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****ON WAIVERS (Claims processed Friday 11/3)
Harris RB UCLA

WEEK #10
10/30 Contributors    Drop Harris RB UCLA    Add Walker WR Mich

****ON WAIVERS (Claims processed Friday 10/27)
Ennis RB Pur                Wisconsin QB                USC Def                    
Works RB Okl              Wells RB Ohio St          Lewis RB UCLA  

10/21  Contributors  Drop Ennis RB Pur            Act Foster RB UCLA  
10/23  Q-Dogs          Drop USC Def                    Add Wisconsin Def
10/24  Christians      Drop Works RB Okl          Add Papadakis RB USC
10/25  Cossacks       DL Whitaker RB A&M     Add Weber RB A&M
10/25  Stingrays       Drop Wells RB Ohio St      Add Gillespie RB Fla
10/26  Stingrays       Drop Lewis RB UCLA        Add Fisher RB Notre Dame          

****ON WAIVERS (Claims processed Friday 10/20)
Kelly RB Clem            Gillespie RB Fla            S. Miss QB
McDonald RB BYU    Wyoming QB                 Florida Def
USC K                          Walker WR Mich            

10/15  Maulers        Drop Kelly RB Clem           Add Gunn RB Miss
10/15  Titans            Drop Gillespie RB Fla        Add Alexis RB Wash
10/15  Q-Dogs         Drop S. Miss QB                 Add Air Force QB
10/15  Cossacks      Drop McDonald RB BYU   Add Scott RB Wyo
10/17  Maulers        Drop Wyoming QB              Add Colorado QB
10/17  Stingrays      DL Johnson RB Col             Add Wells RB Ohio St
10/18  Maulers        Drop Florida Def                  Add Tennessee Def
10/18  Q-Dogs         Drop Walker WR Mich       Add McGuffey WR Wyo 
10/19  Maulers        Drop USC K                         Add Clemson K
10/20  Stingrays      Drop Wisconsin QB             Waivers S. Miss QB          

****ON WAIVERS (Claims processed Friday 10/13)
Walker WR FSU              Baker TE MSU        Graham TE Col
Sanders RB CSU              Scott RB Wyo          Purdue Def
Willis WR Fla                   Hayter  RB Tex       Stallworth WR Tenn                  

10/8    Pride            Drop Walker WR FSU            Add Gardner WR Clem
10/8    Q-Dogs        Drop Baker TE MSU             Add Boldin WR FSU
10/8    Q-Dogs        Drop Graham TE Col             Add Walker WR Mich
10/9    Titans          Drop Sanders RB CSU           Add Gillespie RB Fla
10/9    Pride            Drop Scott RB Wyo                Add Green WR Col
10/11  Pride            Drop Purdue Def                     Add Colorado St. Def
10/12  Christians    Drop Willis WR Fla (activated from DL)
10/13  Q-Dogs        Drop Hayter RB Tex              Add Mitchell RB Tex
10/13  Death           Drop Stallworth WR Ten        Act. Allen RB KSU               

****ON WAIVERS (Claims processed Friday 10/6)
Gardner WR Clem            Miree RB Ala              Works RB Okl
Milons WR Ala                 Houston RB Col           Gillespie RB Fla
Fleming WR AF                 Baker TE MSU            Edwards WR Geo
Colorado K                        Colorado Def                 Tennessee Def
Davis WR Wisc                 Healy WR Tex              Green WR Col
Hooks WR BYU                Brown RB AF                Perry RB Mich
Jones TE Ala                     Mitchell RB Tex

10/1  Q-Dogs             Drop Gardner WR Clem      Add Graham TE Col
10/1  Maulers            DL Davis WR CSU              Add Ferguson WR A&M
10/1  Stingrays          Drop Miree RB Ala             Add Lewis RB UCLA
10/1  Stingrays          Drop Works RB Okl            Add Galloway RB Ala
10/2  Contrib.            DL Foster RB UCLA           Add Harris RB UCLA
10/2  Pride                 Drop Milons WR Ala           Add Haygood WR MSU
10/2  Pride                 Drop Houston RB Col          Add Woods RB S.Miss
10/3  Titans               Drop Gillespie RB Fla         Add Sanders RB CSU
10/3  Christians         Drop Fleming WR AF          Add Bell WR FSU
10/3  TRADE
         Death TRADE Georgia QB and Minor RB FSU    TO
      Redhawks FOR Washington QB and Elstrom WR Wash
10/3  Death                Drop Baker TE MSU          Act Sanks RB Geo
10/3  Death                Drop Edwards WR Geo      Act Chambers WR Wis
10/3  Death                Drop Colorado K                 Add Alabama K
10/3  Death                Drop Colorado Def              Add Notre Dame Def
10/3  Death                Drop Tennessee Def           Add UCLA Def   
10/3  TRADE
Maulers TRADE Staley RB BYU, Poli-Dixon WR UCLA, Nebraska Def TO
        Cows FOR McAllister RB Miss, Green WR Col, Florida Def    

10/4  Stingrays           Drop Davis WR Wisc          Act. Williams WR Tex
10/5  Cossacks          Drop Healy WR Tex            Add Flowers WR Tex
10/5  Maulers            Drop Green WR Col            Add Kelly RB Clem
10/6  Q-Dogs             Drop Hooks WR BYU         Add Hayter RB Tex
10/6  TRADE
     Cossacks TRADE Miami QB, Handy WR S. Miss, Flowers WR Tex TO
        Elephants FOR Mississippi QB, Terrell WR Mich, Brown RB AF 

