The regular season is now complete and the playoff teams have been determined. Here is the breakdown of the crucial Week 8 Division games that set the stage for the playoff match-ups:

Pride 98    Stingrays 91
The Pride do the unthinkable and grab the A Division title from the once indestructible Stingrays squad. The Pride finish with the top record of 7-1 and tie the Myers boyz with a league high points of 20. Owners Rose/Brown get to sit back this weekend and enjoy the well deserved bye in round one of the playoffs. The Pride were lead this week by Gardner with a league high 33 points to solidify the A Division crown. Owner Merv is left shaking his head wondering what the hell happened the last two weeks. The Stingrays put up another solid effort but have nothing to show for it. Merv summed it up best, "Having a run of bad luck". The Stingrays draw the hated Cossacks in round #1 of the playoffs and can only hope that their luck turns around. Owner Merv can take pride in the fact that his Stingrays squad did finish with the overall scoring sidepot along with a the longest TD run sidepot. The Stingrays have some unfinished business to take care off though, and Merv will settle for nothing less than a league title.

Redhawks 81    Elephants 65
The Redhawks put a solid effort in the final week in a meaningless game over the Elephants. Owner Corey is left wondering where this Redhawks offense has been all year and hopes they can maybe get them a share of the Scrub Bowl money if they can continue. The Elephants are thankful for the Commish joining the league and preventing them from having the league worst point total. As Owner Brady looks forward to next year, first order of business in to make sure Santa Claus gets his gift list with a computer on the top of it. Being the only team in the league without internet access can't help the cause.

Cossacks 78    Cows 64
Cossacks' Owner Maze bounces back after a close call in week #7 (he thought they loss upon first review) to get the needed win and lead the Cossacks into the playoffs. Free Agent claim Scott puts up 21 points to give the Cossacks just enough to get by the Cows. The Cossacks draw the once mighty Stingrays in round #1, and will need a solid performance to advance on. Owner Maze is ready to battle, and the smack has already started flying, let's hope the Cossacks are up to the task as is Maze. The Cossacks did end up with the longest TD pass sidepot, a 96 yarder is tough to beat! The Cows season comes to an end and Owner Driver is thankful that his Cows squad at least showed up and made Maze sweat it out a bit. Driver is looking forward to next year and hoping that Georgia Southern somehow slips into the top 25 next year, as he has that squad already scouted out.

Maulers 67    Contributors 58
After looking to be a Myers family sweep of the divisions, it turned out to be the Maulers as the only Myers team to get the division title. Owner Mike gets the needed win and wraps up the B Division with the win over the Contributors. The Maulers will be joining the Pride in sitting back and watching others in round #1. The Maulers end up with a share of the league points sidepot with 20 points, but still have their sights set on a rematch with Papa Myers and his Stingrays squad to get their revenge, but will settle for the league title even if they have to wait for next year to settle the score. The Contributors suffer the same fate as the Stingrays in the luck department, but the end result is even worse for Owner McSwain as his squad is left out of the playoffs, despite outscoring half the playoff teams. McSwain rolled the dice with his heavily Purdue based line-up, but they crapped out when the final results were in. The Contributors looked solid most of the time, but now join the likes of the Death squad in the Scrub Bowl.  

Q-Dogs 86    Titans 54
Round One goes to the Q-Dogs as they beat back the Titans to wrap up the C Division title. These two teams meet again in round one of the playoffs, and it has become apparent that these two teams do not like each other. Owners Russ/Al put aside their internal bickering to put the winning line-up on the field. They talked some serious smack before hand, and backed it up on the playing field. They even get back their Florida connection this week and will not let up against the Titans squad. Owner Jeff took the loss but now gets the playoff match-up in round one to get his revenge. The Titans like their chances of advancing as beating the same twice on back-to-back weeks is just not an easy thing to do. Both teams did stake claim to a side-pot, so these are worthy playoff competitors. The Commish personally is so damn sick of hear that stupid "Who let the mutts out" song, but that will be nothing compared to what Jeff will have to hear if the can not advance against the "Woof Woff" Q-Dogs squad. One word..........MACARENA! That "Dog" song will be a distant memory by Christmas.

Christians 39    Death 32
The Christians get the win but fail to make the playoffs. The Christians lose out on the third tie-braker (week #4 loss to the Titans) and are left to compete in the Scrub Bowl. Owner Rusch did hold onto the weekly high points sidepot (114 points) so all was not loss for the Christians. The season mercifully comes to an end for the Death Squad. One win, lowest points scored and just an all-around weak team. Not much to say but hopefully the Commish now understands what college football is all about, and I promise next year will be different. Hell, if the Death Squad wins 2 games next year we have improved!

Special Weekly Awards:

Coaching Blunder of the Week: The final award goes the Death Squad for making the late line-up change Friday evening and moving Chambers to the bench. Chambers ends up scoring 20 points, and that would have gave the Death Squad the win and move them out of the league worst record.

MVP of the Week:    Gardner WR, Pride    He posted a nice 33 points to help the Pride beat the Stingrays and secure the playoff round one bye.

Boxscore Blunder of the Week:     Cossacks    There were no major blunders in Week #8, so we have to go back a week and be reminded of the boxscore Maze sent in that had his Cossacks team losing. Upon further review, he missed a FG and they did actually win the game.

Quote of the Week:    Commish when talking to the @home customer service people when trying get his e-mail problems fixed, "we are dealing with some serious shit here, you are messing with a fantasy college football league, I have seen people get hurt for much less. You gonna fix it or do have to turn the dogs loose???" Damn, I can't get that stupid song out of my head....WOOF WOOF!

TITANS                          @    Q-DOGS (-8)
COSSACKS                    @    STINGRAYS (-15) 


That is all for now. Good luck to all in the playoffs and my competitors in the Scrub Bowl.

The Commish

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