This is our new annual vote sheet. If you had an idea, it is now too late. I gave everyone ample notice to get me ideas. Please read carefully and get me back your answers as soon as possible. I will try to give the obvious pro for the rule proposed and the con as to why it should stay the way it is. You take it from there. Call me if you have any questions.

With most of our rules, most teams pretty much go along with the majority and don’t make much of an issue about things. Our team QB and Kicker rule has a small faction of owners highly against this concept. Even though we worked out the bugs early in the season they are still adamant that we go back to individual players. Because their feelings are so strong about this rule, I feel it is in our best interest to revert to the old way of doing things, which is draft individual players instead of a team. Even though they may be slightly in the minority, it is better to make all the teams as happy as possible. I’m assuming going back to the old way will not upset too many owners as we have done it that way for years.

Another rule that we will be modifying is the rosters are frozen for the play-offs rule. I don’t feel it necessary to vote on this change because it is a common sense change that everyone should agree too. Right now the rule states that rosters are frozen for the play-offs unless you cannot submit a full line-up due to injury. We will modify that to state that (If your franchise player gets hurt you will be allowed to exercise your franchise rights to his back up. You still cannot pick up a free agent from another team. Only the franchise players back up.

These are the topics to be voted on;

  1. We are currently looking into how we get our league into Sportsline .com web site. I know we can do it but some rules and scoring would have to be modified. Or use a combination of both to keep our top-8 feature which seems to be very popular. I could use our current site for the standings only.

PRO = It does all the stats for you, and updates the scores as the games are in progress.

It gives free agents with stats, player info, and an area where I can still write the Cossack report. It would make my life a little easier when it comes to confirmed stats and standings.

CON = We finally are getting the rules and scoring just the way we want them and we

Would have to make some rule and scoring changes, top 8 probably being one of them. You still would have to do your own stats and call them in, as well as doing your own free-agent research. If we did a combo , it kinda defeats the purpose of cutting down my work load.

(2) A = Change to Sportline .com if we can

(10) B = Stay with our current system

(3) C = Use Sportline .com but keep our current site to do the standings



2) With 32 teams in the league next year we will be able to draft 2 QB’s, TE’s, K’s, and

Def"s if we wish too

PRO = More emphasis will be placed on the draft and not getting a preferable match-up

When your player is off. It will not permit poor teams to get a higher pick from

The free-agent pool . It will greatly reduce my work load trying to figure out

Who gets who. It will cut down on the research you have to do since all the

Players and teams will be taken. Might create more trading, with teams trying

To improve in certain back-up areas

CON = With a 16 team league players and teams are already thin. If we draft everyone,

Teams are going to end up with some pretty poor teams and players

(8) A = Change to drafting two of each

          (7) B = Only draft one, our current system

3) We have a proposal to expand the play-offs to 8 teams. We would still only pay the

Top 6 teams . The top 2 ranked teams of the 4 losers in the first round would finish 5th and 6th. The lower 2 ranked teams would be out of the money. If you’re one of the higher seeds going in to the play-offs you wouldn’t have to be worried about being eliminated from the money. We currently do this system in our basketball league with 6 of 12 making the play-offs but only paying the top 4.

PRO = Obviously it would give more teams a chance to get in the play-offs. Thus creating more interest down the stretch. We still would pay the same top 6, so payouts would not be affected.

CON = Half the teams in the play-offs might mean there are some that don’t deserve a chance at a championship. A team that might normally get a bye in the first round, guarantying no less than 4th, could now be eliminated and finish 5th or 6th.

(11) A = Change to 8 teams

(4) B = Leave it at 6 teams

4)We have a proposal for changing the missed FG attempt to 34 yds and under instead of the current 39 yds and under.

PRO = It would directly correlate to our tier system for the length of FG. Meaning that 34 and under is a 3pt FG and that is also where the negative would begin.

CON = A missed 39 yd FG is still a chip shot for the pros, worthy of a –1

(8) A = Change it to –1 for a failed 34 yd FG and under

(7) B = Leave it at 39 yds and under

5) This one is a multiple scenario, so bare with me. The proposal is to make the waiver wire claim one day before line-ups are due, and wether to make line-ups due on Saturdays instead of Fridays

A = Make waiver wire claims on Thursdays, and line-ups on Fridays

PRO = It would give me time to process claims and you will know who you got

Before line-ups are due. This would work better if we went to sportsline

Because transactions would be posted Tuesday night , not wed.

CON = Waiver wire players will only be known for a 24 hrs because the report isn’t

usually out till Wednesday and possibly not give you enough time to get to

the report. This con is if we didn’t go to sportsline

B = Make waiver wire claims on Friday , and line-ups on Saturday

PRO = You would still have time to see the waiver wire and still put a claim in.

You would have extra time to set your line-up by being given an extra


CON = By making line-ups due on Saturday, there is a good chance the rosters

Won’t be updated on the web site by the time you leave for work on Sundays

So you won’t have rosters at work to look at.

C = Leave it the same as now, Waiver wire claims processed on Friday, as well as line-

Ups due.

PRO = It gives you time to see the report, and make a waiver wire claim. It also

Gives me time to get the web site updated with rosters in time for the games

CON = You don’t know for sure if you got a waiver wire player when roster are

Due and thus have to give multiple line-up scenerios


(1) A = Thursday for waiver wire claims, and Friday for line-ups

(10) B = Friday for waiver wire claims, and Saturday for line-ups

(3) C = Friday for waiver wire claims, and Friday for line-ups

  1. We have a suggestion to go to –1 for fumbles lost

PRO = any time your player fumles one away it greatly hurts your team

And this should be penalized, just like a –1 for and INT. from a QB.

With the web sites all showing fumles lost , it shouldn’t be too hard

To track

CON = Its something we never considered important before, and it would be one more

Thing to track.

(9) A = -1 for a fumble lost

(6) B = leave it out

There are 6 votes, send me an E-Mail listing the questions in 1-6, with the letter for you vote