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*Players with a asterisk next to their name, play in Thursday game that week*

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Fri 11/2 @ 6pm)
Gillespie RB Fla       Stubblefield WR Pur        Byrd RB USC        Stratton TE Pur

10/28    Titans                    Add Gore RB Mia                    DL McGahee RB Mia
10/28    Cossacks               Add Graham TE Col                 Drop Stratton TE Pur
10/29    Maulers                Add Davis RB LSU                    DL Toefield RB LSU
11/1    Contributors           Add Notre Dame QB                Drop LSU QB
11/2    Q-Dogs                  Add Newson WR OSU               Drop Floyd WR Wyo
11/2    Maulers                 Add Byrd RB USC                      Drop Kelly WR USC
11/2    Maulers                 Add Stubblefield WR Pur         DL Bryant WR Pit              

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Fri 10/26 @ 6pm)
Lockett WR KSU        Bell WR FSU         Savage WR Okl        USC QB                Alexis RB Was
Johnson WR Tex      Griffin RB Okl       Burns RB AFA          Walker TE Fla     Washington Def
Miller RB Miss          Ralph WR Wyo      Scott RB Wyo          Smith RB Ore      Northwestern Def     

10/21    Elephants            Add Washington QB                Drop USC QB
10/21    Christians            Add Lowe RB Pur                    Drop Alexis RB Was
10/22    Pride                   Add Jolley TE BYU                   Drop Johnson WR Tex
10/22    Pride                   Add Johnson RB Col                Drop Griffin RB Okl
10/22    Death                  Activate Stallworth WR Ten     Drop Burns RB AFA
10/22    Death                  Add Pittsburgh Def                 Drop Washington Def
10/22    Contributors        Activate Graham RB Fla            Drop Walker TE Fla
10/24    Q-Dogs               Add Jones RB FSU                    Drop Miller RB Miss
10/24    Cossacks            Activate McGuffey WR Wyo        Drop Ralph WR Wyo
10/24    Cossacks            Activate Jones RB ND                Drop Scott RB Wyo
10/24    Titans                Add McGahee RB Mia                 Drop Smith RB Ore
10/24    Titans                Add BYU Def                             Drop Northwestern Def
10/26    Stingrays           Add Griffin RB Okl                     Drop Gillespie RB Fla
10/26    Cossacks            Add Johnson WR Tex                Drop Stubblefield WR Pur
10/26    Stingrays           Add Alexis RB Was                    Drop Byrd RB USC
10/26    Maulers             Add Tennessee QB                   Drop Colorado St QB
10/26    Maulers             Add Smith RB Ore                      Drop Williams RB Tex
10/26    Maulers                                                              Drop Rebstock CSU (off DL)            

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Fri 10/19 @ 6pm)
BYU Def                Arnold WR Was        English WR Pit        Kirkley RB Pit        Pinnock RB SC
Graham TE Col      Willis WR Ore            

10/14    Stingrays            Add Byrd RB USC                Drop English WR Pit
10/14    Stingrays            Add Clayton WR LSU           Drop Kirkley RB Pit
10/14    Titans                Add Works RB Okl               Drop Pinnock RB SC
10/14    Pride                 Add Smith TE Okl                Drop Graham TE Col
10/17    Cossacks           Add Ralph WR Wyo              DL Jones RB ND
10/17    Cossacks                                                      Drop Willis WR Ore (off DL)
10/19    Stingrays          Add Pinnock RB SC               Drop Lockett WR KSU
10/19    Elephants        Add Arnold WR Was              Drop Bell WR FSU
10/19    Christians        Add Childs RB CSU                DL McCullough RB USC
10/19    Death              Activate Hurst RB Was           Drop Savage WR Okl                  

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Fri 10/12 @ 6pm)
Notre Dame K            Woolfolk WR Okl        Davenport RB Mia        Milons WR Ala
Lowe RB Pur              Purify RB Col             Purdue Def                  Fisher RB ND
Standeford WR Pur    LSU Def                      Allen WR Ore               Benson RB Tex
Colorado QB 

10/7    Contributors        Add Jones RB VT                Drop Davenport RB Mia
10/7    Contributors        Add Walker TE Fla             Drop Milons WR Ala
10/7    Titans                 Add Smith RB Ore               Drop Lowe RB Pur
10/7    Pride                   Add Smith WR GT               Drop Purify RB Col
10/7    Pride                   Add Oregon Def                 Drop Purdue Def
10/7    Death                  Add Burns RB AFA              Drop Fisher RB ND
10/7    Death                  Add Watkins WR GT            Drop Standeford WR Pur
10/8    Christians            Add Colorado Def              Drop LSU Def
10/8    Cossacks             Add Jones RB ND               Drop Allen WR Ore
10/8    Titans                 Add Pinnock RB SC             Drop Benson RB Tex
10/8    Pride                  Add Oregon St QB              Drop Colorado QB
10/10    Cossacks          Add Notre Dame Def          Drop BYU Def
10/12    Contributors     Add Benson RB Tex           DL Graham RB Fla
10/12    Elephants        Activate Howry WR Ore       Drop Arnold WR Wash

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Fri 10/5 @ 6pm)
Fleming WR AFA        Carter WR Ala        Harris RB Pur        Oregon St QB        Scaife TE Tex

