Round one of the Playoffs is complete, with the favorites both advancing on. Here's a look at the results:

Stingrays 53    Cossacks 47
The Stingrays finally catch a break, much to the delight of Coach Merv. Merv's Stingrays had put up solid weeks in the final weeks of the regular season, but found themselves facing the vaunted Cossacks team in the opening round of the playoffs. The Stingrays has their worst offensive production of the season, but luckily for them it was still enough. The Stingrays advance on to face the #1 seed Pride, but Merv still likes his chances as the Stingrays are a team that you just can't rule out. Owner Merv had this to say in his post-game interview, "Just win baby...Just win....This was ugly. Time to move on and get it on." Al Davis would be proud of those "just win baby" comments! The Cossacks bow out in their run for a league title. Coach Maze is left shaking his head and wondering where it all went wrong. It seemed the Cosmic Gods had shined down a ray of hope on the Cossacks as they snuck in the playoffs and then get the top scoring team in the league to have their worst scoring week. It all seemed good, right? Nope, the Cossacks pick the wrong defense, despite debating starting the right one, and an injury to Duckett proved to be the final nail in the coffin for the Cossacks. The Cossacks leave the playoffs as a team in a little disarray, as the top brass has some decisions to make on the now in limbo Coach Maze. Asked for his thoughts what happened, Coach Maze had this to say, "Not taking advantage of an off week by Merv was just inexcusable." Better luck next year Maze, if the Ukraine boyz will even have you back!

Q-Dogs 72    Titans 70
Round Two again goes to the Q-Dogs as they get the barely get the win over the Titans. In a re-match from the last week of the regular season, the Q-Dogs let their Dogs out and put away the Titans once and for all. Their reward for putting down Coach Myers III........they get Coach Myers II and the Maulers squad. The Q-Dogs get an all-round solid effort from the team, as the two-headed Coaching staff of Russ/Al have the Q-Dogs rolling right now. Head Coach Russ had this to say at the post-game handshake with the beaten Titan Coach Jeff, "Great game...your squad had Coach Dotson ALL frazzled until the bitter end!! I had to be the rock, ya know??!!" Good to see the coaching staff of the Q-Dogs has put aside the internal bickering! Coach Jeff responded with a remark about his big brother taking them out next week, and Russ responded, "Bring on your big bruddah...the Q-Dogs got somethin' for him!! Get ready, Coach Mike...we're bringin' down the thunder!!" The only negative of the Q-Dogs win is yet another week of "Who Let The Dogs Out" blaring across the PA system. The Titans are the first Myers led team to bow out of the Playoffs, much to the distain of Coach Jeff. Jeff is really kicking himself for leaving Henry and his 16 points on the bench. The Titans couldn't get the needed two points, and will be home for the holidays. I guess the big question is, which home??? The Myers family is still not over that loss to the pathetic Death Squad a few weeks ago. Coach Jeff did put up a good fight, but it just wasn't enough. His thoughts on the season ending loss, "Yesterdays game was a lot of fun (and Nerve racking!). I was watching the UCLA Game, and they were throwing to Mitchell in the endzone, But just couldn't get it to him. He was my Money man, and could have won it for me. Its time for My Big Bro to Step up Now!!!!" Asked on what advice he would give the Q-Dogs staff, Coach Jeff said, "You guys should Take your Kicker Out for a Beer, He won the Game for Ya." Good luck next year Jeff!

Coach McSwain and his Contributors team get a little consolation for not making the playoffs by putting up a league high 74 points to claim the round #1 prize in the Scrub Bowl. The Contributors get a monster day from "Team Purdue", but now face the tough task of Purdue being on a bye next week, so maybe they will not sweep the weekly prizes. Maybe.........

Special Weekly Awards:

Coaching Blunder of the Week: Both the Cossacks and Titans has players on the bench that would have given them the win in Round One.

MVP of the Week:    Tomlinson RB, Stingrays    He posted a playoff high of 21 points to lead the Stingrays over the Cossacks.

Boxscore Blunder of the Week:     No blunders this week, nice job!

Quote of the Week:    Titans Coach Jeff summing up the playoff action to come, "It doesn't get easier from here on out! Now its time to run with the big dogs!!!" Damn, that song is everywhere!

STINGRAYS                  @    PRIDE (-4)
Q-DOGS                         @    MAULERS (-8) 


That is all for now. Good luck to all in the playoffs and my competitors in the Scrub Bowl.

The Commish

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