Week #3 led us into the first of three division games. The coaching was better as points on the bench did not affect the outcome of many games. Congratulations go out to the trio of Myers as they came in with a 2 way tie for the top score and the other one was tied for second high. This is looking like a battle that could be for C division title honors on the final week as the Mighty Goliath Titans host up and coming Stingrays in the final week of the regular season. Week #3 is usually the week that the slow starting Stingrays come out of hiding and go on a feeding frenzy of the rest of the league. If Merv could only get his players to perform from week 1. The A Division saw a blowout and a game that was settled due to a coaching blunder. More on the Dragonfarts loss to the Creeping Death later. The B Division was the most predictable. The Vodka making Cossacks need to give away free samples to their opponents if they want to win a game this year. I will show you where Maze could have had a win against the Maulers if he had the right line up on the field. Last weeks pansy of the week, Contributors, came in with a win, but more important, a tie for second highest score of the week. When reporting his scores to the Commish, McSwain started out his letter by asking " Who's a pansy NOW ? "
The Contributors defeated the hapless Steaks easily and handed down the crown of pansy of the week to Driver. Pansy of the week seems to have an aura about it. After attaining the title in Week #1, the Dragonfarts manhandled the Contributors in Week #2 and passed the crown to their opponent the Contributors. Now in Week #3, the previous weeks pansy, Contributors, hand the crown to their opponents, the Cows. As Commish, I hope this practice of attaining the pansy of the week crown being passed on to the opponent the following week stops! This is due to the fact that my Beloved Elephants play against the Cows this week and I don't want Pansy of the Week honors! Here is a recap of Week #3:
Led by the return of coaching Guru Shumake, the Aldoggies are now rolling. After this victory, they now lead A division. Riding high with 28 from Kansas State defense and 23 from true freshman RB Clarett of Ohio State, the Redhawks were turned into chicken hawks and eaten alive. I still can't help but to look back at the draft and see that #1 pick, Diedrick RB Nebraska got them 3 points and Marshall QB Leftwich got another team 21 points. We will keep you updated as the season progresses on the total points scored by both players. No coaching blunders here as it made no difference who the Redhawks would have put on the field.
As Vince Lombardi was quoted, " Good teams win games but great teams win the close one's." Coach Snyder is working on becoming a great coach. In his 2 wins, he has won by 3 points. This is nerve racking as he would have been undefeated if he was already a great coach. RB Smith of Oregon who dropped down to him with the 6th pick put in 26 points while his big bruising back, Sapp CSU, put in another 26. These and all of the points he scored were needed as his opponent put up 80 on the board. However, a major coaching blunder caused Rusch a loss in this contest. While getting a goose egg from WR Orr of Wisconsin, Gardner WR FSU, scored on a 56 yard TD reception. Gardner accumulated 15 points and looked at his coach and asked, "WHY?" Hey coach, put me in, I'm ready to play. I am betting that Gardner gets a start this week.
After Head Coach McSwain made some transactions to make up for what he could not figure out what assistant coach Uhl was thinking at the draft, the Contributors were ready to roll and lose pansy of the week honors. The 31 points he got from RB Jones of Virginia Tech on Thursday night's game were almost enough to win before any of the Saturday games began. Another 21 from WR Williams of Texas and this route was over. Evidently, there is no tears lost for Cows owner Driver as his teamed was killing everybody last year. Unfortunately for Tom that was last year. An 0-3 start and getting pansy of the week honors on the third week is not what he had in mind to start the season. I don't want to see him start winning until week #5 as he plays the Elephants this week. Sorry Tom!
