2003-04 Fantasy Basketball Rules Vote


Most of the concerns were the size of the rosters; here are a few options for that. I don’t see a need to change back to 5 starters, I think 6 starters worked well. An even number of starters in a league with so few starters is important in a reverse order draft. We also have on the table for not next year but the year after do conduct the draft on reverse order of finish having first choice as to where they want to draft, using a lottery for the 1st 3 picks. I will give a short pro and con for each choice. If you want to add to the list of rules to be voted on, I will need those as soon as possible.


1)      Have a side pot for the All-Star MVP, just as we do in Baseball

        Pro = It’s a worthy side pot, making the All-Star game more interesting to watch

        Con = Too many side pots reduces the prize fund


A)    Incorporate it

B)     Leave it out


2)      Reduce top 3 / bottom 3 to $ 9, $ 6, $ 3, Instead of the current $ 15, $ 10, $ 5

       Pro = We had an unusual year this year where some teams got hit just too hard and it makes

                 next years entrée just too much

       Con = The poor teams should be penalized, and this year was just a fluke. It’s usually

                 not that lopsided


A)    Reduce to 9-6-3

B)     Leave it at 15-10-5



3)      Alter the sizes of our current rosters ( Do take into consideration that the NBA is expanding by one team,  not next year, but the year after.



A)    Leave the roster sizes alone = 10 players

            Pro = It worked fairly well, you had a backup for 2 positions only. There were

                      few free agents available, which put a premium on the draft. The 10th 

                     player was often used on a rookie or on a player which was listed as day 

                     to day.

             Con = It left the free-agent pool a little thin


B)     Reduce to 9 players

            Pro = It will create a deeper free agent pool, and is a good compromise, it creates

                      A deeper free-agent pool without affecting the league too much

            Con = You won’t have the flexibility to take a chance on a player or have an

                       injured player on you bench that won’t come into a play as a sub.


C)    Reduce to 8 players

             Pro = Creates a deeper free agent pool

             Con = You will have only 1 backup to cover 3 players instead of 2. it could 

                        leave you short a backup. If more than one player gets hurt.


Here are the options with master roster, starters, and backups

The starters are our current system with a slight modification, it has a 3rd F/C and one Opt instead of Opt and 6th man. Virtually everyone started 3 big men because they were more plentiful. It will create a little less confusion than having 2 opt players in your starting lineup. The 6thg man is virtually another opt player. On option 3, the backups are for G and F/C’s meaning if your opt player is a F/C than that sub will have to cover 4 guys. If the Opt player is a G, the subs will cover 3 and 3.


     10                                                      9                                                              8

A) G        G        Sub G                    B)  G          G        Sub G                        C)  G            G           Sub G

     G        G                                            G          G                                                G           G

     G        F/C     Sub F/C                       G          F/C    Sub F/C                           G            F/C        Sub F/C

     G        F/C                                         F/C       F/C                                             F/C        F/C

     F/C     F/C     Sub 3rd FC/Opt            F/C       F/C    Sub 3rd F/C/Opt               F/C        F/C

     F/C     Opt                                         F/C       Opt                                             F/C        Opt

     F/C                                                    F/C                                                          F/C

     F/C                                                    Opt                                                          Opt

     F/C                                                    Opt



A)    10

B)     9

C)    8       


4)      Change the way we determine the draft order. This came in an earlier memo, detailing the potential changes. In short, it’s a reverse order of finish, with the non playoff teams going into a weighted lottery to determine the 1st 3 picks, the rest fall into order. The picking order gives you the choice of where you want to draft. You might be awarded the 1st pick, you could pick # 3, #8, #1, #12. In otherwards you will control where you pick. This would not go into effect until after next year, because we already know this years order of finish.


A)    Try the new order of picking

B)     Leave it alone, blind draw


5)    There was some concern about how we handle the supplemental draft. It is very possible that the best team coming out of the draft could wind up with the number 1 supplemental pick. The supplemental draft is very top heavy and not very deep. In the best concern for the league when it comes to competitive balance , I have come up with an alternative.
Basically we eliminate the supplemental draft altogether. What we would do is if one of your player goes on the DL before our league starts , you would be allowed to replace him with somebody from the same team. Meaning if David Robinson goes on the DL , you couldn't pick the best player available in the league, you would have to take somebody from the Spurs, like Rose.. By allowing a DL move you won't be a player short. Then ,as in as all our other leagues ,open up the transactions to everyone once week one standings are in the books. We would then, as in the other leagues, award to the lowest ranked team first. For competitive balance this usually works well.

A) Eliminate the supplemental draft
B) Continue with our current supplemental draft