating by eating the steaks. After sitting RB Jones of FSU and his 27 points, Coach Driver was pulling out what left he has of his hair. After all, teams have been averaging almost 100 points playing against the Cows this year! But this week was to be different from the first 5 weeks. Little did Coach Driver know that he was going to be playing the pansy of the week winners. That's right! The Mighty Cossacks who were riding a 2 game winning streak and second highest score of week #5 fell all the way down to the pansy of the week team. Lack of injury info cost Coach Maze dearly as he did not know about an abductor muscle injury to star running back Whalen of BYU and took a zero. The rest of the Ruskies did not pick up the slack as all they could manage was a team high 11 from the Penn State QB'S. Of course, the Cows were worried when they sat 27 points on the bench. RB Brown of Colorado helped ease those worries as he ran in 23 points and scored on an 85 yard TD run to take over the side pot for that category with 3 weeks left. Congratulations to the Cows for getting first victory of the season!
Coach Merv Myers is upset with son #2 Jeff. He had drafted Perez, WR Florida, but dropped him. Pride duo of Larry and Harry picked him up. Perez scored 20 to help the Pride soften the sting of the Stingrays. They also got 29 out of RB McGahee from Miami who got these points in the first half against a high school football team. Had Coach Spurrier been at Miami this week, McGahee may have passed their own QB for the highest scoring player for one game by playing him in the second half as well. Coach Merv should not be too upset with Jeff as he still would have lost by 1 point. He should be upset with the two teams that passed on Marshall QB'S at the draft and let them drop to the third pick for the Pride. Marshall QB'S got 24, while first pick Diedrick, RB Nebraska got 2 and second pick, Florida QB'S got 4. These 24 points are what did in the Stingrays. The Harry and Larry show got high score for the week even though their defense, USC, netted a negative 1 point. Even Merv's beloved Trojan's tried to help his team out.
Coach Brady could not take advantage of the fact that the Titans had RB Williams of Auburn and WR Rogers of Michigan State out of the line up due to bye weeks. Not only that, but Coach Jeff Myers of the Titans had to do some quick wheeling and dealings due to an injury to WR Davis of Marshall and the discipline to pick up TE Winslow of Miami. Coach Brady helped the Titans remain undefeated by finding a way to earn COACHING BLUNDER OF THE YEAR honors. Brady should have known that Miami's QB'S would be handing the ball off most of the game since they were playing a high school team. He should have known that the option running ball hog of the Nebraska QB'S would have been a better play since they were going up against another high school team. Rule to remember is that you don't have to bench your QB if he only gets you 8 points the week before! This coaching mistake practically handed the C Division over to the Mighty Titans. They have a 9 point lead with 3 weeks to go. One Top 6 finish and they clinch. Jeff does find ways to score tons of points. His Air Force QB led the Titans home with 30 points. Not bad for a QB that was not even drafted!
    Week #7 is do or die for some teams while others may coast into the playoffs. Lack of information regarding injuries is really starting to take its toll on teams. A key transaction pick up can make or break a team right now. Here are some questions to think about as we prepare for week #7. Will the Maulers rebound from a startling loss and take control of the B division or will they fade into the sunset? Can the Redhawks overcome the tough 2 point defeat after they had thought that they had won? Can the Cows stay out of the butcher shop as the Death has plans to turn them back into steaks? Can the Harry and Larry show of the Pride knock off Rusch and the Dragonfarts without Marcus Allen ( an inside joke to be answered by Harry or Dave)? Can Coach Brady of the Elephants not over coach and stall Aldoggies Coach Poppa Pump's plans of a championship match against the Titans? Can the Contributors win outside of their division against former top dog of league Stingrays? Can Pansy of the Week Cossacks go into the Titans house and deliver them their first loss? All of these to be answered in just a few days. Good luck to all!
Tommy the Commish