With Maze taking some time off to go to Pittsburgh to watch the Steelers get humiliated by the visiting Raiders, one might have thought that the Cossacks had a chance against the Maulers. He would not be following the games as closely and watch victory being snatched from him on a last minute useless play. This game could have been lost by the Maulers on a transaction that did not take place. Coach Myers tried to drop the beloved Alabama defense. He tried to pick up a defense that was already taken. When he found out about this, he stayed with the Crimson Tide defense and earned 22 points from them this week. Some of the best trades are those that are not made! All around scoring gave him 85 points and enough to beat the Cossacks. However, Coach Karmazyn is about to be sent off the Ukraine into exile in that nice Winter haven of Siberia. Had the Cossacks not started the Nebraska defense, netting a whopping -3, and played Washington State, getting a plus 3, the outlook of this game would have started to look different. He had lost faith in RB Grant of Notre Dame. They had not scored an offensive TD in 2 games so why should he start him. Well, this is the luck of Maze. He sat on the bench with 18 points while Bush WR of Washington State got him 6. These two changes and the Cossacks would have been victorious instead of starting out the season 0-3. Week #6 could be a huge week for the Cows or the Cossacks if they both fail to win before then. 
TITANS  100 @  PRIDE 84
Titans win again, only this time the game was a lot closer. Most teams win when they score 84 points but the Pride were going against the mighty Titans. Even as we speak, head coach Jeff Myers is tweaking with his team by making transactions. I might be scared to do that because I have always heard that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Not only did Jeff get the win, but RB Williams now has the longest TD run of the season. The Pride could have made it even closer had co-coach Brown had let Boldin WR FSU stay in the line up with his 14 points instead of changing to WR Edwards of Georgia who got the Pride nothing. It was not enough to change the outcome of the game, but points earned go a long ways to play off entries and seedings. This win also gave the Titans a much more comfortable lead in the C division.
All the Commish can say is thank you Tom Driver for letting my beloved Elephants off the hook for pansy of the week honors. After getting nothing from RB Griffin of Oklahoma last week, Merv stayed with him and it paid off in the form of 21 points this week. On top of this, his Oklahoma defense lit up the board for 30. These two players were enough to beat the Elephants by themselves. Merv, you ought to be turned in for poaching as these Elephants are on the Endangered Species list. Coach Brady outdid himself this week by over coaching his team. Playing the Nebraska QB's for a negative three points instead of taking the 15 he could of had from Heisman candidate Dorsey, Miami's QB, was a mistake that may come back to haunt him down the road. Brady should have known that this was a bad mistake when Karmazyn told him that it was a good move! The only good thing to come out of this game was WR Parker of Oregon taking in an 80 yard TD reception to make a side pot for the time being. Kudos' to Merv for lighting a fire under his team and taking home half of the top score of the week with his on Jeff of the Mighty Titans! 
The Redhawks travel to Siberia to take on the former power house of the Ukraine, Cossacks. Maybe the cold and snowy weather or the jet lag of traveling so far will allow the Cossacks to get their first victory. The Redhawks are prepared to wait until the last minute of the game to score. It ain't over until it's over. The Creeping Death travel down to former pansy now turned scoring machine of the Contributors. Was last week a fluke for the Contibutors or will the Death eke another one out? The Dragonfarts travel to sunny Palm Springs to take on the Stingrays. Is this the time of season that Merv makes another great run to the end or will the Dragonfarts stop him and try to make a move on taking the A division? The Aldoggies coaches, Shue and Dotson, are not afraid to travel out to play the mighty Titans. Could this be the week that Goliath goes down or will the Titans continue at a record pace? The Elephants are licking their wounds and looking for the ivory that poacher Merv Myers took from them as they try to rebound against the Cows. These two teams combined could not have beaten the Stingrays or the Titans in week #3. Will the Cows pass the pansy of the week honors to the Elephants or will the pachyderm rebound to turn the Cows into veal? Is this game compared to Cincinnati Bengals versus the Arizona Cardinals in a who cares match? The Pride travel into the hostile environment of the Maulers. Will Harry shut up and let Larry do the coaching or will his last minute changes cost the Pride? Can the Maulers build the B division lead to an almost clinching first place position with a victory? Good luck to all and remember that Jeff is taking the line ups and results for week #4 and the transactions and line ups for week #5. I will be taking the results for week #5.
The Commish,
Tommy Brady