The 2001 UAL Fantasy Champs have been crowned....... Tom Driver and his Cows win a thriller over the Commish's Cinderella Death team. It was quite a finish in the Championship Game! The Commish thought he had the title in his hands, only to watch Luke cook up a late game rally and lead the Cows to the promise land. It has been a fun year for the Commish and I would like to thank everyone for their help with scores and lineups every week, it is much appreciated and never overlooked. I hope everyone is back next year, as certainly a few teams will be out to prove a few things! Thanks again for all the support, and I can't wait until basketball starts, as my other football team is in the proverbial crapper! :>)

Lets take a look one last time at the action on the field......

Cows 95    Death 89
Championship week has arrived for the Commish and Mr. Driver. We all gathered around the TV to watch all the action.........um, wait......The Commish spent the day on Saturday working from 7am until 7pm, while Mr. Driver spent the day with the Mrs. doing his best to give her his full attention. Yes, the Commish did his best to sneak a peak at a TV here and there, but never really saw any action of his beloved Death players. Mr. Driver was doing his best to follow the action with strategic "bathroom breaks" and flipping through all the AM stations he could in the car. It was if both of us wanted to know what was going on, but didn't want to hear any bad news about our teams. So the day marches on and the scores are coming in........Cows got 18 from Henry on Thursday, VT QB post a solid 14 but some bad news for Mr. Driver as Tennessee abandons the rush leaving the usually reliable Stephens with just 6. The double whammy for the Cows is that Tennessee threw the ball endlessly to Death WR Stallworth who posted a huge 36 points. The Commish also gets 13 from Portis, 15 from Simonton and 9 from Hurst. The Commish does suffer a setback as their stud QB Oregon is off this week, and back-up Air Force who had a big game last week, could only muster up 4 points this week. So Mr. Driver and the Commish add up the scores and it stands at 89-67 in favor of the Death, with the Cows still having stud RB Staley to go in the late game. That should be no problem for Staley to take care of, as he is usually good for 30+ each week. But wait!!!!! At the end of 3 quarters Staley has 0 TD's and just 41 yards rushing. Hmmmmmm, the Commish is putting the champagne on ice!!!! The Commish and Mr. Driver are both now tuned in to the BYU game, and they both have a pretty good idea of where they stand. Just as the Commish sits down to watch the final 10 minutes of the game, Luke breaks of a big run and is pulling away from the Utah defense. 50, 40, 30, 20......wait, Luke gets pulled down after a 59 yard run! The Commish will give up the yards, just no TD's! BYU runs a few plays, gets down to the 9 yd line. They're gonna throw now for sure as there is less than 6 minutes to go. BYU drops back, the whole team runs left.......except Luke, who runs right and is wide open.....TD Luke! Okay not the end of the world.........BYU goes for two.........hand-off Luke, 2 pt conversion, GOOD! The Commish is feeling the heat now, while Mr. Driver is happy with the points, but knows there is more to go. All Utah has to do is run out the clock, as there is less than 5 minutes left. First down run, 2nd down run.....3rd and 3. The ESPN2 announcers are calling for Utah to throw to the TE, who is having a big day.....the Commish echoes the sentiments. Utah, in a brilliant coaching move runs the ball up the middle.....no gain. BYU gets the ball back deep in their own end. Luke runs left, Luke runs right, Luke catches a pass......they are moving down the field and Luke is getting the ball every play. Ummmm, Utah.........you might want to key on this guy, he is the freaking national leader in TD's!!!!! Luke runs left down to the 30. Okay, the Commish is worried...... but there is less than a minute left, they have to throw the ball eventually........BYU QB drops back.....pass it to some other than Staley!!!!! No, wait..... he runs a delayed option.... pitch to Luke.....25, 20, 15, 10, 5.......TOUCHDOWN!!!!!! That will seal the fate of the Death, the COWS WIN! the COWS WIN! Mr. Driver is still not sure how many points Luke ended up with, sits down and figures out Luke got 28 points, enough for the Cows undefeated season to remain in tact and walk away with the championship. The Commish knew it was over as soon as Luke ran down the sideline one last time. Mr. Driver is finally able to celebrate, while the Commish  is busy send the Utah coach an e-mail telling him what an idiot he was, blowing two chances to run out the clock and upset BYU. I wished him all the bad luck in the world in the future, he deserves it! 

A great finish to a great season for the Cows. The Commish was very proud of his team, as they backed into the playoffs after a very mediocre regular season. The Death responded in the playoffs with weeks of 89-132-89, which was almost good enough to claim the title. Congrats Mr. Driver, you are a very deserving champ! An 8-0 regular season, and two solid wins in the playoffs. The Cows win streak is still in tact when we start the 2002 season!

Scrub Bowl Winner: Titans
Titans 88    Pride 83    Contributors 72    Stingrays 44    Redhawks 42    Christians 22    
Yes, the Titans were overdue! The Commish predicts the winner for the 2nd week in a row, and it is a little redemption for Jeff Myers, who hadn't had an ounce of luck all year. A huge 40 pt game from Northwestern QB lead the way for the Titans. The Pride got 35 points from USC def to put the heat on the Titans, while the Contributors were the only other team to even come close. 

Weekly Awards
QB of the Week:   Northwestern, Titans    40 Points
Jeff takes the great game and walks away with the $30 prize.

RB of the Week:   Staley, Cows    28 Points
No surprise here, Luke proved to be the top player this year, doing it week in and week out.

WR of the Week:    Stallworth, Death    36 Points
The Death WR follows up last week's 33 point game with another top game, almost single handily helping the Commish to the title.

Thanks again to everyone for all their support this year. It has been a fun year and I look forward to next year and hope to see everyone back again.

The Commish