10/6  Cossacks          Drop Brown RB AF              Add Mills WR S. Miss
10/6  Christians         Drop Perry RB Mich            Waivers Works RB Okl
10/6  Hawks              Drop Jones TE Ala                Waivers Fleming WR AF
10/6  Q-Dogs            Drop Mitchell RB Tex          Waivers Baker TE Mich St  

****ON WAIVERS (Claims processed Friday 9/29)
Alabama K                    Wisconsin D                    Clayborn RB KSU
Colorado QB                 Caldwell WR Fla             Galloway RB Ala
Nix RB S.Miss

9/23    Titans            Drop Alabama K                 Add Nebraska K
9/24    Christians     Drop Wisconsin D               Add Air Force D
9/24    Maulers        Drop Clayborn RB KSU    Act. Staley RB BYU
9/24    Maulers        Drop Colorado QB             Act. Wyoming QB
9/24    Titans            Drop Caldwell WR Fla      Add Standeford WR Pur
9/24    Stingrays       Drop Galloway RB Ala     Add Miree RB Ala
9/27    Titans            DL Portis RB Mia            Add Griffin RB Okl
9/27    Stingrays       DL Williams WR Tex       Add Davis WR Wis
9/28    Stingrays       Drop Nix RB S. Miss       Act. Johnson RB Col
9/28    Christians      DL Willis WR Fla             Add Fleming WR AFA            

****ON WAIVERS (Claims processed Friday 9/22)
Fleming WR AFA            Rambo WR OSU            Standeford WR Pur
Boldin WR FSU               Ferguson WR A&M       Nebraska K  

9/18    Pride            Drop Fleming WR AFA       Add Scott RB Wyo
9/19    Titans          Drop Rambo WR OSU        Act. Gillespie WR Fla
9/19    Q-Dogs       Drop Standeford WR Pur     Add Gaffney WR Fla
9/20    Christians   Drop Boldin WR FSU           Add Toombs RB A&M
9/21    Maulers      Drop Ferguson WR A&M   Act. Poli-Dixon WR UCLA
9/21    Cossacks    Drop Nebraska K                 Add Air Force K
9/22    Christians   Drop Walker WR Mich        Add Rambo WR OSU
9/22    Death          DL Sanks RB Geo               Add Lowe RB Pur         

****ON WAIVERS (Claims processed Friday 9/15)
Hooks WR Wash                Georgia K                    Alabama QB
Dubravac WR UCLA          Flowers WR Tex         Sanks RB Georgia
Bohanon RB Ala                 Tenn. QB                      Toombs RB A&M
Arnold RB Wash                 Lowe RB Pur 

9/10    Stingrays    Drop Hooks WR Wash        Add Williams WR Tex
9/10    Stingrays    Drop Georgia K                    Add Michigan St. K
9/10    Titans         Drop Alabama QB                Add Texas A&M QB
9/10    Maulers      Drop Dubravac WR UCLA   Add Ferguson WR A&M
9/10    Cossacks    Drop Flowers WR Tex         Add Healy WR Tex
9/11    Pride           Drop Sanks RB Geo             Add Fleming WR AFA
9/11    Elephants    Drop Bohanon RB Ala        Add Buckhalter RB Neb
9/12    Death          Drop Tenn. QB                    Add Michigan St. QB
9/12    Death          DL Allen RB KSU               Add Baker TE MSU
9/13    Cows           Drop Toombs RB A&M      Add Sapp RB CSU
9/13    Christians   Drop Arnold RB Wash        Add Perry RB Mich
9/13    Titans          DL Gillespie RB Fla          Add Caldwell WR Fla
9/14    Maulers      DL Staley RB BYU            Add Stevens TE Wash
9/14    Maulers      DL Wyoming QB               Add Colorado QB
9/15    Redhawks   Drop Lowe RB Pur           Add Scobey RB KSU
9/15    Death          Drop Becker RB AFA      Add Sanks RB Geo                            

****ON WAIVERS (Claims processed Friday 9/8)
Sanders RB CSU              Scott RB Wyo              Davis WR Wash
Caldwell WR Fla              Germany WR OSU        Newcomb WR Neb
Buckhalter RB Neb          Fisher RB ND               Taylor WR A&M

9/6    Contrib.        Drop Scott RB Wyo              Add Ennis RB Pur
9/6    Redhawk     Drop Davis WR Wash            Add Elstrom WR Wash
9/6    Cossacks     Drop Caldwell WR Fla           Add McDonald RB BYU
9/6    Elephants     Drop Germany WR OSU       Add Rice WR CSU
9/6    Stingrays      Drop Newcomb WR Neb        Add Works RB Okl
9/6    Q-Dogs         Drop Buckhalter RB Neb      Add Standeford WR Pur
9/6    Maulers        Drop Fisher RB ND                Add Clayborn RB KSU
9/6    Stingrays       Drop Taylor WR A&M          Add Hooks WR Wash
9/6    Stingrays       DL Johnson RB Col               Add Galloway RB Ala
9/7    Death            Drop Sanders RB CSU           Add Becker RB AFA
9/8    Maulers        DL Poli-Dixon WR UCLA      Add Dubravac WR UCLA   

8/31    Death         DL Chambers WR Wisc        Add Sanders RB CSU