9/28    Stingrays        Add Kirkley RB Pit                Drop Fleming WR AFA
9/28    Maulers          Activate Bryant WR Pit          DL Zachery RB Clem
9/30    Titans            Add Washington WR Ten       Drop Carter WR Ala
9/30    Cossacks        Add Stubblefield WR Pur       DL McGuffey WR Wyo
9/30    Death            Add Savage WR Okl                Drop Harris RB Pur
10/1    Maulers         Activate Zachery RB Clem       DL Rebstock WR CSU
10/1    Q-Dogs         Add Michigan QB                    Drop Oregon St QB
10/1    Q-Dogs         Add Floyd WR Wyo                 Drop Scaife TE Tex
10/2    Elephants     Add Arnold WR Wash              DL Howry WR Ore
10/2    Cossacks       Add Allen WR Ore                   DL Willis WR Ore
10/5    Stingrays      Add USC K                               Drop Notre Dame K
10/5    Redhawks     Add Scaife TE Tex                  Drop Woolfolk WR Okl                  

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Fri 9/28 @ 6pm)
English WR Pit*        Jones RB FSU        Kirkley RB Pit*        Jenkins WR MSU        Jones RB ND
Pittsburgh Def*        Tennessee QB

9/23    Elephants        Add Askew RB Mich               Drop Kirkley RB Pit
9/23    Death              Add Standeford WR Pur         DL Stevens TE Was
9/23    Death              Add Harris RB Pur                  DL Hurst RB Was
9/23    Death              Add Hamilton WR Clem          Drop Jenkins WR MSU
9/23    Death              Add Fisher RB ND                  Drop Jones RB ND
9/24    Q-Dogs           Add Scaife TE Tex                  DL Miller RB MSU
9/24    Pride               Add USC Def                          Drop Pittsburgh Def
9/25    Cows               Add Cormier WR Col               DL Minardi WR Col
9/25    Stingrays        Add Wyoming QB                    Drop Tennessee QB
9/27    Stingrays        Add English WR Pit                DL Perry RB Mich                         

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Fri 9/21 @ 6pm)
Myers WR LSU        McKelvey WR Clem        Oregon St Def        Clemson K        Washington WR Ten

WEEK #2/3 (Continued due to postponed week)
9/14    Elephants         Add Bell WR FSU                   Drop Myers WR LSU  
9/17    Pride                Add Graham TE Col                Drop McKelvey WR Clem
9/17    Pride                Add Purdue Def                     Drop Oregon St Def
9/17    Christians         Add Wyoming K                     Drop Clemson K
9/17    Death               Add Hurst RB Was                  Drop Washington WR Ten
9/20    Maulers            Add Williams RB Tex              Drop English WR Pit
9/20    Q-Dogs            Avtivate Williams WR Tex        Drop Jones RB FSU       

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Fri 9/14 @ 6pm)
Smith WR GT        Robinson WR Clem        Bell WR FSU                Askew RB Mich        Washington QB
Purdue Def          Thorpe WR FSU             Standeford WR Pur     Savage WR Okl         Elstrom WR Was   

9/9    Stingrays              Add Perry RB Mich                Drop Smith WR GT
9/9    Christians             Add Gardner WR FSU             Drop Robinson WR Clem
9/9    Cossacks              Add Willis WR Ore                 Drop Bell WR FSU
9/9    Cossacks              Activate Scott RB Wyo           Drop Askew RB Mich
9/9    Death                   Add Air Force QB                  Drop Washington QB
9/9    Pride                    Add Oregon St Def               Drop Purdue Def
9/9    Pride                    Add McKelvey WR Clem         Drop Thorpe WR FSU
9/10    Christians           Add Brown RB Col                 Drop Standeford WR Pur
9/10    Titans                 Add Williams WR Was           Drop Savage WR Okl
9/10    Death                 Add Jenkins WR MSU             DL Flowers WR Tex
9/10    Death                 Add Washington WR Ten      Drop Elstrom WR Was         

****ON WAIVERS (claims processed on Fri 9/7 @ 6pm)
Jemison RB Pit        Postell RB Pit        Kittner WR OSU        Gardner WR FSU        Ford RB FSU
Perry RB Mich          Palmer RB AFA       Hurst RB Was           Ike RB Tex               Brewer RB SC
Air Force K

8/30    Contributors        Add Walker RB MSU                DL Sapp RB CSU
9/4    Maulers                 Add English WR Pit                DL Bryant WR Pit
9/4    Pride                     Add Brunell RB VT                  DL Suggs RB VT
9/4    Stingrays              Add Gillespie RB Fla                Drop Jemison RB Pit
9/4    Cossacks               Add McGuffey WR Wyo            DL Scott RB Wyo
9/4    Elephants             Add Myers WR LSU                   Drop Postell RB Pit
9/4    Death                   Add Flowers WR Tex                DL Stallworth WR Ten
9/4    Titans                   Add Carter WR Ala                   Drop Kittner WR OSU
9/4    Pride                    Add Purify RB Col                    Drop Gardner WR FSU
9/4    Stingrays              Add Smith WR GT                     Drop Ford RB FSU
9/4    Cossacks              Add Askew RB Mich                  Drop Perry RB Mich
9/4    Elephants            Add Kirkley RB Pit                    Drop Palmer RB AFA
9/4    Titans                  Add Benson RB Tex                  Drop Hurst RB Was  
9/4    Pride                   Add Thorpe WR FSU                  Drop Ike RB Tex
9/5    Stingrays             Add Peelle TE Ore                    Drop Brewer RB SC
9/5    Contributors        Add Mississippi St K                 Drop Air Force K
9/5    Q-Dogs               Add McDonald RB BYU               DL Campbell GT
9/7    Q-Dogs               Activate Campbell WR GT           DL Williams WR Tex